Cowboy Roy Shows a Shoe How to Tie Itself

Uploaded on Thursday 3 January 2013


A lyrical lesson on shoe tying.

Fun for kids to learn with a catchy song. This video has proven to be effective for children who have difficulty in tying shoes.

This video was made by a talented group of Minnesota filmmakers and crafts-people for a Sesame Street contest. It's rank peaked at 17 out of 350 videos during the end of competition.

"I have a 5 year old son who is getting ready for school this fall. We have been working a long time with him to learn to tie his shoes and he just couldn't get it. I got this video from a lifelong friend and my son watched it several times and is now able to tie his shoes! He LOVES it. He was singing with them after a few times watching it. Thank you VERY much for helping us relate something he loves." - plclark5761

"Loved. My 4 year old watched over and over. Now we are buying shoes with laces. Both boys love singing the song. Catchy!" - Msemrad1

Please leave us your feedback!


Language: English

Length: 1:30

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Cowboy Roy Shows a Shoe How to Tie Itself by Skullquiz Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 License.