来自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有关 Examer电影计划(Examer Film Project)的最新动态:……
来自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有关 Examer电影计划(Examer Film Project)的最新动态:……
來自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有關Examer電影計劃(Examer Film Project)的最新動態:……
فلم اینیکس 300000 استعمال کرنے والوں کیساتھ ایک آن لائن پلیٹ فارم ہے۔ جن میں……
"AFGHANISTAN IN MY HEART" Finally will kiss the dust, those who set you on fire Will be hanged finally your robbers No worry at all,……
Some of children in the world especially in Afghanistan as they haven’t been presided and due to other difficulties must do……
Education is the most essential phenomenon in a society which has a big impact in everyone’s life, but unfortunately mankind……
Although our online fundraiser didn’t go as well as we had hoped we are continuing with our plans to produce our documentary,……
As you might imagine, events will continue to become quite dramatic as US troops wind-down their mission in Afghanistan. I spoke……
The more I see the more I am convinced that the best environment within which to educate children with disabilities is a combination……
Film Annex is an online film platform with over 300,000 users, of which 40,000 are professionals from the film industry. Each one……
Introduction: Dr. Shinkai Hakimi is an Afghan-American pulmonary/critical care physician living in the United States. She……
This week, I am staying in Miami with my family. We are guests of a friend. His apartment is located in a very quaint part of South……
"With the right vision for the future and the right emphasis on improving the quality of education and getting 100 % of school age……
Schools, where the average ages of Zoo Vanda beings civilized human into the 21st century. Unfortunately, Afghanistan had not luxury……
Education represents the basis upon which society is built. It’s the foundation of most skills and thought processes that need……
It's hard enough for young women around the world to escape the spiral of prostitution with their own forces, but it's even harder……
Different countries mean different cultures. Different cultures mean different lifestyles. And different lifestyles mean that……
Ever since its inception in 1989, the Baghnazargah School in Herat has worked to bring education to the lives of thousands……
Summer is knocking at the door, and this past Sunday my girlfriend and I walked to Central Park and chilled there for a few hours.……