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Self Confidence

Usman Javed

Self confidence or self reliance means to develop confidence in one's self. In other words it is the capacity of an individual to …

by Zeeshan-Javed

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School life


Time spent out of school is a time for all of a person who has passed out from school is spent very valuable and enjoyable. With p…

by shahbazkhan

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منزل پارٹ ۲

syed hidayatullah

حقیقت ہے اسکی کہ اتنی اہم منزل وہ اس قدر بے بسی سے طے کرتا ہے۔ وہ جو اسکے …

by hadilove

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Trend of jewelery

Benish Khan

Jewelry has different kinds like artificial ,gold ,silver .......Now a day artificial jewelry popular in girls and women.Trend of …

by benish-khan

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