How to Communicate with your Cat

“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you……
“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you……
Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride, freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty individuality - the qualities……
I remember, as a boy of 17 years of age, this was a fascinating thing for me: how we human beings breathe out carbon dioxide into……
Will we miss the bald eagle? The bald eagle is not really bald.It is called bald because……
The Davao Crocodile Park is considered one of the finest tourist attractions In Davao. It boasts thousands of its self-nurtured crocodiles.……
History Of Lions. We all peoples know about lion.some people says big cat of lion because lion and cat has same……
(ESP) Los Gatos, esos animalitos tan curiosos y lindos, que a muchos les gustan y son la alegría de internet.(ENG) The……
Some Animals On The Verge Of Extinction Image Credit: ✔ Introduction……
VISIT OF MARGHAZAR ZOO ISLAMABAD Photo credit: stylishboy81 for Due to my busy schedule it is very difficult for me……
The Racoon family is not a large one, but it's so variedly that you might wonder what all the animals have in common. Racoons……
During May I had to take a trip over to the Auburn Hills area of Michigan. Going from one end of the state to the other costed almost……
Animals with Backbone around us The main groups of animals with backbone are: Photo Credit: isamadero79 Via in SlideShare 1- Mammals:……
Credits: Baby First Hello friends, how are you? I am talking here on the topic of “Animals”. Kinds of Animals Credits:……
Photo Credit: Eiston via Hi, guys! In this post, I'd like to share about a unique creature……
Hey dear friends, how are you today? I hope everyone is wonderful! This time I decided to write a blog about pets and how to choose……
Have you ever seen gigantic monsters on your whole life? What was your reaction? As the days are continuing to evolve, there are also……
Mrazovac K9 Academy is the best trainng academy for dogs in town. Ask anyone and they will tell you how efficiently the academy functions.……
VANCOUVER, B.C. — A necropsy on a dead killer whale found floating off the coast of British Columbia showed the animal had blunt-force……
Dogs have been called man's best friend. From licking your face when you wake up to sitting on your feet when your toes are cold,……
Hi guys! In my previous blog, I gave you an introduction to Sikkim and its different destinations. Now, if you read that blog,……
i think dogs are cute and i like dogs
i love cats i also love dogs dogs are cute and also cats are cute too i love both dogs and cats
1. You will exercise a lot more One of the things that dogs love the most is walking outside. So if you own a dog you will have to……
Animal Pirates by, Cobalt Foxx E-book: $1.00 (FREE with Softback) Softback: About: Terrance Ivy is an average boy. The main difference……
The Day it Rained Caterpillars by, Cobalt Foxx E-book: $1.00 (FREE with Softback) Softback: $7.99 About: The people of Iceland lived……
Found some of my old photos of Pet Society -feeling nostalgic. Front yard: Playroom: Bathroom: Cake house (mystery room): Garden……
Cats are my favorite pets. They look so innocent and gentle, and can keep a high level of hygiene. Whenever I travel I always……
Pink fish with hands Uses their fins to walk rather than swim, along the bottom of the ocean in this photo, undated. The fish pink…… The gerenuk, Litocranius walleri, also known as the Waller’s gazelle, is a long-necked species of antelope……
Zoos should be banned all around the world, there should be wildlife nature parks if you are so interested in watching animals live.……
watch 2016 very funny video Best Funny Video Clips # 1 Funny Fails Funny Animals Funny Pranks Jokes
Ayub Park Ayub National Park which is basically known as Ayub Park and its previous name is Topi Rakh Park.Its named after the Pakistani……
Photo courtesy of Hello everyone! Do you have a dog? Because... Today... We will be talking about...... DOGS! (Yey!……
Image courtesy of INTRODUCTION: This blog is intended to give information about “The crucial……
A non-combatative, eye-opening, thought-provoking presentation which outlines many reasons why you should consider going Vegan: do……
Credit: youtube
Here are crazy bloody facts about bats, how they feed and find blood to survive! 1. Vampire bats need to drink in average……
A painting showing Mughal hunters hunting for deer ( source: ) Topics Discussed In The Blog An Introduction……
Save Animals for our world.Animals are very cute and very importent for our life. I love the Wild Rescue teams,
DO NOT buy products made from wild animals and exotic hard woods! If people do not buy products made from wild animals, the people……
Have you ever thought about this – why don’t people ride zebras? Despite the movie Racing Stripes, zebras are not commonly……
Origami: The Art Of Paper Folding Back when I was a child, I love to make……
I was low last weekend. within the inside of my feverish, human-obsessed life, i used to be blown away by a bunch of dogs. Courtesy……
This is a short story of a National Geographic's photographer Paul Nicklen who had a rare very first face to face encounter with……
So here im writing abiut ny experience with pigeons Pigeons are loyal pets by loyal they remember the owners house and even if they……
When the world was sinking in the abyss of ignorance and civil and military wars were on the rise, there was a need for a reformer……
Kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) San Joaquin Kit Fox photo credit: B. Peterson The kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) is a fox species……
Burchell's Zebra Burchell's zebra is a southern subspecies of the plains zebra. It is named after the British explorer and naturalist……
My higher self: Eats an organic plant-based diet, full of ormus, enzymes, probiotics, jing, vitamins, algae, and minerals. Is……
The Washington National Zoo is owned by the Smithsonian Institute and located in downtown Washington DC, USA. The admission is free,……
Cruel to animals...bull wins.
