Empowering Women to Beat the Blues

Depression is a global health crisis. It is not the sole domain of women, for depression affects 350 million people worldwide. However,……
Depression is a global health crisis. It is not the sole domain of women, for depression affects 350 million people worldwide. However,……
Human development and education is enhanced by space science and technology. On 4 October, 2012, the United Nations celebrates World……
“Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” This quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes,……
Somalia’s 7.2 million people have struggled and survived two decades of civil conflict, drought, and famine. This……
As Summer wanes in the month of September, so too does New York City heat up. The red carpet runway rolls out September 6, for Fall……
Judgment, critical assessment, and courage to face the truth are necessary to make constructive societal changes to further……
27 August is a tragic day for Afghanistan and a more open society as UN News media reported the brutal slaying of 17 Afghan civilians,……
The Sioux peoples had been acknowledged their rights to the Black Hills via an 1868 Treaty with the US Government until gold was discovered……
Around the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe to the United Nations, we celebrate International Youth Day this year on 12 August. ……
Oussami Mellouli is Tunisia’s big winner as he clinched two medals in the men’s 10-kilometer swimming marathon in the……
Some were hoping to incorporate a timeline and/or other coercive measures that might speed up the Cyprus negotiations, in particular……
Over six months ago, Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey and I published blog reports on Diplomatically Incorrect critical of……
What else to call it but "dickhead" policy! Human Rights Watch reports that NYC police are arresting women who have 3 or more condoms……
Poverty reduction and retaining an empowered youth workforce is the goal of a new programme of the United Nations: “Alternatives……
“These amendments constitute a direct affront to those wishing to freely exercise their right to freedom of association,”……
Children with mental illness or intellectual impairment are most vulnerable, but all children with disabilities are 4 times more likely……
World Population Day is observed today, 11 July, and with it plans for solutions to accommodate a population of 7 Billion people and……
“May grievance become hope; may revenge become justice; may mothers' tears become prayers, that Bosnia and Herzegovina, and……
Cultural taboos, gender inequality, human rights abuses, and punitive laws are negatively impacting the way we see the human face……
“ACTA’s defeat in Europe is a welcome blow to the flawed agreement that has failed to address numerous concerns related……
The Fashion for Development (F4D) initiative and global platform incorporates the world of popular culture and fashion to help alleviate……
Diplomat Artist opens up the convergence of the world of diplomacy, art, sports, & popular culture: Diplomats increasingly endowed……
As Bosnia & Herzegovina remembers the 20 year siege of Sarajevo, the start of war, and its admission to the United Nations,……
“Happy Father’s Day” to the World’s fathers and care givers. Today holds a special place in my heart for the……
WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY is being observed for the first time this year, 15 June 2012, as Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called……
UN Special Rapporteur, Tomas Ojea Quintana delivered a critical assessment today on the rising tensions among Myanmar’s ethnic……
Diplomat Artist opens up the convergence of the world of diplomacy, art, sports, & popular culture: Diplomats increasingly endowed……
4 June is designated as the “International Day of Innocent Children - Victims of Aggression.” From Afghanistan to the……
Around the Globe, the world celebrates International Children’s Day on 1 June, 2012. While individual countries have specific……
Twenty years to the day, 22 May 1992, Tuesday, 22 May 2012 was much cause of celebration for three United Nations Member States: Bosnia……
Judgment, critical assessment, and courage to face the truth are necessary to make constructive societal changes to further……
As Bosnia & Herzegovina commemorates its 20 Years of Independence, the Start of War, and its Admission to the United Nations,……
Child labour, servitude, and exploitation has no geographic border. Whether it’s the mines of Bolivia, the sugar cane……
Herbie Hancock, or Ambassador Cool, is Diplomatically Incorrect’s profiled Diplomat Artist of the month. Coming……
During 1992-95, systematic rape was employed as a tool of war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In 2012, Bosnia & Herzegovina……
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon took Earth Day 2012 to heart and foot yesterday as he kicked off what has become an annual soccer……
During 1992-95, systematic rape was employed as a tool of war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In 2012, Bosnia &……
UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency spokesperson Melissa Fleming at 3 April, 2012 press briefing in Geneva: “The siege of……
Diplomat Artist, our Facebook page and Web TV Channel, opens up the convergence of the world of diplomacy, art, sports, & popular……
Already, close to 2,500 Syrian children have been killed or injured. On the 24th February 2012, Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner……
World Tuberculosis Day, 24 March 2012, is making inroads with an awareness platform as the second top infectious adult killer after……
On March 21, 1960, South African police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville. Sixty-nine deaths of those protesting……
International Women’s Day is celebrated the world over on 8 March each year. This year’s theme is “Empower Rural Women - End……
Heated and contrary exchanges were evident today from the UN Security Council Horseshoe Table regarding a situation in Syria where……
On International Women’s Day, 8 March, 2012, it is only appropriate to remember those courageous women who were sacrificed in the……
Education is the cornerstone to a better life for young girls. It impacts their heath, livelihood, and sense of well-being. For too……
International Women’s Day is being celebrated on 8 March, 2012, and the United Nations is unveiling a host of activities and programmes……
From Afghanistan, to Syria, to countries in Africa, the world is not at peace. Hope for reconciliation, human rights and cultural……
Images of drought, displacement, death, and disaster have been at the forefront of headlines attributed to climate change and its……
A world at peace with itself. A world that is a mosaic of cultures, religions, ethnicities. A world in harmony with its fellowman.……
UN COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN CONFERENCE 56th Session (CSW56) opened today, 27 February, 2012, to an enthusiastic crowd queued……
You must be getting those Porn Spam Tweets or “Twits,” as I am on a fairly routine basis. Why no Klout score though with the “Followed……
As DIPLOMATICALLY INCORRECT commemorated the INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY on December 10, one of our Facebook fans commented on……