Согласно недавней статье в TechCrunch, AOL внесла в планы приобретение Adap.tv……
Согласно недавней статье в TechCrunch, AOL внесла в планы приобретение Adap.tv……
وفقا لاخر مدونة موقع تيك كرانش Tech Crunch,منظمة آي او ايل”AOL” تريد بان……
AOL has made plans to acquire Adap.tv according to a recent article in TechCrunch. The deal includes $322 million in cash and $83……
Строительство школ в Афганистане является сложной перспективой. Некоторые……
Film Annex has found another supporter for their development initiatives in Afghanistan! Check out the following video of Sean Behr,……
Sean Behr is the General Manager of Adap.tv. He has a wealth of experience in the field of video advertising and has worked his way……
Linking social and digital media to building schools in Afghanistan is my priority. Using Film Annex's business model to support……