The Sick Doctor

I used to be just a quiet nurse who liked her job, my name used to be Ana Lucía, my boss was Dr. Sebastián R. He knew……
I used to be just a quiet nurse who liked her job, my name used to be Ana Lucía, my boss was Dr. Sebastián R. He knew……
hellohow are you all i am new here please guide me how to increase income please guys buzz and sub me
Respected i am new here how re you all
In this blog i writing all my poem,for life,for family,for my country for friends etc.Hope in your help friend >
Hi All
Hiiiii Bitlanders Lovers Hello Blogers How R U I HOPE You Are All Fine I Am Praying For Your Good Health ……
I am very happy to see all of you guys because after a very long time. i am back..How are you all of you guys...
Aamir KhanFilm actor · aamirkhan.comAamir Khan is an Indian film actor, director and producer. Through his successful career……
Indeed, Allah is Gafur. Don't be hopeless even how many times you did mistake Allah always open to those who repent. Seek forgiveness……
Karachi the largest and the most populace city of Pakistan, presents an interesting and colorful combination of the old and new. The……
A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network which allows computers to……
Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs,……
This article has the list of 10 countries that are considered as dirtiest countries in the world. These countries are very much polluted.……
Abdul-Qadir Gilani From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Shaykh Abdul Qadir, Al Jilani, Muhyi'd-Diin, Sultaan al-Awliyaa……
Unemployment in Pakistan Unemployment is a big issue in this world. Every country is facing this problem. Unemployment is fastly increasing……
On November 22, 2015, at a WWE Survivor Series, The Undertaker‘s career turned 25. Twenty-five years of absolute spine-chilling……
Unlock mobile Lists: Nexus 5 D820 (32GB, Black, Unlocked, New) (34) In Stock Now $199.99 Google Nexus 5 D820 (32GB,……
Join @tsu
In today world we fight many type of contest. That type of contest is organize by many companies like. Facebook , sneapdeal, local……
One advantage of firearms that was recognized by several commentators of the day, but not always since, was their psychological impact.……
Allah forgive me
OTDR (optical time domain reflectometer) ARE USED FOR TESTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE TESTING. (OTDR) is an opto-electronic……
Allleg2lehkeje Hekudnege dvjdwhekwehhdemhdjeje
I just received this brutal album from Jacob Smith last Thursday and I'm enjoying it a lot. This is one of the good one-man metal……
The American author visited Paddy's farm for material for his book which was to compare Irish and American farming methods.……
good morning all
good evening all
good evening all
good noon all
good noon all
good evening all
good morning all
good evening all
good morning all
good afternoon all
good morning all
good evening all
good evening all
good evening all
good morning all
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OMG this game are crazy, Awesome effects!!
good evening all
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The Trick is To Enjoy life Dont Wish Away Your Days waiting for better ones ahead
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Life is test .For man to go through it. Life is a struggle. For man to fight it. Life is a race for man to……
As far as i know, Indonesia is one of the biggest country with many cultures and etnichs, besides that there are so many beautiful……
Without the fanfare backing efforts likeJurassic World or the big Marvel Studios tentpoles, Ex Machina might be the……
I'm writing this blog so I don't get bored while drinking a 2 liter bottle of mugs rootbeer. I'm so sleepy that my forehead grinds……
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Assalam o alaikum The Bjiggest Mistake By Most Human Being, Listening Half, Understanding Quarter, AndTelling Suble..... Stay……
Think of tomorrow, The past can.tthe mended.,, Confusius Stay blessed
The Ber Months We welcomed the "ber" months last quarter of the year. The ber months are the most celebrated months of the……
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Pakistan is a islamic country , i love my country with heart and soul , it is a very big country , real name of pakistan is……
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Qualcomm mới đây đã ra mắt một chiếc điện thoại dành cho lập trình viên với tên……
Watch England vs South Africa Springboks Live Streaming 2014 End Of Year Autumn International Live Online.This Rugby Union match will……
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Рейтинг, анализируя результаты рекламной кампании, методически концентрирует……
Ciao gente seguitemi in tanti ho bisogno del vostro aiuto per farmi conoscere :) follow me luca-derisio GRAZIE……
Of Semi-Hiatus and Visiting Hi and hello to my handsome and beautiful fellow bitlanders users! I can be sure that you haven’t……
The big idea Wouldn’t it be great if you could make some money by doing what you already love? What goes on behind the scenes……
Ciao amici come state?? mi sto trovando molto bene qui su BitLanders :) se volete fare amicizia o segurmi qui lo apprezzerò……
Have you wondered what is the + next to your Avatar and Buzz Score? It is "Buzz Bonus"! What are the "base Buzz Score" and……
Will fall in the ointment works as a bruised knee shattered dreams. Love has the ability to heal. All the conditions of the……
Tizen in soon launched by Samsung to beat the Android and iOs by Samsung. Likewise Android it is also an Open source; and you have……
Watch it..i cant download the video but you can see it on the link... This is surprising for the beautiful ms. Venus Raj, has a beautiful……
When we Did not understood simple things , this thing will happen it was very very funny hahaha Respect:::.