"I am a friend of the footless,I am a friend of all bipeds,I am a friend of those with four feet,I am a friend too of any many-footed!"Anguttara……
Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae, from the Ancient Greek word "λύκος"……
One day, a teacher was attempting to teach the names of animals to a class of 5-year-olds. She held up a picture of a deer,……
Watch this boy as he had somehow made a bond with this stingray. It's an amazing thing. Watch the video below:
The Fragile Piercing Thoughts The open native hut at the back of our house where I often stay. My body clock was applauding because……
ili pika
I woke up this morning never knew that there'll be some nasty thing that's going to happen. I was about to eat my breakfast. When……
I love reading tons of articles over the internet and I always choose topics about animals or pets. While reading, I came around with……
I always enjoy watching videos of animals. Either they do nothing or they do something amazing that are rare to happen. The video……
Black labrador caressing the abandoned baby lamb. A video showing how much they love each other. Animals have an amazing capacity……
Africa is known for its diverse wildlife. And it's a top destination for wildlife enthusiast. One day on a safari motorcade in South……
Description: Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the……
George is a cat who just really likes to stand on two legs. Redditor Egzo shared a photo of his pet on Wednesday to the Aww subreddit,……
Prairie dogs are considered as rodents because they spent most of their time burrowing themselves under the ground. They actually……
Losing a beloved animal is every pet owner's worst nightmare. This is why people keep their cats indoors behind gates, dogs on leashes,……
Chicks are cute. So as pitbulls despite their vicious characters. So what happens when you combined these two? Well, I just happen……
It seems that the age-old saying "fighting like cats and dogs" has been dispelled by a pair of adorable little friends at an……
In museum i also saw Lizard preserved body.
One day, a teacher was attempting to teach the names of animals to a class of 5-year-olds. She held up a picture of a deer,……
Tigers are also known as "Big Cats" but when it comes to the biggest size, the largest tiger species among them are the "Siberian……
This adorable Bulldog named Elvis was an only puppy born with a cleft lip. He's had plenty of close care and attention, but now that……
The photo above was taken when the kittens are 5 days old. As per my observation, the stray mom cat gave birth to 4 cute little kittens……
Zoocobia Paradise Ranch is said to be Clark's nature and conservation park. This is located at Clark Freeport Pampanga.……
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during the Triassic period, 231.4 million years……
Animals in space originally only served to test the survivability of spaceflight, before manned space missions were……
Wow king of the animals. This is the king of the animals . It is stronger than all animals. And I also like this animal.
