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Hey Everyone as All of you know bitLanders is a Beautiful Social Platform Where you can Learn, Earn & Donate Charities. Many of……
Hey Everyone as All of you know bitLanders is a Beautiful Social Platform Where you can Learn, Earn & Donate Charities. Many of……
FAIR OF THE CULTURES FRIENDS For my was a great experience, since it had not gone previously and this time I was there with my friends……
Mi experiencia en Mano Amiga fue al principio un poco difícil porque no estaba acostumbrada al tipo de vida que se llevaba……
Mi experiencia en Mano Amiga El Colegio Mano Amiga me brindado muchas oportunidades es algo que me hace una persona mas responsable……
Mi pais es muy grande y hermoso sobre todo hay muchos lugares que podemos visitar como la hacienda panoaya algunas bibliotecas que……
My Country My country is very big and beautiful because it has places that you visit like Hacienda panoaya some library that……
En Mano Amiga llevo seis años y medio, entre cuando iba en 5to de primaria y ahora ya voy en 4to semestre de bachillerato,……
To be part of the school Mano Amiga Chalco is a nice experience because you allowed to have a closer connection with God than other……
A lo largo de este tiempo en Mano Amiga he aprendido muchas cosas y lo principal son los valores. Mi vida en Mano Amiga ha sido larga,……
El tiempo que eh estado en Mano Amiga, ha sido muy poco. Entré en el 2013 a cursar 1° semestre de bachillerato. Me fue……
Llevo siete años y medio en el colegio como estudiante y me eh dado cuenta que Mano Amiga se convierte en una fuente de apoyo.……
Llevo tres años en el colegio, y ya es parte fundamental de mi vida, todas mis compañeras se han vuelto mi segunda familia……
Llevo 1 año 6 meses en el colegio y mi experiencia ha sido muy buena, aunque al inicio no fue precisamente lo que quería,……
My experience in Mano Amiga de Chalco is good, initially it cost me a lot of work to adapt. I entered in eighth grade; I already knew……
Mexico is my country, I have lived here all my life, it’s pretty place. It has a variety in cultures, which are interesting……
Yo ingrese a Mano Amiga de Chalco en primero de primaria, mi hermano había ingresado un año antes a kínder y……
México es mi país, eh vivido aquí toda mi vida, es un lugar muy bonito. Tiene variedad cultural, la cual también……
I started to study in mano Amiga chalco since the kinder garden. I have had many friends and although I don’t have a lot of……
I entered the college when I was 4 years old; I remember that the college was different. I have gotten to known many classmates and……
It is for me a pride to belon a school like this. I know that everything i have learned i owe to my teacher`s, because they have worked……
Mi estancia en Mano Amiga ha sido una experiencia muy grata por muchas razones: la educación, los profesores, pero sin duda……
Mano amiga de chalco o como nosotros los alumnos lo conocemos "Mach " es una escuela que te enseña valores y religión……
Colegio mano amiga es mas que un instituto de aprendizaje, es una familia. En mano amiga se inculca desde la infancia los valores……
Es para mi un orgullo pertenecer a un colegio como este,sé que todo lo que he aprendido se lo debo a mis profesores,……
mi nombre es ivan fuentes morales curso el sexto semestre de bachillerato en el colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco , ingrese al colegio……
Mi experiencia en Mano Amiga El Colegio Mano Amiga me brindado muchas oportunidades es algo que me hace una persona mas responsable……
El Colegio Mano Amiga ha sido como una segunda casa para mi, pues he estudiado aquí durante gran parte de mi vida. En el colegio……
Mano Amiga me ha formado durante 6 años de mi corta vida y he tenido muchas experiencias. El estar dentro de este colegio da……
aspectos de mi vida y he conocido a muchos de mis amigos. Mano Amiga, mi experiencia En Mano Amiga llevo seis años y……
Me llamo Alejandro tengo 15 años de edad y les contare un poco acerca del colegio en el que estudio. Llevo casi 8 años……
Mi experiencia en el Colegio Mano Amiga Chalco ha sido muy grata, ya que desde el primer año de secundaria que ingresé……
Yo comencé a estudiar en el colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco desde el Kínder, he tenido muchas compañeras muy divertidas……
I started in Mano Amiga in the second grade and I have about 8 years I'm a freshman in high school and I am very happy here. One of……
Empeze el mano amiga en segundo de primaria ya tengo alrededor de 8 años estoy cursando el primer año de bachillerato……
Al ser una alumna de último año de bachillerato y darme cuenta de que estoy apunto de irme de éste colegio en……
El colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco ha sido mi segundo hogar durante toda mi vida escolar y académica, estudio aquí desde……
every body its make money free u can only 2 mint work daily and earn more and amazing referral earning join fast mu link and see earning……
Mi experiencia en el colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco comenzó a la edad de doce años, ingresando al primer año de……
Para mi es y ha sido una escuela muy buena en los aspectos académicos como en lo social. Al pasar el tiempo desde que entre……
Once años atrás mis padres tomaron la decisión de llevarme de llevarme un poco más lejos de casa, un lugar……
Mano Amiga es una Escuela que se Encuentra en el Edo de México en ella llevo 13 años estudiando, Es Una Escuela muy……
Sinceramente entrar a Mano Amiga no estaba en mis planes cuando era pequeño, pero la influencia de amigos de mi mama tenían……
Desde que entre por primera vez, esta institución ha tenido infinidad de cambios, gracias a todos los donadores que han logrado……
Llegue a este colegio desde hace 3 años para estudiar la preparatoria , en el transcurso del tiempo he aprendido muchas cosas……
Colegio Mano Amiga de Chalco el lugar donde han estado incrementando mis conocimientos. Entre cuando solamente tenia escasos 4 años……
its true histroy am beginning start am very extremly money earn but that once time forex to gambler am day by day low low and……
My country. The nature of the country, his popurality, and values therefore, provide very own characteristics to " the Mexican thing".……
México es un país que cuenta con 31 estados y un Distrito Federal y es uno de los más ricos en recursos naturales……
Mexico is a country with 31 states and the Federal District and is one of the richest in natural resources in the world. As i like……
México es una ciudad llena de riquezas culturales, es un país el cual está lleno de mucho cultura, México……
Para mi, México es el país donde yo disfruto vivir. Es muy interesante porque su pasado tiene historias muy interesantes.……
México es un país megadiverso en cultura, flora y fauna donde se pueden apreciar una infinidad de hermosos paisajes,……
Mexico is a city full of cultural riches, is a country which is full of much culture, Mexico has several cities around them, each……
México está ubicado en América del Norte. ……
México para mi es enorme es vida, es hermoso es un país lleno de alegría y también de mucha comida todos……
México is located in North America. It’s a country that holds a rich history and is full of color, traditions, culture……
Mexico is a country located in Central America, which has 32 states and a federal district. For me Mexico more than the place I belong……
Mexico for me is huge ,is life and is beautiful it’s a country full of happiness with fun food all its nature landscapes it……
Mexico is a country that is located in the American continent. Mexico is a country very rich in its natural areas, it has a great……
Mexico is a very rich country because it has different types of climate and biodiversity it has all kind of people from the highest……
México es un país muy rico en todos los aspectos ya que cuenta con diferentes tipos de climas y biodiversidad. México……
The diversity of Mexico Mexico is a very big country. Is the 4th biggest country in the world and has a democratic government system.……
México es un país que está ubicado en el continente Americano .México es un país muy rico en sus……
México es un país ubicado en Centro América, el cual cuenta con 32 entidades federativas y un Distrito Federal.……
La diversidad de MéxicoMéxico es un país muy grande. Es el 4° país más grande del mundo y tiene……
Mexico has natural resources and places like rivers, seas, lakes and jungles, but we don´t know how to take advantage and neither……
Mi país cuenta con grandes recursos naturales tales como ríos, mares, lagos, bosques y junglas pero no sabemos cómo……
hello every one some error this site today hosting but today is error remove am daily earn 1btc plus so u don't mis the chance ok……
Mexico for my is a very nice country where I can do many things and there are many pretty things, in the dawntown you can find our……
My country is Mexico City its huge and pretty it has different cultures and a wide history. I have visited many towns like: Hidalgo,Oaxaca,Puebla,Chiapas……
