Best Personality:- Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.a.w.w)
There are many personalities in the world, which inspires different people. The most respectful and sacred personality is Prophet …
There are many personalities in the world, which inspires different people. The most respectful and sacred personality is Prophet …
از مدرسه که برمیگشتم... با دوستانم غرق صحبت و خنده بودم.... و یادم نبود که ص…
Marriage is a deified relation between a couple. It is like an agreement and contract between couple and their children and with t…
باورچی خانہ گھر کا ایک اہم ترین حصہ ہوتا ہے کیونکہ افراد خانہ کی صحت کا ا…
آج میں نےجس موضوع کا انتخاب کیا ہے وو ہے ایک ٹیچر !کی کہانی انہی کی زبان ا…
So basically this is going to be a small biography about me. I really enjoy social media and when I found out about this I thought…
٩/٥/٢٠١٤ آج کا دن میں صوبہ سویرے اپنے ایک کچھ دوست نومان ،بخاری اویس نور …
Maulana Muhammad Ali Jouhar Muhammad Alis father was a member of the Rampur nobility. The state of his finances was not at all sa…
Jane Austen was a great novelist of the romantic age. She was a daughter of a humble Clergyman living in a little village. As a no…
به چه سوگندخورم؟ به حبابي كه لب جوي دلش مي تركد؟ يالب پنجره خيس زباران ش…