Ramadanis the ninth month of the islamic calendar, andMuslimsall over the world observe fasting during daylight hours. It lasts fo…
Ramadanis the ninth month of the islamic calendar, andMuslimsall over the world observe fasting during daylight hours. It lasts fo…
One of the craziest people in the world is not too far from home, that is, our television screen. Im referring to the beloved ente…
از آنجایکه خداوندانسان را اشرف مخلوقات و بهترین موجود روی زمین خلق کرده…
Something that we may not consider a big deal but truly is for the Islamic-dominant society in Iran, cabinet members opened Facebo…
Historically , there has been a lack of information and reliable statistics about Afghanistan's economy . In the early modern peri…
In the changing world, the education role is getting highlighted more and more every day. Stable Development needs knowledge and e…
شماخانمها واقایان که دوست دارید همیشه کفشهای ظریف بپوشیدیااقایانی که ب…
مكتب رفتن چندين سال پيش تا حالا بسيار تفاوت كرده است، مكتب هاي امروزي هر…
آیا تا کنون احساس افسردگی، خستگی و کسالت به شما دست داده است؟ اگر اینگون…
Even without troops in Afghanistan, the international community can and should support womens rights.International oversight doesn…