Mexico it's a huge country wealth in traditions, It's important to mention that in the downtown there's too much pollution but it's……
México es un país maravilloso lleno de sitios hermosos, como: algunas playas, montañas, o zonas arqueológicas;……
Mi país se llama México. México tiene 31 estados y un Distrito Federal, nuestro presidente se llama Enrique Peña……
My country is called Mexico. Mexico has 31 states and a Federal District, our president is Enrique Peña Nieto. I like my country……
Mexico is a beautiful country that has a lot of cultura and many languages around it. There are places like Chiapas: there are forest……
My country is Mexico is huge and many people is living here, it has beaches, forest, parks and has touristic places and it’s……
In my country “México” there is variety of food, that is delicious and many dishes spicy. My country is big……
Mi país es México, tiene diferentes características, en el aspecto cultural, México tiene grupos indígenas……
My country is Mexico it has different characteristics. In the cultural aspect, Me xico has indigenous people who speak a native lenguaje,……
Officially called the United Mexican States, is one of the largest countries that bebngs to Latin America, the climate is tropical……
My country is Mexico, Mexico is really dangerous, dirty and ugly because were destroying it in the natural aspect, the only……
Mexico has very beautiful places because story with peace vary interesting like place to pass like family too like Mexico to you big……
México es un país muy grande y rico en cultura y tradiciones. Cabe mencionar que en el centro del país hay mucha……
México es un país muy grande, tiene muchos habitantes, tradiciones y deliciosos platillos aunque a veces también……
In Mexico there are magic towns with traditions that are very beautiful. The people that live in Mexico are friendly and polite. It´s……
México tiene lugares muy bonitos, interesantes como museos para parar tiempo con tu familia. La inmensidad de México……
México es uno de los países mas grandes del mundo, esta lleno de riqueza, monumentos, museos, diversidad y cultura,……
Mi país es México, está ubicado en el continente americano, al centro, es pequeño y parece la cola de……
Mi país es México, México es muy inseguro, sucio y feo, porque lo estamos destruyendo en lo aspecto natural,……
My country is Mexico, it’s located in the american continent, at the center, is small and looks like a mermaid tail, It’s……
Mexico is a one of the biggest countries in the world, it is full of wealths, monuments, museums, diversity and culture that comes……
México es un país muy grande y rico en cultura y tradiciones. Cabe mencionar que en el centro del país hay mucha……
Nowadays Mexico is going through a crisis not only economic, it´s also social, enviromental, but, specialy ideological from……
i live in mexico and i would like to mention that the for many years, currently theses groups are for from the aity they live in villages……
Si hablamos de México y sus lugares turísticos podemos encontrar un tema extenso, ya que tiene lugares muy bonitos en……
En la actualidad México esta atravesando una crisis, no sólo económica, sino también social, ambiental,……
My country is called Mexico. Mexico has 31 states and a Federal District, our president is Enrique Peña Nieto.I like my country……
Mexico es un hermoso pais pero lamentablemente tiene mucha violencia entre buenas y malas personas y este problema provoca inseguridad……
Mexico is a beautiful country but sadly has a lot of violence between good and bad people and these problem provoke insecurity in……
Mexico is a beautiful place, is a country with many interesting things, a country with 32 towns and a federal district (DF ) and in……
México es un país muy rico en cultura y en gastronomía a veces es difícil ver todos estos……
Mèxico is a country rich in culture and gastronomy, sometimes it is hard to see all of these aspects when the political and……
México es un país muy interesante y cultural ya que tiene características muy especiales que lo hacen sobre salir……
For me México is a worker, rich in culture and country with a tropical climate that characterizes. Warm and hospitable people……
Mexico is a very interesting and cultural country that has very special characteristics that make it on out to other nations. It´s……
Para mi México es un país trabajador, lleno de riqueza cultural y con un clima tropical que lo caracteriza. De gente……
México, es una hermosa nación con una excelente comida, clima y montones de cultura. Todo lo que ya he mencionado transforma……
Yo vivo en México, es un país hermoso dónde hay playas, bosques montañas y volcanes. En la Ciudad de México……
Mexico, It's a beautifull nation with an excelente food, weather and tons of culture. Everything that i mentioned is transforming……
I live in Mexico, here is a beautiful country. There are beaches, mountains, forests and volcanoes. In Mexico City there are interesting……
Un bello lugar para disfrutar de paz y tranquilidad , rodeado de tanta cultura e infinitas tradiciones. Este unico oasis cultural……
I live in mexico, is a country whit an interesting culture, in Mexico i would like to visit Yucatan, there is located Chichen Itza……
Mexico in my personal opinion, is the place where i was born, also where, i developed and led my studies. Throught my life, i……
En México hay deliciosa comida típica de las diversas culturas antiguas que conforman a este hermoso país, México……
Yo vivo en México, es un país con una interesante cultura. A mi me gustaría visitar Yucatan, ahí se encuentra……
México en mi opinión personal, es el lugar donde nací, también donde me he desarrollado y conllevado mis……
A beautiful place where you can enjoy peace and serenity surrounded of culture and endless traditions. This cultural oasis stands……
México es un lugar hermoso, es un país con muchas cosas interesantes, un país que cuenta con 32 estados y un……
México it´s a place with beatiful beaches in de republic.There are unic landscape that have a lot of tourist in the vacations……
Hay un lugar realmente hermoso en el mundo donde la gente es muy linda y amigable , donde tus sueños se hacen realidad……
Mexico is a very big country. Is the 14 biggest country in the world an has a democratic governament system. There are thirty one……
it's one of the contries in the American continet, this contry in unique beatiful and it's comppouned by mony factors, the people……
In Mexico there are lot of beatiful places like beaches, forests, museums and archeologic places. Mexico has a a culture and costums……
Mexico is a country with lot of beatiful things like the puramides of teotihuacan, el angel de independencia and other thing that……
MEXICO es mi pais es un pais con mucha inseguridad y muy mala economia y educacion pero tambien es un pais muy rico en petroleo……
MÉXICO Mi país es México y es un país donde se cuenta con grandes culturas y diversos hechos……
México es un país que tiene muchas cosas bellas como las pirámides de teotíhuacan, el ángel de……
Mexico is a beatiful contry where you can find incredible places, like puerto Vallarta beach or the jungle Lacandona in Chiapas, Mexico……
MEXICO Es uno de los países del continente americano el cual es único, hermoso y que se compone por muchos factores.Los……
México es un país de corrupción donde todo lo controla el narco y los políticos. En México no existe……
México es un país muy grande y hermoso, tiene increibles lugares y atracciones como el centro (zócalo) entre……
Hola que tal, el estado que expondré sera el Estado de México, metiéndome mas a fondo en el Estado de México,……
Happy New Year everyone and welcome to 2015. As we move forward with each brand new day, digital……
Francesco Rulli, President of MTI USA inc, founder of bitLanders, Film Annex and Women's Annex Foundation recently wrote……
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible." ……
We want to help support your organization! Here is how: By offering our users the possibility to use their earnings to donate……
Help Women's Annex Foundation win $5,000! Vote Now on for The Women's Annex Foundation helps grow and foster……
Help Women's Annex Foundation win $5,000! Vote Now on for The Women's Annex Foundation helps grow and foster digital……
Spiderman says: “With power comes responsibility.” After nearly 10 years of being successful in Online Film Distribution,……
Part One This is Part Two of A New Day In The Eyes Of Afghan Superheroes. Below is the second drawing that I based this……
Francesco Rulli and I are working on a project with the Women's Annex Foundation which is helping to create superheroes for……
It's that time of year. As we are entering the holiday season, we get to remember what we are thankful for. Feeling thankful is also……
The New York Athletic Club host's an international Judo tournament each year. I have been given the……
Dated - 2014-08-09 03:40 PM The Women's Annex Foundation made a powerful presentation at the NYC Bitcoin Center. The……
Must Watch this Movie....