Via Microwallet Claim tiap 15 menit……
Di pagi yang indah ini marilah kita berdoa ...Tuhan, terima kasih atas kesempatan untuk hidup satu hari lagi di hari yang indah ini,……
Afghanistan is my country. Afghanistan is an Islamic country which is located of Asia. Afghanistan is home of all afghan peoples.……
All is One...Learn to be Still, stay in the Moment...F alseE videnceA ppearingR ealLove is all there is...Mind is full of trickery……
‘Ber’ Months Eight months will be over soon and four of exciting months are coming. More holidays and fun are coming.……
Today I am going to talk about the great poet Sir Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. The question arises here that why I choose this topic.……
Coz all of me, loves all of you. Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I'll give……
The First World War started in August 1914. It would last for more than four years, and kill about nine million people in uniform.……
Today my topic is based on Faisal Mosque,a very historic mosque in Pakistan. It is renowned mosque throughout the world. Shah Faisal……
Time management is another area that needs a lot of attention. Most of us plan a lot but can attain little, and one reason……
Since box-office is everything, there is no accounting for taste. 22 JUMP STREET eclipsed A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST at the……
1. Meaning of Adult Education: Adult Education means education for the adults. In Britain, france, Russia and the advanced countries,…… Seriously, how hypocritical can you get? Anyway. Back to your regularly scheduled……
What happened yesterday? It was drama real drama ,drama that staged Joachim Löw for it needed only 30 min .Brasil without……
Help with poor’s, orphans…. Help with poor’s orphans is good action that everyone has to do that. It’s the saying of prophet……
By yellow fruits we mean those fruits who are yellow in color.such as peach ,apricot , mango , banana , papaya etc .These fruits are……
Football word cup will start today at 24:00 (Erevan time).And in first game will play team of Brasilia and it s rival will be Croatia(stadion……
If you collect the blu rays of Marvel movies then you are probably familiar with Marvel's One-Shot series. The series includes Item-47, Agent……
1. "A huge city is termed territory. " The range is truly a reasonably substantial notwithstanding long haul course of action. Despite……
Bone health Exploit notwithstanding drain items are generally organizations associated with calcium supplement, phosphorous, magnesium……
Bradbury is an American short story writer who write fiction stories has written many marvelous stories and one of his fantastic short……
Today here summer season is on its heights. I like summer because it bright the whole world after dark clouds of winter. It provides……
The Pakistan Movement is almost one century old. Since 1857 Muslims had fallen into extreme disgrace but they continued their effort……
Histroy The histroy including soccer is typically emulated to it might be beginnings all around rugby. Your British……
The most beautiful relation we have is the relation of our parents. Without them we are nothing .they give us an identity by giving……
Today is 11 May said to be Mother day.Like every person I love my mom very much . The Relation of a mother and child is the only one……
William Shakespeare was a famous English poet play writer and a stage actor. Sometimes he called English national poet. In his play……
Life is very beautiful but there is a large number of people who are actually possible.As it has just a covering of beauty, attraction……
God has granted us with four seasons. Every season has its own charm and beauty one can’t say which one is the best one; however,……
Sports and games are very important part of everybody life the games is essential for the health. Sports and games very popular in……
From Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow, is coming the new science fiction film Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt,……
“Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words” (Edger Allan)……
When I started work on this site. So many people told me that you will not gain anything from it. Stop wasting your time and not get……
TRUE AIM OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION In view of numerous problems faced by our country, our universities have a very significant……
What a beautiful life, What a beautiful think and What a beautiful event. Even it’s thinking is very beautiful and give……
Upon reading the ideas of Louise .M Rosenblatt about a text, I felt happy and joyous that is why, I agree in his assumption……
Drew Pearce writes and directs "All Hail the King," a short film that acts as an epilogue to "Iron Man 3."(Photo: Marvel Studios)……
