@WomensAnnex Introduces #Bitcoin to Afghan Students To Elevate Digital Literacy
The Women's Annex crew has recently been interviewed by CoinTelegraph, a website that covers Bitcoin news. Digital Currency or Crypto……
The Women's Annex crew has recently been interviewed by CoinTelegraph, a website that covers Bitcoin news. Digital Currency or Crypto……
There is always problems with new word in English especially for afghan students . because English is their third language at……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
Che cos'è una comunità? In genere ci si riferisce a un gruppo di persone o a una società; la prima cosa che ci……
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes……
"Women are the real architects of society. "– Harriet Beecher Stowe امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن است. روزی……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
Having the utmost respect and trust on educational institutions seems to be shattering for me, I always believed that college time……
来自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有关 Examer电影计划(Examer Film Project)的最新动态:……
Supereroi afghani! Sì, sarebbero davvero interessanti. Ed è la prima volta che ne sentite parlare. Trovare eroi in un……
Afghan superheroes! Yes, it would be very interesting and also the first time you would hear about it. Finding the real heroes of……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
來自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有關Examer電影計劃(Examer Film Project)的最新動態:……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
Are you ready to become a Filmmaker? Filmmaking is one of the most powerful artistic mediums as it brings pictures, sound, and acting……
Education represents the base of the development of all individuals and the society they will contribute to build. Lack of education……
Media is the only field that has really improved a lot during the past years in Afghanistan. It has its own freedom, however, there……
How much do you spend everyday to read online articles and news? I am almost addicted to specific websites which I have to check it……
A couple of months ago, when I came back from the USA to Afghanistan, I had a lot of ideas on programs for Afghan students, especially……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
The school is getting ready for the semi-test examinations. The teachers and the educational manager attended in a meeting to evaluate……
One of the big wishes of all afghan students is to familiarize with all new technologies in the world to contest with other students……
دانشگاه آمریکایی افغانستان، یکی از معتبرترین دانشگاه های است که درافغانستان……
Calling all FILMMAKERS! In the age of social media, filmmakers need all the support they can get. Believe it or not, a student in……