Models Opening New Doors to New Culture
For some reason, most of foreigners might think that all Afghan women wear a burqa, a long, blue scarf that covers all the body. A…
For some reason, most of foreigners might think that all Afghan women wear a burqa, a long, blue scarf that covers all the body. A…
The things women can do today are much more different from what they could do a decade ago in Afghanistan. Just a decade ago women…
Keylight was developed by CFC but it was extended and marketed globally by the Foundry in London. Keylight was originally written …
Mad Men has become vastly popular and is likely to remain so. The choice to do a piece set in such recent history has given AMC th…
Brent Huff, the director of "Chasing Beauty - The Ugly Side of Being Pretty", sent me a message last week to make me aware of his …
The development of a country depends on its economy. Turkmenistan has got huge underground resources such as gas and oil. There fo…
During this week in Bagh Nazargah high school toke monthly examination from students and most of students did enter to social medi…
During of the past week the educational manager of Bagh Nazargah High school had a meeting with department employees about the tea…
Time is money, there for; people do not waste their time, for example, on staying home and watching television as much as they hav…
The monthly examination held from students and the students divided into groups and then their teacher got groups projects among c…