"I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taleban. I have had such dreams since the launch of the milita…
"I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taleban. I have had such dreams since the launch of the milita…
Life in New York moves at a fast pace. For some, this was a short week as Monday was Columbus Day. In spite of spending it with my…
This month marked the 12th Anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. As the war continues in this country, the best way to honor the …
The first step is to provide the tools to the students: Computers and Internet connection. The second step is to help them create …
Traditional societies like Afghanistan are shaped by thousands of years of history. Cultural differences appear as a challenge to …
I'm a teacher, and it makes me angry when I see kids here in the US taking education for granted. When I see them not paying atten…
Democracy can be torpedoed by personality cult politics. Election does not equate to democracy or a free society. That is the most…
Conflict has been waged with Spanish colonialists, the US who followed and finally the Philippines Government, but the Moro Islami…
It must be really depressing to see people landing up on the shore half famished or almost on the verge of death. This is what hap…
Sustainablesocial responsibility, philanthropy, and education is the only solution to a better World. Dropping money into a system…