There's No Madness like Reefer Madness
"Reefer Madness" was released in 1936 as a propaganda piece warning of the dangers of 'dread marihuana.' There's a great rolling p…
"Reefer Madness" was released in 1936 as a propaganda piece warning of the dangers of 'dread marihuana.' There's a great rolling p…
1- Meet everyone with a smile on your face because they deserve it. 2- Be always niceto people even if you feel that some of t…
از میز نهارخوری خانوادگی اش چیزی جز دو تا لاستیک پنجر باقی نمانده بود . ا…
Peace is the backbone of any country towards the development, and police is the main peace keeping and crime control force inside …
Due to their towering legs and their long necks, giraffes stand as the world's tallest mammal. Their legs alone are taller than th…
The Small Business Administration, or SBA exists to help you start up and grow your business. They can direct you to loans and eve…
عفو کردن خود و دیگران دادن یک رای مثبت به تز زیستن در زمان حال است. "من خو…
تو خیلی پیشتر از اینها مورد تجاوز قرار گرفته ای. شاید یادت نیاید. اولین ب…
در این نوشته می خواهم که کتابداستانرا برای شما به طور مختصر معرفی نمایم…
از سالیان متمادی بدین سو نظام دنیا به شکل پیچیده ای تغییر کرده است. همه ر…