Non perdetevi Afghanistoons: la serie a fumetti più famosa al mondo di #proverbiafgani in inglese, dari e pashto

COMUNICATO STAMPA: "È sabato, è tempo di AFGHANISTOONS!" !تشویش نکن Tashweesh nako! (Non preoccupatevi!) ……
COMUNICATO STAMPA: "È sabato, è tempo di AFGHANISTOONS!" !تشویش نکن Tashweesh nako! (Non preoccupatevi!) ……
MEDIA RELEASE: "If it's Saturday, it's AFGHANISTOONS!" !تشویش نکن Tashweesh nako! (Don't worry!) If you've……
I've posted panels of "Afghanistoons", my collaboration with Film Annex member Edward Zellem, here before but always the versions……
Last Sunday I was in church (First Assembly of God in East Chicago), and after praise and worship and the offering, and before the……
COMUNICATO STAMPA – PER PUBBLICAZIONE IMMEDIATA Fumettista di East Chicago e Capitano della Marina statunitense lanciano "Afghanistoons"……
This has been a quite turbulent week for me. In preparing to do "Afghanistoons" with Edward Zellem (see, I got your name right,……
Here I was today, all set to do a bunch of comics for the upcoming "Afghanistoons" with Edward Zeller. Even the local PBS station……
Yes, I am a professional cartoonist/animator/caricaturist. Yes, I want to make more money at this. Yes, I want more people……
MEDIA RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE East Chicago cartoonist and U.S. Navy captain launch “Afghanistoons” –……