Stacey Asher on Afghanistan's Education and Economy

Uploaded on Thursday 27 September 2012


Stacey Asher has been working in the hedge fund industry for the past 7 years, and she created a platform that combines people's love for investing with philanthropy. Having admired the dedication of many leaders in the Hedge Fund industry and seeing the the causes they support, she wanted to encourage people in all stages of their career to consider charitable giving.

Stacey has volunteered and contributed to many different philanthropic organizations in New York and abroad. The goal of Portfolios with Purpose is to inspire individuals to align themselves with worthwhile philanthropic causes and encourages charitable giving on a broader scale. PwP has participation from many of the financial industry's most admired and high-profile investors, but it is also something that everyone can participate in, even if you have never picked a stock in your life.

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Language: English

Length: 5:54

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Stacey Asher on Afghanistan's Education and Economy by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.