Burka Avenger nominated for Emmy Kids Awards

I am so much happy after reading the news that Pakistan first animated series Burqa avenger is nominated by the International Emmy……
I am so much happy after reading the news that Pakistan first animated series Burqa avenger is nominated by the International Emmy……
La Linea (“The Line”)是一部意大利的电视动画系列,由意大利知名的漫画家Osvaldo Cavandoli创作的。这个电视动画共有90集,每一集的时间大约2到3分钟长,此动画的制作原先是为了意大利电视Rai频道,于西元1972年至1979年之间播映。后几年,陆续在全世界超过40个国家播映。……
There is a huge gap in the amount of female coders in the world. The problem does not exist in how companies are hiring; it……