"At BitPesa we enable businesses and individual to receive international payments from abroad: for salaries, for trade, for……
Xcorps 42. MX GIRLS - FULL SHOW - The women of Moto X are featured in this episode which highlights MX GIRLS who go BIG and……
Tony Gallippi is the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Bitpay. He has 20 years of experience in Sales and Marketing in the Robotics……
Xcorps Action Sports #56 PISMO seg.5 - Xcorps TV productions rolled from San Diego to central California to film in the beautifully……
Hi my Bitlander's friends :) Couple of days ago I did an interview with Marni Melrose who is a Technology and Bitcoin Evangelist. ……
Frank Schuil has founded several companies in various industries including location based social network IRL Connect, fashion……
Xcorps 41. HAWAIIMANA - Full Show - The Xcorps goes BIG ALOHA with host Jason Lazo back in Hawaii covering a mix of cool action X……
I joined Bitlanders In November 2013 when the name of bitlanders was not bitlanders but that was Film annex. Many of my friends……
Xcorps 40. HELLS CANYON - Full Show - Shot in the wild Hells Canyon area of western Idaho this rugged scenic and powerful Xcorps episode……
"Join with BitPay, Xapo, LibraTax, Roger Ver and others who kicked off an initial fundraising campaign that began last week for……
My Friends We are not on Allah & his prophet (s.a.w) way please Chose Muhammad (s.a.w) way.... Prophet Muhammad Mustafa(s.a.w)……
Sono passati quasi due anni da quando Women's Annex ha dato il via alla sua missione di supporto verso le donne nei paesi emergenti……
DROP DATABASE Syntax DROP DATABASE Drops all tables in the database and deletes the database.
It has been almost 2 years that Women's Annex has started its mission to assist women in developing countries beginning from……
When i started with this site formerly "film annex" and now "bitlanders", i was very excited to participate because of the……
Enjoy pictures from EPP ASSAGBAKOPE Primary School in Togo. This school is located 60 kilometers from Togo's Capital LOME. The……
Use the SHOW statement to find out what databases currently exist on the server: The mysql database describes user access privileges.……
To determine the version and release of your currently installed MySQL installation.
L'intera squadra di Women's Annex è stata recentemente intervistata da CoinTelegraph, un sito web che tratta notizie……
The Women's Annex crew has recently been interviewed by CoinTelegraph, a website that covers Bitcoin news. Digital Currency or Crypto……
The world is raising awareness against child marriage in developing countries. Organizations such as UNICEF, UKaid, GIRLS NOT BRIDES……
Giulia Quintavalle è una judoka italiana. Ha vinto la medaglia d'oro nella categoria -57 kg alle Olimpiadi di Pechino……
Film Annex is now "bitlander" but there are no changes in how you will earn or be paid as a member of the the new site, the name of……
I was replying to the notice of film annex about the subscribers this early morning today August 4, 2014 using the site film……
Xcorps 35. VIPER - FULL SHOW - Following up the raging XC DUNES off road motor sports series this episode includes hosts Jason Lazo……
Starting to feel annoyed now with how much my buzz & revenue have gone down :( and still can't withdraw my balance yet
Un saluto a tutti i nostri amici di Film Annex e Women's Annex. Ultimamente non ci sono stati aggiornamenti sulle nostre……
Hi my Film Annex and Women's Annex fellows, It has been quiet lately and I haven't updated you about our activities. However, I am……
Greater-Tomorrow Foundation Greater Tomorrow Dr. Richards Afonja is……
Xcorps 32. DUNES 2 - FULL SHOW - The Xcorps Team X returns to the California Glamis sand dunes with XGAMES medalist Rat Sult at the……
On posting articles i believe we have to consider policies and Film Annex had provided guidelines to follow and you can find……
"Women's Annex attinge a queste risorse, emancipando le donne e portandole ad assumere un ruolo significativo nella loro società."……
"Kadınların ek girişimler içine onların topluma katkıda anlamlı bir rol üstlenmesi için bu kadınları güçlendirici,……
Xcorps 27. CABO - FULL SHOW - Action sports in exotic locations is TheXcorps and this show delivers both in high doses with sports……
"The Women's Annex initiatives are tapping into that resource, empowering these women to take on a meaningful role in contributing……
Imprenditoria ed abilità finanziaria vanno di pari passo. Il rischio - e la corrispettiva posta in palio - sono alla base del……
WA: kısaca kendinizi ve arka plan hakkında söyleyebilirsiniz? BF: Midwest Amish ülkeden uzak olmayan çok……
WA: Puoi parlarci brevemente di te? BF: Sono cresciuto nel Medio Oriente, poco lontano da una comunità Amish. Fin da piccolo……
WA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? BF: I grew up in the Midwest, not too far from Amish country, so at……
Mesut Ozil donates World Cup winnings so 23 children can have surgery in Brazil.
Here I'll told you that how I joined Film Annex and how I started work at Film Annex. One of my friend told me about the Film……
Il 4 agosto, il team della Women's Annex Foundation parteciperà ad……
On August 4, 2014 @ 7PM the Women's Annex Foundation team is going to present at one of the "Satoshi nights" at the……
On: La distribución online de cortometrajes, blogs y financiación plataforma de contenidos que recompensa socios de……
Xcorps X PRESS- July 17,2014 Encinitas California USA – Xcorps Action Sports TV Uploads 400 Videos to Film Annex! Xcorps TV……
So I decided to model my Samsung NX1000 from my list of 'everyday items' list of models to do over the summer. Here's how it's looking……
Me Amar registered on Film Annex on 23rd January, 2014. And I'm using Film Annex from February up to now. I have written……
La novelista de éxito Cornelia Van Gorder (Agnes Moorehead), se traslada a la residencia Ox para pasar las vacaciones de verano.……
A brief history and relation of opium with Afghanistan have been enlightened in my previous blog, click on: .....……
Hello, I'm Amar-e-Yasir Nike name is Amar Annex. Today I'm writing a blog to the name of new comers of Film Annex. Dear……
Xcorps X PRESS- July 8, 2014 Encinitas California USA – Xcorps TV Oceano Dunes Ca – SunBuggy PRESS promo POSTER……
Xcorps X PRESS- July 4, 2014 Encinitas California USA – Xcorps TV visits Pismo Beach Ca – PRESS promo poster SHOTS……
Mostly asked question by the members of Film Annex Community, “How to make our buzz score high”??? Film Annex, a social……
Two years ago, I decided to contact Ms. Roya Mahboob and Fereshteh Forough in Afghanistan to support their business and empower women…… ha recentemente annunciato la propria volontà di donare il 3% dei profitti generati attraverso gli acquisti……
Al pari di radio e televisione, anche l'internet si è evoluto nel corso degli anni ad un passo iperbolico, soprattutto per……
As radio and television have evolved over the years, so has the internet, and at a hyperbolic pace, especially the role advertising……
Il progetto Women’s Annex è un progetto di grande successo che mira al raggiungimento dell'emancipazione femminile nei……
In arrivo Smartphones da 25 dollari Quanto accessibile possiamo rendere l'educazione? Beh, la Womens Annex Foundation ha già……
Women’s Annex Project is one of the most successful Projects that empower women in the various fields of Education and Cultural.……
Filantropia e #Bitcoin Filantropia significa preoccuparsi ed aiutare a creare la felicità ed il benessere degli altri. Ci sono……
$25 Smartphones Are Coming How accessible can we make education? Well, the Womens Annex Foundation has already taken a few steps:……
Humanitarianism and #Bitcoin Humanitarianism is having concern for or helping to improve the happiness and wellbeing of others. There……
Uploading movie on film annex? Read these rules…. Before uploading movie on film annex you have to know some rules presented……
Firstly, I’ll introduce myself, as I have introduced in previous blog “My first salary of Film Annex” and now sir……
Women's Annex Foundation Il 7 giugno Tanaya Macheel ha pubblicato un articolo su CoinDesk intitolato "How Bitcoin Helps Afghan Girls……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Wednesday June 11, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps TV begins FULL SHOW uploads to the FILM ANNEX online TV platform!……
"... it's amazing to see WAF's expanding opportunities available to women through financial independence" Arianna Simpson is……
Women's Annex Foundation On June 7th, Tanaya Macheel published an article on CoinDesk entitled "How Bitcoin Helps Afghan Girls Achieve……
Quality Content Film Annex is the first website in the world to pay users in Bitcoin for content they create and share. Other social……
