God sends us angels

Yesterday, November 26, 2016 was held for the second time the event "Smiling with Mano Amiga", in which, children are received from……
Yesterday, November 26, 2016 was held for the second time the event "Smiling with Mano Amiga", in which, children are received from……
I have posted an article on niume about butterflies. Link below. https://niume.com/pages/post/?postID=168175
Since I heard it from an old man in the streets when I'm studying college in Dasma, Cavite. I was stunned by the poem content and……
It was Ramadan and I was fasting and yet I wore no scarf. My husband’s friend had come to the United States with his……
I originally posted this on my ciao account : http://www.ciao.co.uk/Fallen_Lauren_Kate__Review_6096500 This Book is absolutely……
Knows the army of your Lord'. There are armed soldiers in soul.Their real nature is not known and nobody knows their numberexcept……
Children blessing Junior youngsters at this time thirst proposed for parental acknowledgement — they ache for the father and……
Oggi è stata una giornata speciale. Abbiamo iniziato guardando Alleluia, un film molto sensuale e violento con un'attrice spagnola,……
Oggi è stata una giornata rilassante. Siamo andati in spiaggia e abbiamo potuto fare per un po' i turisti al di fuori del festival.……
Domenica e lunedì sono state giornate davvero impegnative! Abbiamo iniziato guardando alcuni film, il mio preferito è……
Oggi ho potuto guardare un film sulla Semaine de la critique, "It follows", al cinema Miramar. Il sabato a Cannes è l'inferno……
Traduzione dall'inglese a cura di Nadea TranslationsArticolo originale di Miguel Ángel Font Bisier Oggi è stata……
Oggi ci siamo svegliati piuttosto presto, per controllare alcuni film ed altri dettagli al Palais. Quando siamo arrivati, abbiamo……
The Six Articles of Faith. 1. Belief in one God. 2.Belief in Angels. 3. Belief in the Holy Books. 4. Belief in the Prophets. 5. Belief……
Sometime in life you feel down & depressed when no one trust you while……
In the morning first of the main target of our life was the .... Breakfast! Then we wait for the school bus in morning with my fellows……
His wife asked him to go for dinner and cinema with someone else after 21 year shared life. His wife told him that she loves him but……
Costumes were something that I was especially keen to get right. I have always had the same opinion on costumes within film;……
RUSH has just released their new album / performance at Madison Square Garden, the Clockwork Angels Tour. The legendary trio of rockers……
Oggi voglio parlarvi di un altro tipo di proiezione. Ha avuto luogo giovedì a Bodegas Arráez, un gran bel posto situato……
Many of us have not heard of this belief system before but there is a UFO religion known as Raelism or the Raelian movement……
Tom Hanks, and perhaps his infamous hair, will return as Robert Langdon in Dan Brown's latest novel "Inferno." Hanks has played……
Guardian Angel is a story of hope, about a man's soul lost in the darkness and consuming in pain. But even in the darkest place……
Introduction: Arif Parwani is an Afghan-American author and engineering consultant. He was born in Afghanistan’s……