TIME 100 Roya Mahboob and Karen Black on Socio-economic development growth and entrepreneurship in TEDx, Kabul

Uploaded on Wednesday 8 May 2013


Karen E. Black is the Senior ICT Advisor for Deloitte Consulting and works for ISAF Telecommunications Advisory Team in the ICT sector in Afghanistan. In her presentation for TEDx Kabul with Roya Mahboob, she explained the importance of ICT, particularly for women in Afghanistan. She believes that women are a stabilizing and innovative force for Afghanistan and the rest of the world. She also thinks that access to information is not only a fundamental human right but a critical one for women's empowerment and that gender equality creates stability and prosperity.


Language: English

Country: Afghanistan

Creative Commons License

TIME 100 Roya Mahboob and Karen Black on Socio-economic development growth and entrepreneurship in TEDx, Kabul by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.