Here is a photo I took the other day while driving. I usually do not use my phone when I drive, but that day when I say the hear on……
Email (or electronic mail) is simply the term used to describe any letters sent from one computer to another using the internet. It……
My traveling experience has always been fascinating, it’s the learning part that induces the desire within myself for more,……
As many may or may not know(or care about for that matter) honesty means a great deal to me. It is also a very important part of the……
Life and death both are the enemies of one another; in the presence of one, other doesn’t exist. They are like two ends of stream……
For reasons best understood by specialists in accumulated betting, the Golden Globes hold a particular place in the Movie Awards Season.……
Tears are secretions that clean and lubricate the eyes. Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a……
All great men affect the ideas and action of people. By all qualities of greatness Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah……
Three positive things you have in your personality? 1- More time I am attempt to my education to find……
The need of reawakening of the Muslims was felt by the Muslims rulers and reformers. Shah Waliullah was the first one who tried to……
1: Do you know what you look like/of course you do, because you can look in a good, clear mirror that shows you as you are? ……
Right now I sit and want to write on corruption but from last week my thoughts are so much tangled after meeting my lovely friend……
And we are here again with the idioms and its usage in our daily life and I know it is a little bit difficult to memorize these idioms……
all the friends and helpers of the prophet (S.A.W) loved each other and cooperated very much. they shared their joys and pains. that……
Nature is the driving force of the universe, nature has its own rules, and these rules are very specific. Nature has these rules in……
India is the world’s largest democratic country of the world, it is said that it has the one of the oldest civilization of the……
His one wrong decision could have provoked an atomic war, on 26th September 1983, Stanislav Petrov was on his duty when suddenly the……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. In the past schools were in a awful situation,. The students……
Those women who do make up to show other men and tempt them, they are going to be punished very severly in the hereafter. Men……
Quando Film Annex mi ha chiesto di aiutarli a trovare studenti svantaggiati per far loro svolgere traduzioni di blog e guadagnare mini……
When Film Annex asked me to help them find underpriviledge students to do translations of blogs and earn micro scholarships I……
If you are doing it for fun, well it’s not funny! Because your life is at stake! Yes! If you are smoking a glass hookah don’t……
Is your religion “right”? Those of us who strongly believe in a certain belief system tend to feel that it is the……
Even though more and more women in the business world are rising to positions of power, but harsh gender stereotypes remain,……
School is the only place that can be called the common house for education. Anciently The schools had ordinary shape as a few students……
Animal Rights Nowadays that human right is not following in some of countries, and human right is being like a rule and adopted to……
Single? Well I don't even care about my status,because I know that Allah is keeping me for someone……
Sheryl Sandberg has taken the nation’s readers by storm with her most recent book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to……
For many people, the internet, mobiles, social networking and other new technologies are shaping their daily lives. The figures……
Check out this artistic poster for the film "All The Boys Love Mandy Lane", starring Amber Heard. The film is about a new and……
***friendship:- is a single soul,placing in two bodies so,it is the best relationship ever between 2 or group of people ***why do……
Nadia Nadim an Afghan girl suffered from many problems and bans she had while she was in Afghanistan and due to her problems……
The title of greatest athlete of all time belongs to either Muhammad Ali or Pele. These extremely strong, both physically and……
Does a fully veiled Islamic woman really inhibit the progression of Islam in the modern world? Well, some believe so. I was……
There constantly a whole bunch of musical events that happen right here in New York – everyday……
57 is a good number. It’s the number of varieties of Heinz products. It’s the number of Communists in the Democratic Party……
I was watching a documentary the other night with one of my family members about one of the greatest bands possibly in the history……
