Cittadinanza, istruzione, imprenditoria e sviluppo senza confini

La vita è una complessa serie di eventi che formano la nostra esistenza personale e d'affari; uno dei suoi aspetti più……
La vita è una complessa serie di eventi che formano la nostra esistenza personale e d'affari; uno dei suoi aspetti più……
Life is a complex series of events that shapes our personal and business existence. A complex aspect is to make this series of events……
میں نے اتنا انجیلا شاہ کی طرف سے اس تصویر کو پسند کیوں کیا تم جانتے ہو؟ بس……
Do you know why I like this picture by Angela Shah* so much? Just read below. In 2006. I started Film Annex with the intent to……
It's now 2013 and the conversations are moving towards the Post-2014, NATO withdrawal and the Future of Afghanistan. I am looking……
Recently, we had the opportunity to meet freelance journalist, Angela Shah, via our initiative, The Afghan Development Project. Shah's……
Recently, we had the opportunity to meet freelance journalist, Angela Shah, via our initiative, The Afghan Development Project. Shah's……
Today, The New York Times' writer Graham Bowley opened his article, Potential for a Mining Boom Splits Factions in Afghanistan, with……