I was at a family BBQ the other day and some of my cousins brought their couple month old babies to the party. We were talking abo…
I was at a family BBQ the other day and some of my cousins brought their couple month old babies to the party. We were talking abo…
One little ride that I have always wanted to go on and hope to at some point in the very near future is on a hot air balloon. I kn…
According to some sources now there is the rumor that Christopher Nolan's recommendation for Batman, in the Man of Steel sequel(ak…
قسیم اخگر بر بسیاری از افراد نسل ما وام زیادی دارد: هم بر فکر و رفتار ما و…
شهرت چیز خوبی است؛ اما در افغانستان شهرت هزینهای دارد که برخی آدمها حاض…
سلام امروز زنگ زدی و گلایه کردی فامیل دور .... نمیدانم و نمیدانی که چقدر ا…
Photo Designed by Jamil Yosufi International news sources have given a tollthatin Afghanistan war has increased 27 percent. Accor…
The 9/11 attacks in the USA : we are going to analysis the 11 of September attacks in USA as level of analysis in political scince…
Introduction: When friends first told me about a brilliant, hip Afghan-Canadian female pop singer who was winning over audiences i…
زمانیکه الله تعالی تمام بنده گان خود را از قبر میخیزاند و به هر شخص اعما…