According to the observations of experts in animal foods change with climate change Photo: File He was a barbed bird was stuck in……
This video was taken by "Cool Hunting" ("Cool Hunting is synonymous with seeking inspiration. Our global team of editors and contributors……
The domestic cat[1][2] (Felis catus[2] or Felis silvestris catus[4]) is a small, usually furry, domesticated,……
The Akbash is a large, white breed of domestic Dog, native to the plains and mountains of western Turkey. The……
The Abyssinian Cat is thought to be one of the oldest breeds of domestic Cat in the world, as the first……
The Jerboa is found in Mongolia and China. Jerboas are really cutebut are now listed as endangered species. The Long-Eared……
Mata mata Turtles is an aquatic specifes that hates deep water because it likes to keep its snout afloat, this turtle from my nightmares……
(Cantor's Giant Soft-Shelled Turtle) - This super pancake looking turtle can grow up to 6 feet long and weigh 100lbs! The Asian……
Ants have been around million of years ago in our home planet. According to some researches, there's about 12,500 identified species……
I thought Cebu is free from huge aquatic reptiles but I was definitely wrong since I had been living in the city area only, I didn't……
One of the most iconic fictional squirrels isn’t really a squirrel at all. Scrat, the acorn loving critter from Ice Age,……
It’s not unheard of to use animals in warfare, so when Iran found 14 squirrels near their border with espionage equipment, they……
Tasmanian devils have a notoriously cantankerous disposition and will fly into a maniacal rage when threatened by a predator,……
The cheetah is the world's fastest land mammal. With acceleration that would leave most automobiles in the dust, a cheetah can go……
Hornets are wasps of the genus Vespa, closely related to (and resembling) yellowjackets. There are about 20 hornet species. Most……
Many people are fond of ladybugs because of their colorful, spotted appearance. But farmers love them for their appetite. Most ladybugs……
Whenever I'm bored I just turn on the TV and check something interesting on my favorite channels. It's been my habit to watch in one……
While watching the television, I came to watch a documentary story about this cute fluffy bears, Panda. They're too cute and so cuddly.……
funny pictures of animals
All honeybees are social and cooperative insects. A hive's inhabitants are generally divided into three types. Workers are the only……
There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, but the members of three bear primary responsibility for the spread of human diseases.……
Shortened ears and thick, white fur are among the physical traits that arctic hares have adapted to survive in the harsh, frozen tundra.……
Armadillo is a Spanish word meaning “little armored one” and refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs,……
Lions are the only cats that live in groups, which are called prides. Prides are family units that may include up to three males,……
African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by……
African elephants' wrinkles help them keep cool. African elephants are also more wrinkled than their forest-dwelling……
Bullet ants are appropriately named since the aid of a sting from just one of them is compared to being shot with a bullet.……
Many species of ants are known to raid neighboring colonies and steal eggs or larvae in a practice known as "dulosis". The forcibly……
10 Fascinating Facts About Ants 1. Ants are capable of carrying objects 50 times their own body weight with their mandibles.……
Laika, the mutt who became a space pioneer On November 3, 1957, Laika (meaning “barker” in Russian) traveled aboard the……
Elegant. Proud. Clever. Poodles are impressive dogs, as the many best-in-show winners from thisdog breed can attest. Behind the……
Panthera leo is the scientific name for a lion, while "leeu" is the Afrikaans name and "simba" is the Swahili name for the big cat.……
Things that Cats Hate CAR RIDES Just like humans, cats are creatures of habit. They like to have their territory and their……
The Pug's comical face, with deep wrinkles around big, dark eyes and a flat round face, can't help but make you……
Rottweilers were originally dogs bred to drive cattle to market. Later they were used to pull carts for……
Few Facts About Dogs Fact #1 The wetness of a dog’s nose is essential for determining what direction a smell is coming from.……
Attention-Seeking Behavior Attention-seeking behavior and excessive vocalization often go hand-in-hand with cats. Causes for……
My wife has a German Shorthair Pointer and he is such a goofy dog. He's kinda camera shy so it's hard to get some of the things that……
It's November and that time of year when the sleepy town of Churchill, Manitoba, on the western shore of Hudson Bay in Canada, turns……
National Geographic is holding their annual photo contest this month and it is, of course, as amazing as ever. The contest allows……
It is a rare and endangered fruit bat that can only be found in the Philippines. Has a wing span of atleast 1.5 meters and weghts……
He is just so cute huh? Cute Baby Panda The embed code would not work for the video. I didn't want to spam a link on the front……
Definition It is an acute spreading infection of deep subcutaneous tissue,commonly due to both group A streptococci and Staphyllococus……
The meeting was over and the animals trooped to their dwelling. All but Elephant and monyet the monkey had arrived at the decision.……
More photos about my visit to Sealife.