That's right folks, with September just around the corner, we're officially entering the Oscar season. It's time to get serious……
SOURCE: On a previous blog, I discussed the notion of premiering a film. Eren Gulfidan, a fellow Film Annexer,……
I’ve always wondered who really brings in those Benjamins in the world of celebrities. We usually hear some scandalous……
I’m sure we can all relate to this. When I first found out about Google Earth, I was super curious to finally see the world……
Taliban, NATO, ISAF, 2014 everything has gotten so much confusing now days. I seriously have no idea about what is going to happen……
Now a days information plays a significant role in people’s life. If we look closer, we are delivering and transmitting a huge……
Who is your favorite superhero? superman? spiderman? Captain America? Green Lantern? Iron man? well, I admire Batman. Why……
The movie is called "All By My Side" and it's a drama based on Jimi Hendrix's early years, before fame and the drama that came with……
I was passing by a grocery store, and there was something that truly caught my eye so I stopped to smell the roses, literally.……
Ahmad Farhad Alkozay is the founder of Heratweb Services. Below is an interview of him about the role of social and digital media……
Hey guys! So, the other night I was watching a modern and independent film mixed with a hint of romantic-comedy called The Kids Are……
The NY Yankees All-Star, Mariano Rivera surely deserves his title as the American League baseball star finishes his career with……
Amy Vernon is General Manager of Social Marketing for NYC startup Internet Media Labs; she heads up social marketing efforts for a……
National League’s best pitchers, Matt Harvey, is quickly rising to stardom as the Mets’ 24-year old ace is set……
Ramadan month is a holly month of Muslim; people in all over the world are fasting daily from the dawn to the vesper of evening. in……
Zimmerman trial outcome of not guilty to shooting teen Trayvon Martin, sparked protests in New York Sunday night, raising more……
RITALIN AND ADDERALL HAVE SOME FLAWS AFTER ALL The most commonly prescribed drugs for children and teenagers fighting……
A courageous young girl spoke before the UN Youth Assembly today, on her 16th birthday, after surviving a near-fatal gunshot to the……
The classics continue to reign over the newbies in an era where certain fields of music fail to portray any sense of depth and thought.……
KANYE AND KIM’S NORTH WEST CAN CHANGE HER DIRECTION Celebrities are always under keen scrutiny and under watchful eye……
The Audi R8 is definitely a beauty and a beast. This fine specimen can definitely place a dent in your pocket but, is worth every……
Drone invasion is Orwell’s inauguration Choose: man or machine? This question sparks very interesting debates within a variety……
Schools in Afghanistan are one of those factors which have changed people’s life and its number……
Serena Williams defeated by big-serving left-handed German, Sabine Lisicki, ending a 34-match winning streak. Definitely a shock to……
Working opportunity and employment around the world are important for all the people around the world. The main aim of continuing……
Today, Africa runs on the rehabilitation and development of business opportunities than any times. Even though widespread……
My beautiful girl has spent the past four years living 3,000 miles away from home and family attending university, and this May she……
That's right, "Disaster Movie," at least according to IMDB users who voted. The comedy, a send-up of disaster flicks,……
Not a lot of Russian Girl duo’s that wash up at bay, ey? That’s where “t.a.T.u” comes in. A Russia music duo……
Before the establishment of the school (Maktab) new Afghan student reading the Quran, reading and writing were taught by the Clergymen.……
What do you know about Malaysia? Hello, my highly educated and slightly degraded friends! Today SweetAsiaTV (Sweet Asia TV)……
Hello, everyone! Today I would like to say special THANKS to my brother Fred Kurzh (FAMusicTV) and Thomas Courtney (Models Web TV)……
Japan is synonym of discipline, and discipline is synonym of martial arts. The toughness of a martial art master - more precisely……
سلام دوستان عزیز من ذاکر"تنها" با مقاله دیگری که بادیدن فیلمی در سایت سی……
If I had a dime for every time one of my students told me that he hated school, I would be a wealthy woman indeed. My students……
If you do things you are fascinated by and passionate about, you end up doing them right... It's a given. HGTV is one of my favorite……
“While recognizing that the driving force behind this state of affairs is rooted in security concerns, I encourage the Government……
1. Hi Jordan! We’ve never met but your film “Argo” was an official selection here at ÉCU in 2007. Tell us a bit about your……