Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia - Trailer

Uploaded on Friday 6 July 2012


Check out “Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia”, a new submission to ÉCU 2013. “Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia” is a series, shot over the course of 12 years in Bali and Java, Indonesia, exploring the relationship between culture, mental illness and personal experience.

Regardez la nouvelle submission a Ecu 2013 “Afflictions: Culture and Mental Illness in Indonesia”. Afflictions: la culture et la maladie mentale en Indonésie est une série fait partie, tourné au cours de 12 ans à Bali et Java, Indonésie, en explorant la relation entre la culture, mental expérience de la maladie et personnelle.

To submit to ÉCU 2013, check out our website:


Language: English

Country: France