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
To my #dear #friends, #wonderful #images of #society, #children, #women, #men, #family, #friends, #human #psychology, #spirituality,……
Her Love, the True Love Good bye, bye, bye, good bye,Pierced like bullets,Shattered my heart,Shocked, shocked, shocked to hear,Echoed,Good……
Dinosaurs probably lived to be between 75 to 300 years of age. Scientists figured this out from looking at the structure of their……
A white elegator found in Australlia....... :)
1.Koalas 2.Squirrel monkeys 3.Fox bags 4.Geckos 5.Panda potot 6.The tree Kangaroos 7.Tree frogs 8.Anteaters 9.Sloths
Allah created many beautiful animals. These are also creatures of Allah. Some of them are very loving. Sparrows: The sparrow has sweet……
A man who want to know about spiritualism so first of all he should know his own the soul, the percept of the 'Rooh'……
The Muslims follow the Hijri calendar. The first month is Muharram, which beings to be sighting of the moon. However, there comes……
Forest is the places where there are many trees plants flowers and wild animals and birds live. The forest is very important for earth.……
Video source: Give me a chance to acquaint with you the……
Oil began to from millions of years ago.This process started with the tiny plants and animals that lived in the earth's oceans. When……
Animals have no voice. They can't ask for help or freedom or protection. We are the ones who are intelligent enough to care for them.……
Plants are of different kinds they are categories in flowering plants and non flowering plants. Flowering plants have flowers and……
This world was made on the basis of love. God loved Muhammad (P B U H), so he made this world. Not only Prophet Muhammad (P B U H),……
There has been a great debate as to whether plastic bags need to be changed to paper bags due to the great concern in the dangers……
Pharmacy in a chip: Imagine a drugstore that fits on a dime;that's one potential application for controlled release micro-chip invented.……
ENERGY FLOW IN ECOSYSTEM Energy is required to perform all the activities of life.The existence of this living world depends upon……
a small talking dog was a big success when it came in our theater it told jokes sang songs and did alot of her funny things on the……
Muslim scientist between 8th and 15th century made outstanding contributions for the progress of biology……
There are so many zoos in our country. They have many kinds of animals and many species of birds are present. All the kids liked the……
Most of the animals can easily swim into water when they entered fast time into the river. Dog, horses, beer and the buffalo do not……
Zoo is a place where the animals are kept. The zoo is the place where we can see the animals and can research on them. A visit to……
Resources are the essential elements of nature. They serve for the existence of Organisms. These resources include food, water, air,……
We can use the word music in to senses. It may be the combination of sound to give the pleasant affect on the mind and also it means……
It is a story of two man trapped in the forest of Africa. One of them was Steve and the other one is john. They are in the middle……
Today i am talking about village life in Pakistan. in Pakistan the village life is so simple.people wake up early in morning going……
Temperature is also an important component of the body. The effect of temperature is both present in animals and human body. In case……
In human body so many electrolytes will be present which are very useful for the living organisms both in animals and human body.……
Deforestation means cutting down the forest for the conversion of a forest to non-forest land. When forests are cut down many……
Tiger is the most strongest animal that lived in the forest. The food of the tiger is meat. They eat the meat of other small animals.……
There are about eighteen thousends different creatures on the earth.the best amongst the all creatures is the human being.there are……
Heart is the special part of the body and no body can survive it. It is not only present in human beings but it also present in animals.……
when they reached in a forest they saw the sun was set. they decided to stay here for spend this night. so they clean a place……
Earth is the planet which revolves around the sun like other planets. Earth has only one moon that revolves around it. Earth is the……
FOOD AND HEALTH Everyone of us knows that Food is the essential requirement of human life. Food gives us Food for……
Marine life are that life which lived in the sea water like fishes,sea horse, sharks, see snakes, snails, jellyfish and other animals……
If there is one thing I love, that's photography. With that, I can tell a story without saying anything, and it is almost a magic……
ALLAH Allah is one. Allah is our maker and master. We are Allah’s servants. Allah can do whatever He wants……
S O I L The peak sheet of the earth is covered with soil. Plants cultivate in soil because it consists of rock and organic matter.……
Colors are the signs of life. In this world everything have a specific color. No one will be colorless. The different colors of the……
I am going to write on the of women’s. Because today whole world is celebrating the women’s day. From the start there……
