New Hope and Expectations for Somalia

Somalia’s 7.2 million people have struggled and survived two decades of civil conflict, drought, and famine. This……
Somalia’s 7.2 million people have struggled and survived two decades of civil conflict, drought, and famine. This……
As Summer wanes in the month of September, so too does New York City heat up. The red carpet runway rolls out September 6, for Fall……
27 August is a tragic day for Afghanistan and a more open society as UN News media reported the brutal slaying of 17 Afghan civilians,……
The Sioux peoples had been acknowledged their rights to the Black Hills via an 1868 Treaty with the US Government until gold was discovered……
Oussami Mellouli is Tunisia’s big winner as he clinched two medals in the men’s 10-kilometer swimming marathon in the……
Some were hoping to incorporate a timeline and/or other coercive measures that might speed up the Cyprus negotiations, in particular……
What else to call it but "dickhead" policy! Human Rights Watch reports that NYC police are arresting women who have 3 or more condoms……
Poverty reduction and retaining an empowered youth workforce is the goal of a new programme of the United Nations: “Alternatives……
Cultural taboos, gender inequality, human rights abuses, and punitive laws are negatively impacting the way we see the human face……
Diplomat Artist opens up the convergence of the world of diplomacy, art, sports, & popular culture: Diplomats increasingly endowed……
As Bosnia & Herzegovina remembers the 20 year siege of Sarajevo, the start of war, and its admission to the United Nations,……
WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY is being observed for the first time this year, 15 June 2012, as Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called……
UN Special Rapporteur, Tomas Ojea Quintana delivered a critical assessment today on the rising tensions among Myanmar’s ethnic……
4 June is designated as the “International Day of Innocent Children - Victims of Aggression.” From Afghanistan to the……
Around the Globe, the world celebrates International Children’s Day on 1 June, 2012. While individual countries have specific……
Twenty years to the day, 22 May 1992, Tuesday, 22 May 2012 was much cause of celebration for three United Nations Member States: Bosnia……
Judgment, critical assessment, and courage to face the truth are necessary to make constructive societal changes to further……
Child labour, servitude, and exploitation has no geographic border. Whether it’s the mines of Bolivia, the sugar cane……
During 1992-95, systematic rape was employed as a tool of war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In 2012, Bosnia & Herzegovina……
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon took Earth Day 2012 to heart and foot yesterday as he kicked off what has become an annual soccer……
“The last thing the people of these two countries need is another war – a war that could claim countless lives, destroy……
During 1992-95, systematic rape was employed as a tool of war in Bosnia & Herzegovina. In 2012, Bosnia &……
UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency spokesperson Melissa Fleming at 3 April, 2012 press briefing in Geneva: “The siege of……
Diplomat Artist, our Facebook page and Web TV Channel, opens up the convergence of the world of diplomacy, art, sports, & popular……
The four topics that seem to dominate most political programs are: Politics and economy, War and diplomacy. Contemporary Politics……
More people will be hit by lighting than will someone attempt to vote illegally. There is election fraud, but it not perpetrated through……
World Tuberculosis Day, 24 March 2012, is making inroads with an awareness platform as the second top infectious adult killer after……
Four African states with UN and African Union (AU) backing join to go after the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) its leader, Joseph……
Bit of an odd mix, but Lionsgate now owns all these franchises - and its stock price has been zooming delivering it to what many……
Pssst-Don't tell anyone but the UN is not unified re Syria despite rather transparently cosmetic efforts to speak with one voice.……
"Palling around with our mutual friend Bono was one thing, but calling out the establishment, well that was too much to further empower."……
It is more likely than not, especially if US Authorities fail to provide remedy. The UN Human Rights Council Regularly now conducts……
UN Human Rights Council has endorsed formal investigation into alleged crimes against humanity/war crimes purportedly committed during……
Someways similar to Syria today, war crimes were being committed against the citizens of Bosnia & Herzegovina in 1992 as newly……
“For too long, persons with Down Syndrome, including children, have been left on the margins of society,” said the Secretary-General……
From the UN & Diplomatically Incorrect, wishes for peace and unity that lies at the core of Nowruz, the spring festival marking the……
Increasing private investments in agricultural businesses in the southern and eastern Mediterranean region is objective new UN (Food……
On March 21, 1960, South African police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville. Sixty-nine deaths of those protesting……
