Elaha Mahboob on Social Media and Digital Marketing in Afghanistan

Uploaded on Thursday 23 May 2013


Elaha Mahboob has been working with the Afghan Citadel Software Company as a Web Design Manager and Software Developer since 2010. She is also teaching female students how to use social media and is working on the development of the Examer, an online examination system, in collaboration with Film Annex in New York City. She believes that social media has changed her life in many different ways. It gives her the opportunity to find many people all around the world and, as an Afghan woman, to share her ideas with them and start her own virtual life. Social media is a new phenomenon in Afghanistan, with a high potential and a significant influence on people's lives.


Language: English

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Elaha Mahboob on Social Media and Digital Marketing in Afghanistan by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.