Zoos or zoological gardens are places of wild that people can have a glimpse of the world. In a zoo, wild and exotic animals from……
Much of the information we have today about chimpanzees comes from the groundbreaking, long-term research of the great conservationist,……
A village is made up of farm houses. mud houses uneven dirt ponds. there are dung hills heaps of rubbish and cows of dung cakes.……
We can communicate with other people with many different ways . We can talk and write like we can send messages with our hands and……
Few day's ago mian Farzand circus came to in our city LIAQUATPUR. We make plane to go and watch the circus. The first show is started……
These Arabian people buy Eagle from Pakistan by paying amount of lacs to Baluchi people that catch Eagles. That’s……
Human is a very complicated physically, spiritually and naturally. The complications you see in the universe that much complication……
Thousands years ago when Man started to rear the animals, then cow, ox, buffaloes, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, dogs, camels,……
Life and death both are the enemies of one another; in the presence of one, other doesn’t exist. They are like two ends of stream……
So, here it is guys! A very personal film about the animal I love the most - cats! I'm incredibly happy with the result……
:الامكانات البصرية عند الكلب نظر الكلب اضعف من نظر الانسان بصفة عامة، و……
الكلب كائن حي له احساس و مشاعر و غرائز ورغبات وسمات، يتضرب وفق نظريات و دراسات……
There are so many animals that we are in our life.But some are very useful and have a great importance in our life.Some important……
In every country of the world peoples have domestic pets in their houses.Domestic pet are very useful for human beings.Every family……
Life without aim is just like a word without meanings, a baby without soul, a lamp without light and an eye without sight. This is……
On christmas day it marked my 1 year anniversary of when I got my Canon 650D. Since then I've collected lenses, tubes, ND filters,……
Over years animals have lived and died over the surface of the earth. Species of animals have struggle to keep their existence……
It's been a while, Film Annex! Since my last post I've been on numerous shoots, edited my film and completed a report - it was such……
Murre is the one of the best and popular summer resort with huge hills in Pakistan. Murre is special visiting point for Islamabad……
Forest play very important role to make world beautiful. Forest is the place where we can found many creation of Allah that we can’t……
Pink Floyd .. where u find the Real MuSIC ... SO I think it's a good idea to introduce to you some information about them .. and make……
My lack of posting recently is due to good reason: I've got a new job (extra money for making films) and I've been crazy busy with……
Butterflies Butterflies are of the order of Lepidoptera and are mainly day-flying insects. Butterflies have four life stages: egg,……
Physical work has never made people smarter. What differs us from animals is our brain, the instrument of all creation. That is the……
SCARY DREAM Oh my god. It was one hell of a dream. Here I am in the middle of the city alone .all people are inside their houses.……
Animal Rights Nowadays that human right is not following in some of countries, and human right is being like a rule and adopted to……
Banksy’s at it again, in NYC! His most recent work of art included a stuffed animal slaughterhouse truck and a “mobile……
I’m sure we can all relate to some common expressions we use on a daily basis that involve animals. If you can’t……
One of the most interesting furry creatures has to be the sea otter. I adore these furry little guys with their webbed feet,……
If you’re planning on traveling anywhere in the world in search of some bizarre or unique places to see and experience,……
Imagine being the first person ever to swim from Florida to Cuba without a shark cage; that’s 110 miles or 180 kilometers……
I know I'm not in the film/TV industry yet, but I've already been on shoots with bearded dragons, dogs, turtles, woodlice and more.……
thousands of years ago, people iived in caves.they sheltered there form the weather. in could climates, they could light fires. in……
One of my favorite animals of all time is definitely the cheetah; I have loved this species of feline since I was a little child……
Tahiti is a breeding ground for biodiversity. I was reading an article over the weekend in regards to the huge increase or rather……
I was walking to my local supermarket the other day and one thing that I had noticed was this adorable Labrador Retriever sticking……
If you had the chance to take a picture with a snow leopard, a tiger, a puma, a bear or a rhinoceros, would you take it? Some……
What have you watched recently? I for one absolutely love my Netflix account, especially during those weekend nights when you’re……
MOSQUITOES FIND YOU IRRESISTIBLE FOR A REASON Picture me this, you’re planning a big ol’ BBQ at your home; you have……
How Humans Differ From Animals? Are human beings truly unique from the rest of Earth's creatures. We may value ourselves above……
La Fille Qui Détestait Les Livres, realisé par Jo Meuris, Office National du Film du Canada Court métrage d’animation……
The Girl Who Hated Books directed by Jo Meuris, National Film Board of Canada This animated short about literacy introduces……