In previous blog (complaints to film annex), I had mentioned my some complaints to film annex, (The bit coin system and still unchecked……
Hey everyone! I hope you are having a great day. I want you all to know that I have some really cool articles coming up on this blog……
Check out the shots from the video of the effects of fatigue on the mind of driver and show host Jason Lazo as he pushes the no sleep……
Have you ever gone over to the shop that is a part of Film Annex? Probably. If not then on your top bar just go over and click the……
Nelle ultime settimane abbiamo lavorato al futuro della nostra società e del nostro network. È possibile……
Bitcoin are the bricks and measurement for a new digital world, a new land populated by productive and creative……
Film Annex is a great social media which is helping millions of people financially. It is a very good site where people earn money……
First of all I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Zain ul abidin, I’m 17 years old. Recently I’ve……
Pagamenti e Shopping in Bitcoin su Film Annex Netwoks Tim Swanson di CoinDesk ha scritto un articolo molto interessante sugli "ultimi……
Bitcoin Payments and Shopping @ Film Annex Networks Tim Swanson from CoinDesk wrote a very interesting article on "the latest block……
Xcorps TV Presents “ROD RUN” with Music video from the Morrison Brothers band. Xcorps TV releases a new motorsports lifestyle……
Traduzione dall'inglese a cura di Nadea TranslationsArticolo originale:……
Back in late September 2013 I released a trailer (my first ever promoting one of my films) for an experimental short I was……
Mia madre e’ fortunata. E’ la terza volta che va a Praga! Io ci sono stato solo una volta da ragazzo, e sono rimasto di……
La vida es como una hoja en blanco... Tú decides que escribirás en ella. La vida es como un columpio...……
How's it going Film Annex team! It's been sometime since I've been writing blogs here, but rest assured, I am back in action as of……
Cast della Trevor Day School - New York, Maggio 2014 Negli ultimi due anni, Roya Mahboob ha lavorato in collaborazione con Film Annex……
Trevor Day School Cast - New York City, May 2014 Over the last two years, Roya Mahboob has been working in partnership with Film Annex……
Matthew Kenahan is the Founder & CEO of The Bitcoin Society LLC, Entrepreneur and Investor in Digital Media. Below is an……
Mike Sweeney and Francesco Rulli in NYC Film Annex is a very good platform that gives its users the opportunity to express their skills……
FA: Puoi dirci brevemente qualcosa su di te? TF: Mi chiamo Tyler Finkelstein. Al momento studio scienze informatiche e gestione d'impresa……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? TF: My name is Tyler Finkelstein. I'm currently a student at……
Film Annex - Waiting Period Film Annex is an incredibly innovative social media platform and is significantly unique in the way it……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, 和 Francesco Rulli 我们最近在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
Benvenuti al mio terzo e ultimo capitolo sui falsi miti riguardanti il fitness. Spero vi piaccia! :-) FARE CARDIO RAFFORZA LE MIE……
Welcome to the third and last chapter of my false statements about fitness. I hope you enjoy! :-) CARDIO STRENGTHENS MY LEGS. In order……
La scorsa settimana ho partecipato all'evento Invent Your Future Enterprises a Silicon Valley. È stata una grande opportunità……
"Perché la Women's Annex Foundation emancipa la creatività digitale delle donne nei paesi in via di sviluppo con l'alfabetizzazione……
"Why Women's Annex Foundation Empowers Digital Creativity of Women in Developing Countries with Digital Literacy?" Are you a creative……
Benvenuti alla seconda parte del mio articolo a riguardo dei falsi miti sul fitness. Spero vi piaccia. :-) È POSSIBILE PERDERE……
Last week, I participated in the Invent Your Future Enterprises event in the Silicon Valley. It was a great opportunity for me to……
Steven Carpenter è il CEO di QLF Incorporated. Contribuisce a Bitcoin Magazine, è un moderatore di Film Annex, un imprenditore……
Steven Carpenter is the CEO of QLF Incorporated. He is a Contributor for Bitcoin Magazine, a Film Annex moderator, an entrepreneur……
Welcome to the second chapter of my list of false statements about fitness. I hope you will enjoy it. :-) IT’S POSSIBLE TO LOSE……
Referral Program Update - Film Annex Take Advantage of the New Update! The referral program on Film Annex is one of the greatest opportunities……
In giro si trovano moltissime informazioni sul fitness, ma molte delle cose che leggiamo non hanno alcun fondamento scientifico. Vediamone……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, 和 Francesco Rulli 我們最近在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
21 Aprile 2014 - 1 BTC= $496 Questa settimana inizieremo a pubblicare alcuni filmati interessanti tratti dal recente evento Inside……
Fereshteh Forough, Nic Cary, Roya Mahboob, and Francesco Rulli We recently met Nic Cary the CEO of, at the Inside……
There's a lot of information out there about fitness, but many statements are not the result of scientific research. Let's see together……
La vita è una complessa serie di eventi che formano la nostra esistenza personale e d'affari; uno dei suoi aspetti più……
April 21, 2014 - 1 BTC= $496 This week we will start to publish some interesting films from the recent Inside Bitcoin event in NYC.……
Life is a complex series of events that shapes our personal and business existence. A complex aspect is to make this series of events……
Ci sono diversi fattori che accelerano il processo di sviluppo di una comunità. Uno di questi è sicuramente l'istruzione,……
Echa un vistazo al cartel de la adaptacion cinematografica de Frankie Vallie y la daptacion musical de Broadway Four Seasons de Jersey……
There are several factors which elevate the development process of any community. I can name Education with the help of Social and……
In April 2011 I was visiting my good friend David Corbett, who at the time was living in Mansfield in Nottinghamshire in the……
2014年4月7-8号,受各界瞩目的"Inside Bitcoin 会议- 虚拟货币的未来"在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits……
Sometime we face with a strange circumstances that we do even anticipate them to happen, since they are far from access may be because……
Non sono un caffèinomane, ma potrei facilmente diventarlo. Amo il caffè da sempre, e sapendo quanto possa causare dipendenza,……
2014年4月7-8號,受各界矚目的"Inside Bitcoin 會議 - 虛擬貨幣的未來"在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits……
WELL COME TO THE FILMANNEX This blog is the extension of my first blog about the problem faced……
Il 7 e l'8 Aprile 2014, al Jacob Javits Convention Center di New York si è tenuto Inside Bitcoins Conference. All'evento hanno……
Over the past year, we have made many changes and additions at Film Annex, and we now reference our platforms for the perspective……
On April 7-8, 2014, the Inside Bitcoins Conference was held at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City. There were many……
I am not a coffee addict, but I could easily be one. I've been loving coffee ever since I can remember it, and since I know I would……
2014年4月7-8号,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金会将共同参与在纽约市的贾维茨会展中心(Javits Convention……
2014年4月7-8號,Film Annex 和 Women's Annex 基金會將共同參與在紐約市的賈維茨會展中心(Javits Convention……
数字化钱币或数位货币的好处是「零处理费用」。 比特币(Bitcoin) 是一种开放源的数位货币,没有人拥有或控制它,而且每个人都可以参与。……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Saturday April 5, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps MUSIC – EARLY JEWEL – now published on Film……
Film Annex 不断地求新和改变。下面是Film Annex 总裁兼创办人-弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli)谈到有关最新动态和变化的视频:……
Come usare Film Annex Date un'occhiata a questo video per una panoramica della nuova piattaforma di Film Annex. Si tratta di un tutorial……
How to use Film Annex Watch this 6 minute overview video of the new Film Annex platform. It is a great tutorial that will be helpful……
Lo scorso mese ha segnato il terzo anniversario dall'inizio del conflitto in Siria. È impossibile avere stime accurate, ma……
Il 7 e l'8 Aprile al Javits Convention Center a New York City Film Annex e Women's Annex saranno al chiosco #404 per prendere……
Film Annex 不斷地求新和改變。下面是 Film Annex 總裁兼創辦人-弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli)談到有關最新動態和變化的視頻:……
Last month marked the 3-year anniversary since the beginning of the conflict in Syria. Although exact numbers are impossible to calculate,……
On April 7-8 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City Film Annex and Women's Annex will be at booth #404 at the "Inside Bitcoin……
