Cairo University 1
Cairo Universityis one of the oldest universities around the world as , it was established in December 21 , 1908 which means almos…
Cairo Universityis one of the oldest universities around the world as , it was established in December 21 , 1908 which means almos…
Two reviews in one day, I must be going for some kind of record. It has taken me six years to watch the latest in the 'Indiana Jon…
فلسفه دین چیست ؟ زمانی فلسفه دین کلا" به معنای تفکر فلسفی در باب دین یعنی…
I watched this film almost 24 hours ago and I have had to wait that time in order to fully appreciate what I watched and let my fi…
در نخست می خواهم بیان كوتاهی از مفهوم شخصیت و اجتماعی بودن را ارایه كنم. …
Today afghan people are realizing that support and work hand in hand with Security Forces is a way for bringing peace and stabilit…
Afghanistan needs to save its connection with all countries. It is the best way that we experienced in the past. Afghanistans his…
Jamal Udine Afghani (سید جمال الدین افعانی) Sayed Jamaluddin Afghan known in Arab world as(Jamal al-Din al-Afg…
حضرت شیخ عبدالقادر جیلانیؒ عراق کے شہر بغداد کے ایک قصبے گیلان میں۴۷۰ھ …
حدس شما فقط همین باشه که باور نکرده ام چون تنها تصور نه, باور کردنشم خیلی…