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Both ways the noisy machines go by, some old some sad some scream and cry. they come in a variety of shapes, prices, and sounds, s…

by DustinMcTaggart

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یکی ازخصوصیات دردین مقدس اسلام توحید ویقین داشتن می باشد .وبایدتمام مسل…

by linarahim

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Waleed Iqbal

BASANT FAIRBasant is a fastival of kite flying.It means yellow colr.It is associated with the blooming of yellow flowers of mustur…

by Maani-Annex

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Internet Today

Waleed Iqbal

INTERNETInternet is the link between the networks of different cities and countries.It joins the computers of the whole world.The …

by Maani-Annex

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