Photo slideshow - Bayreuth, Germany
Livigno & Livigno Lake, Italy 2014-07-06…
Culver dart 1939
Velox XL, KingTech K-180G, flight in…
Boomerang, flight in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
Boomerang, "Touch and Go" in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
Hotspot, flight in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
Stits Playboy, flight in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
Bear pilot - Stits Playboy says Hi!
Photo slideshow - Bamberg, Germany
Photo slideshow - Hermitage in Bayreuth,…
Photo slideshow - Nuremberg, Germany…
Hotspot with ATJ turbine start up in…
Hotspot with ATJ turbine start up in…
Flying camp for RC Airplanes in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
Sbach 342, 60cc Mintor, "Touch and…
Jet Boomerang, flight in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
Sbach 342, 60cc Mintor, flight in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
SebArt Sukhoi 29S, acrobatics flight…
Culver dart 1939, flight in Ghisalba(Bergamo,…
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