Nelle ultime settimane, la crisi in Ucraina è stata uno degli argomenti più trattati dagli organi di informazione. Anche……
Che cos'è una comunità? In genere ci si riferisce a un gruppo di persone o a una società; la prima cosa che ci……
Recent findings from a national level representative survey by Glevum Associations conducted in all provinces of Afghanistan……
The Ukrainian crisis has been on prime time news for the past few weeks. Even those who don't care about politics - or any country……
最近我和弗朗切斯科鲁利(Francesco Rulli) 拜访了中央皇后区特许学校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,简称CQA),于2014年才成立的中央皇后区特许学校是纽约市第一所针对亚裔移民学生需求而设立的免费公立初中,学校由华人创办,华人担任校长。大约有60〜75%为非英语系的家庭,其中大约有85%高度贫困的学员享有免费或减免的待遇。这所学校的重要核心价值就是素养,包括数位素养(digital……
What is Community? Usually when we are going to think about a group of people ( community) and society the first thing which comes……
Zero spese di transazione con il denaro digitale o le valute digitali (Bitcoin) I Bitcoin sono open-source, nessuno……
Film Annex Film Annex pays individuals for the social media they create and share! Film Annex is a completely……
On Film Annex film and blogging platform, all users are represented by an avatar that can be customized with different outfits, styles…… è ora pienamente operativo e totalmente separato dal suo fratello maggiore . Desideriamo……
數字化錢幣或數位貨幣的好處是「零處理費用」。 比特幣(Bitcoin) 是一種開放源的數位貨幣,沒有人擁有或控制它,而且每個人都可以參與。……
Zero Processing Fees with Digital Money Or Digital Currency (Bitcoin) Bitcoin is open-source, nobody owns or controls it and every……
Recentemente ho partecipato alla Johnson Women in Technology (JWiT) Conference che ha avuto luogo qui a New York City. Lo……
最近我和弗朗切斯科魯利(Francesco Rulli) 拜訪了中央皇后區特許學校(Central Queens Academy Charter School,簡稱CQA),於2014年才成立的中央皇后區特許學校是紐約市第一所針對亞裔移民學生需求而設立的免費公立初中,學校由華人創辦,華人擔任校長。大約有60〜75%為非英語系的家庭,其中大約有85%高度貧困的學員享有免費或減免的待遇。這所學校的重要核心價值就是素養,包括數位素養(digital……
Recently I went to Johnson Women in Technology ( JWiT) Conference here in New York City. The mission of this conference was too support……
Di recente Francesco Rulli ed io abbiamo visitato la Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA), una scuola media……
Recently Francesco Rulli and I visited Central Queens Academy Charter School (CQA) which is a tuition-free public charter middle……
SE C'E' SCRITTO 0 GRASSI IDROGENATI, VA BENE MANGIARLO. Ciò dimostra come le etichette non siano affidabili al 100%, e……
Welcome to the 4th chapter of my list of nutrition and fitness myths to destroy. I hope you will enjoy it. :-) IF IT SAYS 0 TRANS……
Benvenuti al terzo capitolo della serie dedicata ai miti riguardanti l'alimentazione e il fitness. Vi invito ad abbandonare ogni certezza,……
昨晚,我再度参与了 Portfolios with Purpose 所举办的年度盛事。这个活动的使命是为那些想为慈善事业作出贡献的金融界者们创造具参与性的竞争。……
Welcome to the third chapter of my nutrition and fitness myths revealing article. Please, abandon every certainty……
Photo Credit: Alena Soboleva Sports is a tool that can bring people together without considering their race, culture, language,……
Twitch.TV è un sito fantastico che permette a gamer, fan e social media di connettersi e di trasmettere in streaming i……
Benvenuti al secondo capitolo della mia saga che si occupa di verificare i miti a riguardo dell'alimentazione e del fitness. Se vi……
Lavorando con un cliente, ci siamo trovati a parlare dei diversi metodi con cui è possibile creare un blog online. Creare un……
Welcome to the second chapter of my nutrition and fitness myths destroying saga. If you are ready to dismantle old statements believed……
Avendo così tante informazioni disponibili su Internet, è spesso difficile distinguere cosa sia scientificamente provato……
Twitch.TV is a fantastic website that allows gamers, fans, and social media to connect seamlessly where they can stream their content……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Saturday March 15, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps Action Sports TV Uploads show #40. HELLS CANYON seg.5 to Film……
While I was working with a client we were discussing the many ways you can go about building a blog online. Building the blog and……
With so much information available in Internet, it's often difficult to distinguish scientific data from fake statements, and most……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Thursday March 13, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps Action Sports TV Adds promo photo POSTERS to Film Annex video……
亲爱的朋友们, Film Annex 感谢大家为2014年纽约公开组锦标赛(2014 New York Open Team Championship)作出的贡献,您们所付出的时间和努力为这个活动带来了巨大的成功!……
La notte scorsa ho partecipato per la seconda volta all'evento annuale di Portfolios with Purpose. La sua missione consiste nel creare……
Barona Drags is a must attend event!!! Great local drag racing!! Lilli was awesome to work with and Scott brings the super……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Wednesday March 12, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps Action Sports TV Rolls with Final Cut Pro X and Mavericks OS……
Quest'anno cade il 20esimo anniversario dell'inizio del mio viaggio come personal trainer. Ricordo ancora quel diciottenne mentre……
昨晚,我再度參與了 Portfolios with Purpose 所舉辦的年度盛事。這個活動的使命是為那些想為慈善事業作出貢獻的金融界者們創造具參與性的競爭。……
Last night for the second time, I participated in the annual event for the Portfolios with Purpose. Its mission is to create an engaging……
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the beginning of my journey as a personal trainer. I still remember that 18-year-old high……
Xcorps XPRESS Tuesday March 11, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps Action Sports and Music Adds New Oregon Lava Caves Photo’s……
Il sito è adesso totalmente distaccato da Film Annex. Effettuando il login su Women's Annex,……
親愛的朋友們, Film Annex 感謝大家為2014年紐約公開組錦標賽(2014 New York Open Team Championship)作出的貢獻,您們所付出的時間和努力為這個活動帶來了巨大的成功!……
Our website is now a completely separate website from Film Annex. If you login at Women's Annex, the content you……
2014年纽约公开组柔道锦标赛(2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship )由法国连获2年优胜。 Film Annex 是这个活动的赞助商之一,参赛的队伍包含法国,德国,日本,加拿大,波兰和美国,比赛地点在纽约竞技俱乐部(New……
Ogni volta che si avvicina la stagione invernale, siamo esposti ad una nuova serie di germi in grado di trasmetterci influenze e raffreddori.……
"Women are the real architects of society. "– Harriet Beecher Stowe امروز ۸ مارچ روز جهانی زن است. روزی……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Friday March 7, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps Action Sports and Music TV uploads 350 videos to the FILM ANNEX……
Every time we approach the cold season, we get exposed to a new set of germs carrying a nice-looking flu or a great-feeling cold.……
2014年紐約公開組柔道錦標賽(2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship )由法國連獲2年優勝。Film Annex 是這個活動的贊助商之一,參賽的隊伍包含法國,德國,日本,加拿大,波蘭和美國,比賽地點在紐約競技俱樂部(New……
Questa serie particolare assume un grande significato nello spazio raffinato dell'arte della mia pratica fotografica. Le foto……
Miei cari, Film Annex desidera ringraziarvi per aver contribuito a rendere il 2014 New York Open Team Championship un enorme……
Marni Melrose is an award winning technology evangelist. Business and digital currency consultant. Here she talks about Bitcoin as……
Dear all, Film Annex would like to thank all of you who contributed to make the 2014 New York Open Team Championship a huge success.……
Ecco la seconda parte dei miei consigli per sconfiggere lo scorrere del tempo... Spero vi piaccia! 1) Non dormire abbastanza può……
Here is the second chapter of my tips on how to defeat time... I hope you will enjoy it! 1) Not getting enough sleep can decrease……
This particular series is much more in the fine art area of my photography practice. These shots were taken during a visit……
Siamo costantemente bombardati da media pronti a rivelarci da un lato cibi e abitudini colpevoli di farci invecchiare prima, dall'altro……
Ieri il 2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship è stato vinto per il secondo anno di fila dalla Francia. L'evento è……
This was the second time I was invited to the New York Open Judo Championship and this year was incredible. Thanks to Film Annex……
Aha!! You're probably on to me now. Yes, this is another 'one year ago today' thingy. So, without further ado, ON THIS DATE……
Roya Mahboob and Craig Newmark in California Wondering how the Women’s Annex Foundation is able to……
Yesterday, the 2014 New York Open Team Judo Championship was won by France for the second years in a row. The event was sponsored……
We are constantly targeted by the media about what makes us age more quickly and what we can do to slow down the aging process. Some……
