Intervista ad Alison Snowden - Yellow Sticky Notes - Canadian Anijam
(Gli animatori vincitori dell'Oscar David Fine ed Alison Snowden - moglie e marito - mentre realizzano, seduti sulle rocce, le animazioni……
(Gli animatori vincitori dell'Oscar David Fine ed Alison Snowden - moglie e marito - mentre realizzano, seduti sulle rocce, le animazioni……
(Oscar winning animators and husband and wife, David Fine and Alison Snowden, on the rocks, animating on sticky notes for Yellow……
(Parliament of Canada building in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) I just got back from this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival……
On September 12, SPARK Animation 2013 held an Anijam Celebration honouring the art of the Anijam! It was also the Vancouver premiere……