(Janet Perlmananimating on the cabin porch in the Quebec countryside near Bolton-Est, Quebec) With the upcoming internet launch of…
(Janet Perlmananimating on the cabin porch in the Quebec countryside near Bolton-Est, Quebec) With the upcoming internet launch of…
Michael Sweeney and Film Annex Film Annex is a social platform that pays its users Bitcoin for creating and sharing original conte…
So early last week i invested in a new camera just a simple budget suitable canon 1000d and i'm considering producing my own photo…
So Sunday just gone i was a emotional shoot featuring interviews with two people about one of them saving the others life and I ha…
General Parvez Musharraf the son of Syed Musharraf Uddin and Zarin Musharraf born on August 11, 1943, in Old Dehli India. He belon…
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes…
فقروتنگدستی: عبارت است از نداشتن ضرورت های اولیه که انسان به آنها ضرورت …
دو پرسشی که همیشه ممکن است در زندگی خود با آن روبرو شوید: از کجایید؟ به ک…
در قدم نخست میخواهم که احساسات خود را با دانش آموزها افغانستان در میانب…
این مقاله من ترجمه یک مقاله انلگیسی در فلم انکس است. خدا کند که مورد پسند…