UNSG Ban Ki-moon hailed Indonesia as leader in directly providing troops and supporting peacekeeping missions around the globe. Besides,……
“Human rights have guided 60-plus years of progress by providing a legal baseline for political actions. Human rights must now be……
“Violence against women starts at a young age, with the girl child being at risk of violence, both in the family and in the community,”……
Held by US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq and having been blocked in US Courts on Assertion of “no standing” - not being US Citizens……
Best possible now is a rather vaguely worded “Presidential Statement” by UNSC rhetorically endorsing the Koffi Annan Mission as……
France, Syria and Afghanistan, children appear to have been specifically targeted by killers focused on the ethnic/religious identity……
UNDP has catalyzed formation of a global platform”to unite local actors to solve water and sanitation challenges, including encouraging……
Or, another Diversion by Meles Zelawi? Regime After Ethiopian Regime troops launched assault upon Eritrea, the UNSG Ban Ki-moon issued……
Malaysian NGO specializing in family planning and sexual health and US Advocate will be this year’s recipients of the annual United……
Ireland and Bosnia & Herzegovina Have had a special recent connection. It went beyond U2, and encompassed art, music, film but also……
After the initial shock of anyone, but especially a US soldier murdering 16 innocent Afghanistan civilians (9 of them toddlers), like……
"...first objective is for all of us to try and stop the violence, the human rights abuses and the killings and get an unimpeded access……
Kofi Annan's current proposal to deploy monitors to Syria may be one of few options available to squeeze peace gradually out of the……
According to UNSG Ban Ki-moon the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan have achieved significant progress in talks aimed at resolving……
Tax Evasion Cost $3.1 Trillion (or 50%+ of combined healtcare budget for states involved) according to one survey of 145 countries……
Reprisals against individuals or groups engaging directly with the UN and the regional human rights systems took the form of smear……
Bashar Assad’s Syrian Regime has employed Kofi Annan’s diplomatic mission as cover to actually extend its brutal crackdown and……
ICC has issued its first verdict ever, only 13+ years after the Court has been established by the Rome Statute of 1998 & less than……
Africa neglected or underestimated continues to be focus of this UN Secretary General. Maged Abdelaziz current UN Ambassador of Egypt……
Highest ever at this time of year even as demand is down to decade old levels. The US Federal Reserve under Ben Bernanke and Obama……
While has become controversy, #StopKony Campaign has perhaps spurred UN and Regional Governments to develop a unified strategy. They……
International Women’s Day is celebrated the world over on 8 March each year. This year’s theme is “Empower Rural Women - End……
Electronic waste is expected to grow exponentially, particularly in developing countries, yet only 13 per cent of electronic waste……
“At present, the balance between our work on the supply and demand sides stays firmly in favour of the supply side. We must restore……
Heated and contrary exchanges were evident today from the UN Security Council Horseshoe Table regarding a situation in Syria where……
"One hundred days to a once-in-a-generation opportunity. We must agree on sustainable solutions to build the future we want,” is……
Debating success or lack thereof of Kofi Annan’s Mission to Syria and the political track could detract from that which perhaps……
Debating success or lack thereof of Kofi Annan’s Mission to Syria and the political track could detract from that which perhaps……
CNN Crossfire, I was Bosnian Ambassador urging US action and Senator John McCain was strongly opposed: “We (US) has no dog in this……
Murder of at least 9 children and as many Afghani civilians by a US soldier gone mad, brings back one question: in their country what……
Peace mediators must not remain aloof from the crimes being committed while mediating a conflict, and this particularly applies to……
Switzerland’s proposed law authorizing heavy fines for protesters without official permission to demonstrate would have a “chilling”……
February hiring again increased by 200K plus, but the increases are barely enough to keep pace with population/new job seekers in……
Hidden significance or just providing more pieces to a new bureaucracy? Naming of "Deputy Joint UN & Arab League Envoy for Syria."……
How to encourage true transformation toward real democracy and more open society in Iran? It is probably also best way to insure a……
On International Women’s Day, 8 March, 2012, it is only appropriate to remember those courageous women who were sacrificed in the……
Conservation & Exploitation of Sharks as Resource is Short for the Official - “Review the Application and Effectiveness of International……
LRA Terror Chief and former alter boy Joseph Kony has managed to evade US Special Forces, International Criminal Court (ICC) and local……
More than 600 government and technology leaders from the Arab region convened met in Doha, Qatar, for UN Conference to discuss issues……
“Respect for freedom of religion or belief as a human right does not depend on administrative registration procedures, as it has……
