Francesco Rulli - Film Annex Piggy Bank App

Uploaded on Friday 9 September 2011


Francesco Rulli talks about new App Piggy Bank

《Film Annex's Piggy Bank pays filmmakers. YouTube? Not so much.》
Piggy Bank is an app (see Piggy Bank @ iTunes Store) that allows Film Annex users to instantly see their current revenue status. The revenue share on all Film Annex Web TVs is 50/50. All users will receive 50% of the revenues generated on their channel(s) every month. There is a revenue graph located on each users "MyPage" that will show users the revenue stats. Film Annex also provides user education on "How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Web TV and Increase Your Revenues."

YouTube simply can't compete with this business model.

Every user gets a free Web TV channel upon registering to Film Annex. Revenues and sponsorships are generated by the volume of traffic a Web TV receives. You can add movies and blog posts to your channels, making them personal and interactive.
To create your Web TV now, sign-up!
If you already have a Web TV, learn more about how to manage and promote it on our help page.
In this film, Francesco Rulli talks about the new Film Annex app - Piggy Bank:

《Film Annex以小猪扑满(Piggy Bank)报酬电影制片人. YouTube有吗?》
小猪扑满(Piggy Bank)是一个应用程式(请访问在iTunes Store的Piggy Bank),允许Film Annex的用户可以即时看到他们目前的收入状况。所有Film Annex网络电视的广告收入共享份额是50/50。每个月,所有用户都会收到由他们的网络电视频道所产生的收入的50%。在每个用户的操作介面选单里的“我的主页”,将显示用户的收入统计的收入图。Film Annex还提供给用户一篇指南-“如何使用Facebook推广您的网络电视,并增加您的收入”.


只要您注册Film Annex,每位用户都可以免费拥有一个网络电视频道。 任何一个网络电视所获得的访问量将会产生收入和赞助。您可以将电影和博客文章添加到您的频道里,增加您的网络电视内容和互动性。
如果您已经拥有了一个网络电视,请访问我们的Film Annex帮助页面,了解更多有关如何管理和推广网络电视的信息。
在这段视频里,Film Annex 的创始人兼总裁-弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli)谈及Film Annex新开发的应用程式-小猪扑满(Piggy Bank):


Language: English

Length: 1:34

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Francesco Rulli - Film Annex Piggy Bank App by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.