I am working in filmannex from previous 6 months. I have learnt many things and gain a very good knowledge from filmannex by reading……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Monday March 3, 2014 San Diego - Encinitas California USA Xcorps TV uploads NEW Action Sports and Music VIDEO……
WHAT UP EVERYBODY?!?!?! Im just gonna let the segment do the talking here!! Garrett McNamara and Keali'i Mamala talking about……
Bentrovati al mio ultimo capitolo di consigli nutrizionali. Spero vi piaccia! :-) METODI DI COTTURA. Il metodo di cottura può……
Oramai da molto tempo, nella mia mente ha preso forma un’ipotesi su quello che poteva essere il futuro del paese Italia, in……
Now for a long time, in my mind took form a hypothesis about what could be the future of the country Italy, considering the constant……
Welcome to the last chapter of my tips to improve your nutritional habits. I hope you will enjoy it! :-) COOKING METHODS. It is how……
Mo Farah's achievement in winning the 5,000m and 10,000m double at last year's World Championships in Moscow has seen him nominated……
Australia opener David Warner has been fined 15% of his match fee for accusing South Africa wicketkeeper AB de Villiers of ball-tampering.……
The closing of James Bond's last adventure, "Skyfall," reestablished some of the series' most iconic elements. In the final scene,……
The production engines behind "Fast & Furious 7" will be roaring once again come April, according to a new report from the Hollywood……
Fans of Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez's "Sin City" have waited nearly a decade for the sequel that was discussed not long……
Pharrell Williams is primed to drop his second solo album, G I R L, on March 3, and, according to a newly posted track list,……
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Lady Gaga fans are in for some disappointment: they won’t be seeing Mother Monster……
After complaints from Muslims offended by one of its images, the video for Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" has gotten a scrub.……
Mike Parker, considered the "godfather" of the Helvetica font, died on Sunday, February 23. Look at the letters in these words.……
Customers line up to enter the Apple Store in the southern German city of Munich.(Photo: Christof Stache, AFP/Getty Images) ……
Pictured is a Boeing Black smartphone. It looks thicker than most of the phones you see at Best Buy, but Boeing's first smartphone……
A Target store in Toronto, Ontario is seen in this March 18, 2013 file photo. Target Corp. today revealed the staggering……
A man looks up at a Sony building at Tokyo's Ginza shopping district.(Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi, AP) Sony has announced that……
McDonald's Mighty Wings(Photo: Paco Marquez McDonalds) The Mighty Wings price has been seriously clipped. The bone-in chicken……
Welcome back to my 3-chapter nutritional advice! Here are more tips on how to improve our eating habits. :-) Just because we are eating……
Rock icons Rod Stewart and Carlos Santana team on a summer tour starting May 23 in Albany, N.Y.(Photo: Picasa) The Voice, The……
Bruno Mars receives the award for International Male Solo Artist at The BRIT Awards 2014 at 02 Arena in London.(Photo: Matt Kent,……
"Say It Loud I'm Black and I'm Proud" is a single from James Brown's 1968 album on the King Records label.(Photo: USA TODAY) ……
The classic monster's back and meaner than ever with an updated roar and a nuclear backstory in "Godzilla."(Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures/Legendary……
The new Disney Movies Anywhere digital movie service allows fans to take their favorite Disney films on the go, including "Frozen."(Photo:……
'No More Woof' headset translated canine thoughts into words. Courtesy The Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery ……
Clumps on the neck of this mummy from an ancient burial ground in the Chinese desert turned out to be ancient cheese, the oldest yet……
NASA released this artist's conception of planets that pass in front of the light from the star they orbit. NASA said it had confirmed……
Shanghai -- The exchange of name cards has long been a ubiquitous part of meeting new people in China. But now it's increasingly……
A robot puts on the top of a Tesla Model S at the Tesla factory in Fremont, Calif.(Photo: Paul Sakuma AP) Tesla Motors said……
Bitcoin tokens in Sandy, Utah.(Photo: Rick Bowmer,AP) Bitcoin gets a second chance from SecondMarket — and it may be……
Last week, Jason Collins wasn't even on an NBA team. In two weeks, he might not be on one. But for now, Collins -- the……
Mike Trout (PHOTO: Jayne Kamin-Oncea/USA TODAY Sports) Mike Trout and the Los Angeles Angels agreed to a one-year, $1 million……
Hernandez appeared for a pre-trial hearing at Bristol County Superior Court. Aaron Hernandez, a former New England Patriots player,……
Lavorando nel mondo del fitness da più di 20 anni, ho aiutato tantissime persone a cambiare le proprie abitudini, consigliando……
L'escursionismo è un'attività estremamente appagante, ma può trasformarsi in un incubo se non si è adeguatamente……
After working in fitness for more than 20 years, I've been able to motivate countless people to change their lifestyle habits, providing……
A JPMorgan sign is seen outside the office tower housing the financial services firm's Los Angeles offices.(Photo: Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty……
A postal worker holds a stack of Netflix envelopes at the U.S. Post Office sort facility, Oct. 24, 2011, in San Francisco. ……
Caterham's 2014 challenger, the CT05, during preseason testing in Bahrain.(Photo: Caterham F1) Engineers working for Caterham,……
The new Samsung Galaxy S5 is displayed at the Mobile World Congress, the world's largest mobile phone trade show in Barcelona, Spain,……
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg addresses the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, on Monday Check your Facebook mail lately?……
Nel corso della mia prima visita negli Stati Uniti, la mia società ospitante era PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC). Di ricente ho……
Bitcoin trader Kolin Burges, right, of London and American Aaron (only his first name was given) hold protest signs as they conduct……
"The Lego Movie," with Bad Cop/Good Cop, voiced by Liam Neeson, is on a three-week roll.(Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures via AP) ……
Liam Neeson is embracing his evolution into a middle-aged action star with his latest thriller, 'Non-Stop.'(Photo: Dan MacMedan, USA……
Drew Pearce writes and directs "All Hail the King," a short film that acts as an epilogue to "Iron Man 3."(Photo: Marvel Studios)……
It's not just Robin Thicke and Baggage Claim actress Paula Patton that have separated. The Blurred……
FRANNY BEECHER (right) | Feb. 24 (age 92) | His blazing lead guitar helped usher in the rock 'n' roll era on hits by Bill Haley and……
'Britney: Piece of Me' has grossed $10.9 million in just 16 shows. In this photo provided by Caesars Entertainment, Britney Spears……
Red Sox's David Ross collides with Tigers catcher Alex Avila in Game 5 of the American League Championship Series.(Photo: Tim Fuller,……
Luckily for the Chicago Bulls, not everybody in the NBA can take advantage of their glaring offensive deficiencies. If……
Wayne Rooney, Michael Carrick and Robin van Persie (left to right) come to terms with defeat in Greece. (CNN) -- If Manchester……
Xcorps TV X PRESS Tuesday February 25, 2014 San Diego California Xcorps TV uploads 25 NEW Action Sports and Music VIDEOS to the FILM……
Hiking can be one of the most rewarding activities we could experience, but can turn into a nightmare if we are not properly prepared.……
A volte, devi dare qualcosa per riceverne in cambio. Nel 2013, Donny Deutsch - celebrità televisiva e pubblicitario -……
iPhones are among the Apple devices vulnerable to this breach, experts say. Security experts say Apple has patched a hole that could……
Today at the Mobile World Congress wireless show in Barcelona, Samsung unveiled its latest flagship Android smartphone, the Galaxy……
Whatsapp CEO Jan Koum during a Keynote conference as part of the first day of the Mobile World Congress 2014 at the Fira Gran Via……
A scene from "The Lego Movie"(Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures AP) They could have watched a volcano bury an ancient Roman……
Two films could enter the history books this year. (Photo: Warner Bros.) Oscar's best-picture race already is considered a……
Harold Ramis, Creator Of Ghostbusters and Groundhog Day Also directed comedy classics 'Caddyshack' and 'National Lampoon's……
(CNN) -- Pop star Rihanna is adding major star power to the campaign for gay rights in Russia. The singer behind hits such as……
The prog-rock supergroup introduces its forthcoming album with 'Valkyrie' video. Asia — from left, Carl Palmer, John Wetton,……
