Funismagus Project

Uploaded on Friday 27 April 2012


Funismagus Project designs the magic wand of an explorer who sets forth on a journey for revenge. The magic wand will fight four powers of the ancient world (fire, water, earth and air) and it will lead the way for the explorer. The material, of which the wand is made, is the thread torn off from ten great magicians’ robes as the thread is the closest material to the human body. It surrounds one, shifts shape and stretches or shrinks accordingly.
In the video, you will see how the explorer selects where to go in a valley and the interactive solutions I came up for the issue.

This project was made within Project Lecture II which makes basis interactivity research.

Tech details: I used morpheus rig as a character and I designed and built clothes on to it. Here is the rig available for download


Language: Silent

Length: 3:07

Country: Turkey

Creative Commons License

Funismagus Project by Gokalp Gonen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.