Social Media Blogs - Francesco Rulli

Uploaded on Monday 1 October 2012


In this video, Film Annex Founder/CEO Francesco Rulli explains the concept of social media blogs. Writing is more efficient than talking because it can be searched online using specific keywords. Because explaining concepts is easier in writing, blogging gives people the opportunity to establish knowledge about topics and share it with others. The use of keywords is important when blogging, and every blogger should know what keywords are relevant to them and their field so they can establish a strong presence online. As part of the Afghan Development Project, Francesco Rulli's established "building schools in Afghanistan" as his specific keywords.

Visit the Francesco Rulli Web TV for more blogs and videos.


Language: English

Length: 03:40

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Social Media Blogs - Francesco Rulli by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.