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تلو تلو

kaveh ayreek

دارم تلو تلو ثانیه هایت را میپایم بارانی ات را به اغوش مترسک هدیه میدهی …

by mohammadhasani

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Ameneh akbary

رباعی عبارت از قالب شعری است که دارای چهار مصراع بوده مصراع اول، دوم و چ…

by amenehakbary

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Asian women!

Empowerment Of Women (Blogger: Happy Snail)

Any society is only has strong as the women within it; empowering women, educating women, and making available equal opportunities…

by KateSuperstar

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Religion (Blogger: Happy Snail)

The term "Catholicism" is at times used to show contrast between Protestantism. Those who practice within Protestant religions ten…

by StellaAronstein

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