Dark Knight Rises in China

Uploaded on Friday 24 August 2012


After the long time waiting, Chinese audience will see "Dark Knight Rises" on August 27. Even though the shooting in Colorado is terrible, the audience in China is still thrilled to be able to see this film in the theater.

经过长时间的等待,《蝙蝠侠3——黑暗骑士崛起》将于8月27日在中国大陆上映。经过发生在科罗拉多州的枪击案让人非常伤心,但是大陆的观众还是很高兴能够在影院欣赏到这部电影。Hello Hollywood将向大陆的观众们介绍这部电影的一些精彩片段和演员采访,让我们先睹为快。

Metan first launched in early 2009, and since then has made incredible inroads in developing the media market in China. Metan’s flagship series Hello! Hollywood is a weekly entertainment news show, covering Hollywood news, gossip, trends and pop culture.


Language: Chinese (simplified)

Country: China

Creative Commons License

Dark Knight Rises in China by Hello Hollywood is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain 3.0 License.