علم کمپيوتر بدو بخش عمده تقسيم گرديده است
علم کمپيوتر بدو بخش عمده تقسيم گرديده است 1- Hardware -2 Software 1- Hardware هاردوير:…
علم کمپيوتر بدو بخش عمده تقسيم گرديده است 1- Hardware -2 Software 1- Hardware هاردوير:…
WHAT IS A COMPUTER Computer is an electronic machine which changes the data into useful information Or: Computer is an electronic …
یہ ایک پرانی کہاوت ہے کہ " انسان غلطی کے لیے ہے اور الٰہی معاف کرنے کی لیے…
اننا نجلس بالساعات والساعات على الإنترنت دون أدنى إستفادة أو إحساس بال…
Unemployment means lack of employment, inability to find work for which one is suited by nature or attainments. If all persons in …
Nowadays different things are in circulation about making money through internet all over the world. It is also true that you can …
The local government of Ghor province distributed approximately 2000 Visit Cards along phone numbers from different governmental o…
Some people think that programming is hard to learn in this post i want to tell you about a very great website that teach programm…
Hazrat zaid bin Haris Hazrat zaid was bought as a slave in Syria by a nephew of hazrat khadija. He brought him to makkah and gifte…
ورزش در یک کشور عبارت از سمبول آزادی ،استقلال،صلح دوستی ،وحدت و همبستگی…