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Wakeskating master

Extreme Sport

Wakeskating is an adaptation of wake boarding. It includes a similar board; however, the rider is not bound to the board which add…

by fastestTest

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K-pop vs. J-pop

Gene Geter

For those of you who are not familiar with the abbreviations above the following information will be probably less interesting tha…

by dancein

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Hope Devote

One little ride that I have always wanted to go on and hope to at some point in the very near future is on a hot air balloon. I kn…

by sky-ish

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Good morning, my dear friends. It is getting a little bit colder these days, and that's unfortunate. Summer is passing by... I ke…

by IvanK

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My Homeland

Haroon Mehrzad

A homeland is the concept of the place to which an ethnic group holds long history and a deep culture.Yes thats true I am an Afgha…

by HraoonMehrzad

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