31st MEU, Thai Marines Complete Helicopter Raid

Uploaded on Sunday 17 March 2013


31st MEU, Thai Marines Complete Helicopter Raid
Hat Yao, Thailand
Marines and Sailors of Company C., Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, execute a helicopter raid alongside their Thai counterparts as part of exercise Cobra Gold 2013. The U.S. and Thai Marines inserted together via CH-53E Super Stallion and CH-46E Sea Knight helicopters from Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 262 (Reinforced), 31st MEU. The objective was a small collection of buildings near the beach. The MEU Marines provided support by fi..


Language: English

Length: 0:59

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

31st MEU, Thai Marines Complete Helicopter Raid by US Marine Corps is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain 3.0 License.