Justin Bieber passes 1 billion-view mark on Vevo with breakthrough music video 'Baby.' Justin Bieber could use a little positive……
During my first visit to The United States, my host company was PriceWaterHouseCoopers (PWC). I recently found a very informative……
(CNN) -- When the Winter Olympics roll around, Canadians pretty much always expect the national hockey team to win gold. Sure……
LOS ANGELES -- Jason Collins became the first openly gay athlete to play in North America's four major professional team……
Earnhardt Jr., NASCAR's most popular driver, also won The Great American Race in 2004 Dale Earnhardt Jr celebrates winning the 2014……
Cave of the Swallows is spotlighted here with Ray Murphy and his buds charging it and nailing another perfect landing down in Mex!……
Sometimes you've got to give in order to receive. In 2013 advertising executive and T.V. personality Donny Deutsch made……
Evan Turner leaves the 76ers for a trial run of sorts with the Pacers before becoming a restricted free agent.(Photo: Howard Smith,……
Former NFL safety Darren Sharper confers with his attorney Blair Berk during an appearance on Thursday in Superior Court in Los Angeles,……
(USA TODAY Sports Images) It took 15 days, but the Sochi Olympics finally stirred up some controversy. But just because……
Internet is a world of its kind, having extraordinary amount of things present all around, from libraries to stock exchanges and from……
Negli scorsi mesi non mi sono di certo trattenuto nel raccontare le discriminazioni e le ingiustizie subite dai cittadini sauditi……
During the past few months I haven't been shy describing the injustices and discrimination Saudi citizens face when they try to oppose……
This was a standout shoot for me! The emergence of CORR off-road racing is what this episode is all about. Down in Chula……
Check out the MX GIRLS!!! Michelle Johnson put together an all female MOTOX crew charging hard out in Riverside for this episode……
Come fotografo, tendo a concentrarmi su documentari e progetti astratti. Non mi considero un fotografo ritrattista, principalmente……
Per più di cinquant'anni la popolazione cubana è stata privata dell'accesso alla stragrande maggioranza dei prodotti……
This most certainly was a remote shoot!! Everyone in this little nook of a town on Idaho's legendary Snake River was GREAT!……
As a photographer I tend to focus on documentary and abstract experimental subjects and themes. I do not consider myself a……
Stay tuned in to this seg ffrom XC it truly speaks for itself;... GERRY LOPEZ!!! Check out Gerry having his morning coffee checkin……
For more than 50 years the Cuban population has been denied affordable access to an extensive range of products and services,……
My aim is to write informative blogs about the health because a universal truth that “Health is Wealth”. As a consequence……
Oggi ho avuto il piacere di tenere un discorso alla BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, condividendo opinioni con i CEO e i rappresentanti……
Today, I had the pleasure to be a speaker at the BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, sharing thoughts with CEO's and representatives……
A volte non riesco ancora a credere di essere pagato per scrivere blog. Scrivo sulla piattaforma digitale di Film Annex da……
Sometimes I can't believe I get paid to write blogs. I've been blogging on Film Annex's digital platform for 2 years, but……
Check it out! This was INSANE!!!! Yeah MIG 21 no joke! US Air Force pilot Bob Ray takes me for a full throttle ride……
Alright who out there knows what event fellow XCORPSTV host and bro RAT SULT WON X Games GOLD in? Hint: -- It's all down hill from……
What artist do you think sketched this original art for XCORPSTV? You just might know?! Shout out what the pic brings……
This inaugural episode the Xcorps was a momentus time for us!!! We were moving in a new direction production wise and really……
Most of my friends who are writing blogs for Film Annex community are not punctual. When I asked from them that why you are not regular……
Nel luglio 2011, la mia adorabile fidanzata Evy mi portò a Londra per il mio compleanno, dove passammo la notte in bellissimo……
In July 2011, my lovely (and long suffering) girlfriend Evy took me to London for a birthday treat that involved staying in……
Peggy Kelsey, una fotografa professionista, ha avuto il privilegio di incontrarsi con una delegazione di 14 donne afgane che sono……
Peggy Kelsey, a professional photographer, was privileged to meet with a delegation of 14 Afghan women who passed through Austin,……
Più del 90% della produzione mondiale di oppio proviene dall'Afghanistan. Il prezzo dell'oppio, negli ultimi anni, è……
More than 90% or world's opium production comes from Afghanistan. Opium price has steadily increased during the……
The key to be a healthy person is to drink green tea 2 to 3 cups daily. The purpose of this blog is just for the awareness of Film……
Il Guatemala e la Cambogia sono due nazioni lontanissime, sia geograficamente che culturalmente. Si trovano ai lati opposti del mondo,……
Man what a great event that was! Sites, sounds and surf were all insane! Ben did the cross country trek for this gig and……
Guatemala and Cambodia are two nations that couldn't be more distant, geographically as well as culturally. They are……
Noi di Film Annex, stiamo cambiando il nostro modello di business verso un nuovo mondo di #SocialMediaThatPays con Bitcoin.……
Here at Film Annex, we have been shifting our business model to the new world of #SocialMediaThatPays with Bitcoin. This means we……
On this date in Sasketch Show history: One year ago the gang released their third sketch of the first season of Sasketch Show……
When I first hear about annex from a very dear friend of mine I make fun of him as I thought……
La "Terra dei Sorrisi" al momento non sorride affatto. Un paese rinomato per la sua bellezza, per la sua storia e per l'ospitalità……
The "Land of Smiles" is not smiling right now. A country that is known for its beautiful natural scenery, rich historical heritage……
Roya Mahboob and Biz Stone Have you ever seen something beautiful, moving, engaging, or strange, not known what it was, and have a……
Nel giugno 2012 ero in visita dal mio grande amico David Corbett, che all'epoca viveva in una zona un po' periferica nell'area……
In June of 2012 I was visiting my best friend David Corbett, who at the time was living in a bit of a rundown area of Mansfield,……
A City name which is familiar to all, famous for being a war torn City, a city of disappointment and full of pain, a city where all……
The BuzzScore represents the mantra for most Film Annex's users. Since their revenue depends on its value and fluctuations, everything……
Negli ultimi sei mesi sono stato Senior Editor di Annex Press per Film Annex. Dopo tutto questo tempo mi sento……
it is the continues of last topic about the steganography and cryptography that I did before,at first we encrypt the message and then……
I have been a Senior Editor for the Annex Press at Film Annex for the past 6 months. After all this time,……
When the weather is not the typical UK rain & gloom, my good friend Sam Jones and I like to seek out and explore abandoned……
If you have 2 or more Wireless networks in your area how dose windows select one to connect into it? windows has a priority……
"Credo onestamente che voi e la vostra organizzazione stiate svolgendo un lavoro incommensurabile, assicurandovi che donne e bambini……
"I sincerely believe that you and your organization are doing invaluable work, and putting precious efforts into raising awareness……
Da ormai tre anni, il popolo siriano si è trovato catapultato all'inferno. Sono passati 34 mesi di scontri senza sosta... e……
It has been almost 3 years since the Syrian people entered hell. 34 months have gone by without any significant break of……
在 Film Annex,我们创建了一个平台以教育年轻人撰写文章,博客和上传视频。此平台使用Film Annex 创建的“Buzz分数”(BuzzScore)演算法系统进行每日的财政分配,与其用户(电影制作人,作家/部落客,观众)共享收入。 ……
Lavoro con i social media da un paio di anni, ma non ho in alcun modo la presunzione di conoscerli appieno. Al contrario, mi sento……
I've been working on social media for a couple of years, but in no way I have the presumption to know it all. On the contrary, I still……
Mi sento davvero fortunato ad insegnare in una scuola piena di diversità culturale ed aperta a diversi background socio-economici.……
I feel very fortunate I teach in a school that is culturally diverse, and open to different socio-economic backgrounds. My school's……
خمس أشهر و العمل مع فيلم انكس , أجبرني على أن أكتب بعض الاشياء في عام……
In June 2013 I was asked by Manchester based band Jack Reid & The Black Whip if I could photograph a gig they were……
