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The Evils of War

Usman Javed

"Their men young and old, I took prisoners, of some I cut off the hands and feet, of others, I cut off the noses, ears and lips of…

by Zeeshan-Javed

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Dignity and Pride

Waleed Iqbal

Holy Quran States "God made man the most honourable and dignified of all his creation". Another verse of Holy Quran says that "Ver…

by Maani-Annex

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Amir Ali Sher Nawaie

"دوستی آنست که بلبل با رخ گل میکند" "صد جفا از خار بیند باز هم تحمل میکند" …

by AmirAliSherNawaie

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A number of things won't be let to look for the sunshine throughout your day... Folklore has it the reality will almost always set…

by mehranannex

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