Education is the cornerstone to a better life for young girls. It impacts their heath, livelihood, and sense of well-being. For too……
After sending in US Special Forces and neighbors presumably teamed up to eradicate this scourge, the LRA is back to terrorizing local……
From new energy exploration to rapidly expanded shipping and ports for mined minerals, UNESCO is warning/evaluating greater risks……
International Women’s Day is being celebrated on 8 March, 2012, and the United Nations is unveiling a host of activities and programmes……
From changing political fortunes to increased food prices and hunger as potential consequences. Gasoline prices are hurting the consumer,……
After recent spate of attacks/killings of Shia Muslims and over last several years assessed deteriorating state of religious minorities……
It’s a critical question that underpins the assumption of whether Bashar Assad has to leave or he will continue to be accorded legitimacy……
From Afghanistan, to Syria, to countries in Africa, the world is not at peace. Hope for reconciliation, human rights and cultural……
Vladimir Putin is his worst enemy. He is afraid to evolve. With him Russia is again stagnating and not rising to meet challenges.……
Both Gaddafi regime loyalists and its various militia opponents have been accused of grave violations of international humanitarian……
Iran votes today, and for all its faults, the Islamic Republic has had at least some claim of being a democracy on paper. However,……
“UN Women” set to grant $10.5 million to organizations working to advance economic and political empowerment of women in Africa,……
UN WHO officials concerned about new transmission to Americas of the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus – a disease which has already……
Images of drought, displacement, death, and disaster have been at the forefront of headlines attributed to climate change and its……
Could Obama Second Term be very good for business and consumer? Some indication in confidence levels of US Chief Financial Officers……
Hijab or Islamic female head scarves according to top UN official should be endorsed for international competition by the International……
UN Security Council debates new draft resolution behind closed doors focused on the dire humanitarian situation-UN Relief Operations……
“Overcrowding and unsanitary conditions facilitate transmission of disease – notably pneumonia and diarrhea, the two leading killers……
Competition with the goal of uncovering sustainable approaches to information and communication technology (ICT) kicked off February……
Coordinated, well armed poachers acting in mass-450 elephants in Bouba Ndjida National Park in northern Cameroon were recently killed,……
Housing prices, perhaps to some unexpectedly, continued stumble since the 2008 recession. For this year according to S&P/Case-Schiller……
A world at peace with itself. A world that is a mosaic of cultures, religions, ethnicities. A world in harmony with its fellowman.……
UN COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN CONFERENCE 56th Session (CSW56) opened today, 27 February, 2012, to an enthusiastic crowd queued……
Santorum was rooting for the "Descendants" because he though it was an anti-contraceptive film! While Rick Santorum wondered why the……
Breakthrough legal precedent - UN endorses European Court of Human Rights judgment that Italy violated its obligations under the European……
Before his death, Peter Jennings was apparently completing a Report on the betrayal of Srebrenica. Sudden discovery of his cancer……
Billion children are now estimated to live in urban areas, according to UNICEF, which is releasing the Report entitled “The State……
Distinguished American professor Douglas Biklen is the winner of a United Nations award recognizing outstanding individuals that promote……
“…helping to end centuries of silence that have made rape an effective ‘secret weapon’,” from the Congo to Cambodia, and……
“Celebrating Fearless Nonprofit Videos” is broad theme. “For six years now, the DoGooder Nonprofit Video Awards has been shining……
A besieged city bombarded and starving – it’s happened before. Kofi Annan will recall what Diego Arria did to save Srebrenica……
Facing huge challenges as having to produce 60% more over next 4 decades for growing global populations the UN’s IFAD and Bill &……
Kofi Annan Head of UN Peacekeeping when Srebrenica was betrayed, now becomes the central figure to coordinate action regarding Syria……
Crimes Against Humanity in Syria are broadly evident but to be actionable the investigation needs form to prompt prosecution and of……
In a case brought against Shell in New York by alleged victims of human rights abuses in Nigeria, the UN Human Rights Office (Office……
Lost in Republican Debate Wars is initiative by President Obama to lower corporate taxes and generally war welcome from business.……
“This referendum should not be considered as a victory for one community over another. Rather it should mark an opportunity for……
“In celebrating WED in Brazil in 2012, we are returning to the roots of contemporary sustainable development in order to forge a……
“Allegations of torture and other mistreatment should be promptly, independently and impartially investigated… I am informed that……
