Film Annex's Comic Con - The Animation Heaven

Uploaded on Friday 12 October 2012


While Comic Con does its thing, Film Annex celebrates its growing list of super talented animators from all over the world. While we were putting our new homepage together, we were reminded of how many amazing animated films we have on our platform (over 400!). Only a couple weeks ago, we hosted Jonathan Ng at our studio. Meeting him in person was a great experience, and now we can put a face and personality behind his animations.

If you take a look at our success stories, you'll notice that 5 out of 12 filmmakers are animators. Film Annex is not only an animation heaven, but also an animator's haven. With the revenues they generated on their Web TVs, these lucky filmmakers were able to invest in new projects that will perhaps one day end up at Comic Con!


Lucky Day Forever

The world of snowboy crow episode-1

The Arctic Circle



Language: English

Length: 00:39

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Film Annex's Comic Con - The Animation Heaven by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.