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Omar Zobair Hamidy

برنج غذاي اصلي سه حصه جهان آياميذانييد كه برنج غذاي است كه اكثريت كشور ه…

by omar-zobair-hamidy

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Healthy food

yasar asekzai

Healthy food As it is said that Good Health worths half a Kingdom It is something that everyone says but still less is known how …

by yasar-asekzai

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A journey by train

sss khan

Travel in itself is a great fun and experience. But travelling by a train has some more attraction. The experience of a train jour…

by sss-khan

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Dina mohy

العلاقة بين كميات الأشياء التي ترغب الناس في امتلاكها والكميات المتاحة…

by dina-mohy

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