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As it is clear language is denote of infrastructure between people to broadcast their commission or reaction. Language is key to t…

by sulaiman13sayee

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Punctuality means doing something exactly at the proper time it is supreme value that in every body life.we all know that the time…

by sulaiman13sayee

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نور چراغ

mahnaz ahmadi

مدت هاا بود که از پنجره اتاقم به بیرون نگاه میکردم.در نیمه شب همه ی کوچه …

by mahnaz-ahmadi

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Our house

faridoon barekzai

Our house is bright and shiny that is air blowing clear and fresh on our house. We live in Herat city with our parents, sisters, b…

by faridoonbarekzai

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