IAEA inspector team returned from Iran largely unsatisfied, and head of the Agency issued a brief statement that emphasized “disappointed.”……
Marie Colvin’s death was no more unnecessary than so many others now being killed in Syria, including that of a baby she described……
Latest Joke-Only very high Klout scores & DSK get Retweeted by PornSpam on Twitter – Having escaped prosecution in New York for……
While Somalia London Conference starts, the UN Security Council is likely to adopt at same time Resolution authorizing increase in……
Predictions for $5.00 gasoline are more frequent even if rationale is contradictory and frankly avoids the core of the problem. Neither……
While officially described as minimal, deeper analysis in recent study suggests problem is deeper and wider, particularly in quality.……
Like it or not, measures of Social Media Influence are establishing new stratification on and across networks. For what started out……
Kenya’s current & former (and perhaps future) world champions joined hundreds on the roads of Nairobi, Kenya, on February 19, 2012……
Accord which “sets out clear steps for ending the transition and putting in place a constitutional order” in Somalia at the “Garowe……
Perhaps more like some recent film scripts of greedy corporations or terrorists seeking an edge to wage profit or war, there is now……
Preparing for African Diaspora Summit this summer - “There is now clear recognition that the African identity is a global one,”……
New, more effective and less intrusive means of fundraising are highly desirable as both economics and good manners compel a fresh……
UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has partnered with religious institutions to provide solar panels that will power much-needed……
South Sudan military has high rates of AIDS/HIV and UN & NGO IntraHealth International are providing condoms in a bid to tackle the……
After horrific Honduras prison fire that killed so many, UN is again voicing concern over the recent wave of violence in Latin American……
Leashing the Speculation Predator! Gasoline in US has risen by well 20%+ in just a month or so. Bad news for Obama as well as consumers.……
A child’s education is the foundation to potential greatness in life. Depriving a child of this fundamental human right is to steal……
Ironic that on day that some Congressmen apparently seeking to curtail contraceptive access for American women, the UN Joint Program……
Up to 33 million people living in poverty in Africa & Asia will gain access to low-cost solar energy by 2016. The solar energy provider,……
“In the Land of Blood and Honey” was premiered in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Deceived tolerance, lost peace and betrayed……
Trial of Ratko Mladić, commander of Serbian/Bosnian Serb Army in Bosnia & Herzegovina has been rescheduled to commence on Monday,……
Global Digital Divide persists, and Finland has the world’s largest portion of domestic economic activities related to information……
One out of every five Europeans dies from environmentally-related diseases, the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) warned today,……
“It is clear that all these restrictive efforts have been put in place to deliberately prevent and restrict certain individuals……
800 MILLION men, women, and CHILDREN go to bed HUNGRY each night. The images of starving children are ubiquitous around the world,……
Borrowing term US President FDR employed to deploy vision of how to deliver US from Great Depression and help US workers 3/4s of century……
UN backed conference to encourage access to markets for organic products began today with delegates and experts gathered to examine……
UN Environment Program (UNEP) has just published its “2012-Emerging Issues in our Global Environment.” Nuclear power plant decommissioning……
Citing “shoot-to-kill” policy and “crimes against humanity” initiated at the “highest levels” of Syria’s Government,……
The draft resolution on Syria remains to be fully negotiated and adopted but few key elements are coming through even before final……
“South Atlantic remains perhaps as the last vestige of an empire in decadence. It is the last ocean controlled from Great Britain,”……
The International Criminal Court could be called upon to address human rights abuses, including recent killing of 7 internally displaced……
“Spain is obliged under international law to investigate past serious human rights violations, including those committed during……
Justice Blocking Tanks? - International Criminal Court as force for justice and to temper human rights abuses needs to be empowered.……
UN welcomes the news that a Guinean court has filed charges against an army colonel accused of being responsible for mass rapes that……
President Hugo Chavez has developed a habit of putting Venezuela on, more like embracing wrong side of history – only see Libya……
Title is quote of Sudan’s President Bashir - The two new neighbors signed a non-aggression pact today (February 11), but actually……
Has radio been totally made irrelevant by social media? Radio as a facilitator of education, freedom of expression and public debate……
UN General Assembly will meet on Monday to discuss the situation in Syria.Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human……
“…conflicts in Kosovo, Moldova regarding the territory of Transdniestria in Georgia regarding the territories of Abkhazia and……
