Bitlanders at Italian race: Rally of Casentino 2015

After the last race held in November last year at the Rally City of Palladio, the brand Bitlanders is back in motorsport, once again……
After the last race held in November last year at the Rally City of Palladio, the brand Bitlanders is back in motorsport, once again……
Alessandro Fatichi has been racing cars in Italy since 2010. He has also worked in the financial sector since 1986. He talked to us……
Lo scorso mese di Ottobre, durante l’ultima gara del campionato italiano rally a Verona, ha fatto la sua comparsa il marchio……
Last October, during the final round of the Italian Rally Championship in Verona, the brand Bitlanders has made its appearance. For……
Nel primo fine settimana di agosto si è svolta in Veneto la 40ma edizione della gara in salita Alpe del Nevegal. Per Alessandro……
In the first weekend of August in Veneto was held 40th edition of the race uphill Alps of Nevegal. Alessandro Fatichi was at the debut……
La gara che si è svolta lo scorso 11 maggio a Belluno, in Italia, è stata la prima volta del marchio Film Annex /……
The race that was held last May 11 in Belluno , Italy, was the first time the brand Film Annex Bitcoin Sponsorship on a rally car.The……
Mercoledì 23 Aprile si è svolto il Test dell’equipaggio composto da Alessandro Fatichi e Cristian Pollini, con……
In Wednesday April 23rd a test was held by the crew composed by Alessandro Fatichi and Cristian Pollini with the Renault Clio R3 of……