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Water is Life


Water is life Mineral water is the one result the whole world can not persevere without, without mineral water its troublesome t…

by ihsanannex

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Kamil Khan

What is sectarianism? It is the division of people in various opposite ideological school of thoughts and groups within the same r…

by kamil-khan

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Malake Jalali School

زندگی چه واژه ئ زیبا و پر معنایی است،اما این زیبایی گاهی چنان دلگیر وانو…

by MalakeJalaliSchool

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من و خودم


ناهید سال دوم دانشگاهش بود، دانشکده ژورنالیزم، خیلی دختر مستعد و لایق ب…

by nilofarsahraa

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