Project I.G.I Mission Finding the Bomb(part 9)
This movie is about the fourteen and last mission of Project I.G.I(part 9). The name of the mission is Finding the bomb. Because Anaya and Jones have to find the bomb in this mission. In this last mission of Project I.G.I Jones have to do two works. His mission is to kill Ekk and to find the bomb. Ekk is the head of enemies. She is a girl and he want to blast a bomb. But you will see that how Jones will find her and kill her and how Anaya and Jones will find the bomb.This mission will be last mission of Project I.G.I. I hope all of you had enjoyed my previous videos about the different mission of Project I.G.I. I want to tell all of you that after this last mission my work and videos about Project I.G.I will not stop. I mean to say that after this mission I will provide you the videos of mission of Project I.G.I. The location of the mission is so beautiful and charming. The mission is so interesting and enjoyable.In this mission the enemy soldiers are like commando soldier. In this mission there is a large number of enemy before the Jones and Jones have to complete this mission. He will face many difficulties.The whole mission is in the under ground area. Let see the movie and enjoy a wonderful and fantastic mission.
This film is about the very famous game of computer. The game is very interesting and so I decided to show all of you this interesting game played by me.I hope all of you will enjoy this movie a lot.
Language: English
Length: 2:05
Country: Pakistan