Search results for: "afghan_people"

Afghanistan - Pictures of Today #1
Afghanistan In My Heart

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Social Culture


     Social culture is something which is considered in Afghanistan well. They respect their parents, family members,……

by zahrra

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Make money online fast


Afghan people make money in different ways since the last 12 years. Some through working at governmental & non-governmental organizations,……

by zahrra

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Afghan Fashion

AbdulTawab Kian

The word fashion is something new to Afghan people. in the mean time, a terrible word not only for Afghan women but for men when Taliban……

by susann

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Fashion Marketing


 Fashion is a word that Afghan people have recently recognized it. When Taliban was on power, no Afghan individual had the right……

by ferriba

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War in Afghanistan

AbdulTawab Kian

Afghan people have experienced three years of war; the wars that caused Afghan people feel huge setbacks in their lives.     ……

by susann

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Foreign forces

Omar Nasir Mojaddidi

Since the last ten years, from more than 40 countries led by the United States of America have entered into Afghanistan. They rebuilt……

by Zohal

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Afghanistan Culture


Afghan people have a rich and valuable culture. The Afghan culture turns to 5000 years ago. In Afghan 5000-year-old culture, there……

by zahrra

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Food in Afghanistan

Omar Nasir Mojaddidi

There are 34 provinces in Afghanistan with several kinds of foods they fix. For example, the traditional food Maimana dwellers eat……

by Zohal

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NATO withdrawal


It’s more than ten years that NATO troops led by the United States of America have entered Afghanistan. They have eliminated……

by zahrra

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NATO withdrawal


After withdrawing of the NATO troops from Afghanistan, Afghan situation will not face to serious challenges.  Now, Afghan forces……

by sussan

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Sportsman Spirit


A true sportsman in his heart, Zahir Aghbar, believes in leading from the front. The 49-year-old coach of the Afghan national squad……

by TheArtist

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