What I learnt from the 2014 GOLDEN GLOBES

For reasons best understood by specialists in accumulated betting, the Golden Globes hold a particular place in the Movie Awards Season.……
For reasons best understood by specialists in accumulated betting, the Golden Globes hold a particular place in the Movie Awards Season.……
Does anybody ever remember sitting through an awards show and saying afterward; "Wow, that was freakin' awesome!" Well, pretty……
第71届金球奖(Golden Globes Awards)在洛杉矶2014年12月12日早上公布了提名名单。 《自由之心》(12 Years……
第71屆金球獎(Golden Globes Awards)在洛杉磯2014年12月12日早上公佈了提名名單。《自由之心》(12 Years……
Questa mattina a Los Angeles sono appena state annunciate le nomination per i 71esimi Golden Globes. 12 Years a Slave e American……
The nominations for the 71st Golden Globes have just been announced this morning from Los Angeles. 12 Years a Slave and American Hustle……
The animated film FREE BIRDS, directed by Jimmy Hayward (whose credits include HORTON HEARS A WHO and JONAH HEX – more like……
When we think of “the feminist”, we usually picture a rough and tough woman in the Western world with smart remarks,……
Two very exciting updates in the celebrity world have left me in utter shock, awe and anticipation. I recently found that the……
I came across a very let’s call it interesting article that bugged me ever so slightly and that was an article describing……
Is Kanye West going to appear in "Anchorman 2?" That's the surprising claim from Hollywood.com which reported that West was seen in……
Were you watching the Superbowl last night? For many people, the Superbowl isn't only about football, it's also about advertising.……