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Waleed Iqbal

The most beautiful word on the lips of the mankind is the mother and the most beautiful sound is call of the mymother. It is the …

by Maani-Annex

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When God wanted to create woman.He ordered angels to bring coolness of moon,Tears of dewdrops, light of stars, songs of nightingal…

by MoudyBoy

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Time has taken wings, I say For years pass as if in a day We have to move in April and May And have to progress day by day We ar…

by MoudyBoy

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I Wished


I wished, I were a bird, Which is free. To soar, in the skies. To glide in the winds. Seeking new lands, for a Glimpse of the sun,…

by MoudyBoy

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تاریخ مصر

Usman Shaukat

تاریخ مصر ایک اندازے کے مطابق مصری باشندے تقریباً ٥٠٠٠ ہزار سال قبل مسی…

by usman-annex

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