Paris World Cup - FINAL - Fiedler GER v Tagliariol ITA

Uploaded on Friday 8 April 2011


This is the Gold Medal bout (L2/Final) of the men's Epee grade A world cup in Paris, France in 2011. Joerg Fiedler of Germany is on the right and Matteo Tagliariol of Italy is on the left.

This is the Gold Medal bout (L2/Final) of the men's Epee grade A world cup in Paris, France in 2011. Joerg Fiedler of Germany is on the right and Matteo Tagliariol of Italy is on the left.

This is the Gold Medal bout (L2/Final) of the men's Epee grade A world cup in Paris, France in 2011. Joerg Fiedler of Germany is on the right and Matteo Tagliariol of Italy is on the left.


Language: English

Length: 10:01

Country: France