Dallas World Cup 2009 - L8 - Montano ITA v Mokretsov RUS
Uploaded on Wednesday 11 May 2011
This is a L8 bout in the Grade A world cup in Dallas, Texas, in the United States of America in 2009. Aldo Montano of Italy is on the right and Ilia Mokretsov of Russia is on the left.
This is a L8 bout in the Grade A world cup in Dallas, Texas, in the United States of America in 2009. Aldo Montano of Italy is on the right and Ilia Mokretsov of Russia is on the left.
This is a L8 bout in the Grade A world cup in Dallas, Texas, in the United States of America in 2009. Aldo Montano of Italy is on the right and Ilia Mokretsov of Russia is on the left.
Language: English
Length: 8:01
Country: United Nations