Reflecting how pain of austerity and shrinking economy is being felt by many Greek citizens and being translated into social discontent……
“50 Cent”, (rap star Curtis Jackson) made visit to Horn of Africa, Somalia & Kenya, to see first hand impact of famine. Hosted……
More than 5,000 SYRIAN lives lost since just last March. Worse, many of these lives were CHILDREN, the new COLLATERAL DAMAGE. The……
CHILDREN of GENOCIDE bear the burden of adult atrocities and the imprint of an “us versus them” classification. Combined EDUCATION……
Birth/Debt/Bondage/Death - New UN Report-most workers in Afghanistan’s brick kilns are bonded child laborers, and calls for a strategy……
Did Russia Ambassador Churkin threaten Qatar’s PM/FM Al-Thani? Commenting on reports that he threatened the prime minister of Qatar……
“We recognize and celebrate the values that are shared across religious traditions,” said UN General Assembly President Nassir……
UN’s WMO forecast current cold spell in Europe will start “easing slowly from next week.” However, climate change may be the……
Another example of art and sport employed for opportunities beyond the immediate horizon of canvas and/or field, and in this instance……
UN’s war crimes tribunal for the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s today sentenced a member of a legal team defending a Bosnian Serb……
Any help to peace when later today Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is scheduled to land in Damascus? Not likely, although……
Six billion mobile devices worldwid,1.2 billion mobile Web users, in 2011, 7 trillion mobile phone texts sent around the globe & by……
Small island states most affected by climate change and rising oceans are leading effort before International Court of Justice for……
Gisele Bundchen again in my article? – It’s irresistible after she blamed her husband’s teammates for NY Giants beating Tom……
Star of "Cats" and "Phantom of the Opera" and global recording artist has today (February 6, 2012) been named by UNESCO (United Nations……
Today is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Genital Mutilation of women/girls - UN Report shows that almost 2,000 communities……
Groundhog Day officially was February 2nd, and Punxsutawney Phil predicted another 6 weeks of winter. Similarly, I’m predicting……
New England Patriots have activated Tom Brady’s favorite receiver Gisele Bundchen for Super Bowl. Some claimed she would only be……
The UN has its own rooting interest – a New England and Tom Brady victory could make Gisele Bundchen even bigger attention grabber.……
If you are asking why the allied forces are losing Afghanistan, this is the 5th consecutive year that civilian casualties have risen……
From Bosnia to Afghanistan - same cure where fear and hate now may rule – free market place of ideas. Fighting warlords and their……
What are consequences and next? For now a brief summary which we will elaborate upon what may be implications beyond Syria. ---Strategically/tactically……
“The key to overcoming Russian stubbornness at UN Security Council may be in pressing in the General Assembly…” The spike in……
“Anonymous” is supporting the Syrian opposition. The significance goes beyond the logistics and other functional support that……
Action by the Security Council on Syria draft resolution is not likely now until very beginning of next week. Some though do consider……
UN-backed independent Lebanon Tribunal established to prosecute suspects in the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese prime minister……
Even more impressive for January in that the number of people who were looking for employment found work. Jobs created this month……
Businesses with innovative models that enhance commercial success as well as contribute to sustainable development have been invited……
“Journalists play a crucial role in promoting accountability of public officials by investigating and informing the public about……
Could it be that criminal gangs are becoming a threat to the world’s glaciers as well as climate change? In Chile police are currently……
The UN’s Nuclear Agency announced more meetings on re Iran’s nuclear project just as it had concluded the investigative mission……
DIPLOMATICALLY INCORRECT contributor JIM OKORE presents his concrete legal analysis of AMBASSADOR SACIRBEY’s recent report “Will……
“This is a critical moment for Israel and the region. I also hope that Israel will be forthcoming with its own concrete proposals……
No Donations Just Play! – by playing an online game you’re helping feed the hungry and bring your friends into the quiz game for……
While Moscow postures this morning, yesterday I witnessed in public and more private settings evidence that China’s envoys are ready……
Newt is like that sports team that just when it gains the momentum and looks headed for the win, drops the ball. He lost Florida after……
Information system will improve and expand the exchange of weather, climate and water data, which can be used for disaster risk reduction,……
According to the World Bank’s quarterly Food Price Watch report, prospects for decline in 2012 food prices remain favorable, due……
Transmitting the memory of the Holocaust is a vital part of the struggle to combat ignorance and prejudice through education in humanist……