أسمع مني ! المال المتراكم من يناير الى شهر أبريل عام ٢٠١٤ سيتم دفعه……
The good news just keeps rolling in for Women’s Annex Foundation. After last week’s announcement of new board member Adriana……
Fereshteh Forough, Biz Stone, and Roya Mahboob Se avete seguito lo svilupparsi della storia del Jelly, avete motivo per festeggiare.……
It’s quite rare for a website to be considered a viable force against oppressive governments. As the Womens Annex Foundation……
Fereshteh Forough, Biz Stone, and Roya Mahboob If you’ve been following along with the Jelly story, you have cause for celebration.……
Non sono mai stato in Islanda, ma mi piacerebbe sicuramente passare qualche giorno in questo intrigante paese, dove geyser e vulcani……
I’m taking the famous phrase from the Star Trek "Space is the final frontier" to associate it with the region that now represents……
I have never been to Iceland, but I sure would love to spend some time in this intriguing country, in which steaming geysers and roaring……
"Film Annex adotta un sistema che funziona davvero, aiutando i filmmaker indipendenti a fare guadagnare, permettendoci di continuare……
Herat is one of the beautiful and historical cities of Afghanistan with different accent and kind people. Although, Herat is one of……
"Film Annex has a smart business plan and really works hard to help indie filmmakers make money so we can continue to make films."……
HEAR ME OUT!: BuzzScore payments accrued in January, 2014 will be paid in USD until April 15, 2014. Moving forward,……
Work continues (albeit slowly) on my new Left of the Border Films Collaboration project. The last time I discussed this project……
Le tecnologie più recenti hanno portato cambiamenti radicali in molti aspetti della nostra vita, sia in quella personale che……
Il settore immobiliare è certamente uno dei più datati del sistema industriale, ma c'è sempre e comunque spazio……
The recent technologies have brought drastic changes in any aspect of our life, whether it is in our personal or business lives. One……
Although real estate may be one of the history’s oldest industries, there’s still plenty of room for innovation. Realty……
Le civiltà perdute mi hanno sempre appassionato. Quando sono in viaggio, visitare i luoghi dove fiorivano antiche culture è……
I've always been passionate about lost civilizations. When I travel, visiting the sites where ancient cultures used to thrive is always……
Il 2014 è appena iniziato. Un nuovo anno significa un nuovo capitolo ed un nuovo passo per cominciare tutto ciò……
As before I mentioned which steganography is the hiding massages in object and cryptography is the encrypted massage in another type……
2014 has just started. A new year is a new chapter and a fresh step of starting everything you missed or skipped during the past year.……
In June 2012 I was extremely fortunate to get access to photograph Kendo martial artists Thomas Widdows and Richard Edmonson.……
" Film Annex e Women's Annex stanno facendo un lavoro di cui c'è davvero bisogno. Dopo un periodo di disordini politici e di……
" Film Annex and Women's Annex are doing a much needed work. After a period of political turmoil and civil war, the media, like……
Yemen is probably the most underrated country on the planet. Few people can locate it on a map, and even fewer can come out with……
After falling Taliban Regime, Afghanistan change day by day in different cases and issues. One of the important issues is the future……
"What truly makes Film Annex stand out and above other platforms is the way it rewards users financially. I have never before encountered……
Dopo cinque mesi di attività su Film Annex sento il bisogno di scrivere una sorta di recensione di quest'anno……
Scrivere è un'abilità acquisita. Certo, alcune persone nascono con una predisposizione congenita, ma nessun talento……
After 5 months of being actively involved with Film Annex, I felt compelled to do a kind of review of 2013 (not unlike many……
Writing is an acquired skill. True, some people are born with a congenital predisposition, but no talent will mature unless it's appropriately……
La figura del produttore cinematografico è davvero misteriosa ed incomprensibile per molti. I film vengono in genere fatti……
Searching in Internet for different kinds of clothes with different colors, many pictures of famous models and artists which wear……
To celebrate the end of 2013 and get ready for 2014, let's have a look at Film Annex today and the exciting projects ahead of us for……
The figure of a film producer is really mysterious and not really understandable for many people. Movies are usually spun thanks to……
Everyone will get its goals one day. The Majuba Heravi high school students got their results after a long time of studying. They……
I was fortunate to document the Manchester Day Parade on a sunny day in 2012 and wish to share with you the images I was able……
Da quando ho iniziato a usare Film Annex come piattaforma digitale per dare forma ai miei pensieri, condividere sui……
Women’s Annex Foundation is excited to welcome a new board member, Adriana Lopez Alvarez. Hailing from Mexico, Adriana has been……
Ever since I started using Film Annex as a digital platform to put my thoughts into written words, sharing on……
Afghan Citadel Company, Film Annex and Women’s Annex are the supporters of Esteqlal female and male football team; they have……
In Afghanistan, Women faced many challenges and issues like fighting with Traditions, Arrange Marriages, Lack of Educations, Hidden……
Nel 2011 ho visitato il Tattoo Show annuale di Manchster, che viene tenuto ogni anno al Central Convention Complex (noto formalmente……
In June 2011 I had the opportunity to go to a relatively new outdoor street festival in Manchester called Eurocultured. The……
In April 2011, I visited Blackpool, arguably Britain’s most famous seaside town. I visited this renowned resort with……
In 2011 I visited Manchester’s annual Tattoo Show which is held every year at the Central Convention Complex (formally……
Over the past year, we have done much work on two concepts: #DigitalLiteracy, and #DigitalCitizenship. The concept was to give……
Dear Film Annex friends ! It has been a while since each of you have been involved on @FilmAnnex either by writing blogs, uploading……
Violence against women yeah in Afghanistan women are suffer and no one care of them everyday heard that they the Afghan women burn……
Being a fan of semiotics and having learnt from many opinionated regarding the pros and cons of stereotypes, my travel experience……
Con così tanti conflitti che continuano nel mondo, non posso che essere felice dei nuovi sviluppi che si possono osservare……
With so many conflicts going on in the world, I can only be excited about the new developments between Iran and the West.……
Dear Students, Helping Afghan women enhance their knowledge through digital literacy, social media and financial help are Women’s……
In una mia recente intervista con Annex Press tenutasi al quartier generale di Film Annex (New York City) ho……
In my recent interview with the Annex Press at Film Annex's headquarters in New York City I described the……
Noi di Film Annex abbiamo dato vita ad una piattaforma che desse la possibilità ai giovani di scrivere articoli, blog e di……
在 Film Annex,我們創建了一個平台以教育年輕人撰寫文章,部落格和上傳視頻。此平台使用 Film……
Il 1 gennaio 1863, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Abraham Lincoln ha firmato il Proclama di Emancipazione, che ha posto……
Here at Film Annex, we created a platform to educate young people to write articles, blogs and upload videos. This platform is distributing……
On January 1st 1863 US President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery in the United……
Afghanistan is a Country which is Located in the Heart of Asia and has 30 Million Population, this Country has been witnessed……
At first I must tell that what is Women’s Annex and what is its role in our city and for what they are operating? As we all……
I can’t speak for you, but for me watching movies online has become an integral part of my everyday life. No, I do like……
Immaginate un modo dominato dalla segregazione razziale, dove si è costretti a vivere e a lavorare separatamente dagli altri……
Imagine a world ruled by racial segregation, in which you are forced to live and work apart from every other racial group. Imagine……
Rischiare la propria vita per salvare quella di qualcun altro è probabilmente l'atto più eroico che un essere umano……
Risking your life to save another is probably the most heroic endeavor a human being can undertake. Risking your life to save 100……
Roya Mahboob, fondatrice della società Afghan Citadel Software, ha scritto di recente un articolo per INC Magazine e la……
Roya Mahboob, founder of Afghan Citadel Software Company, recently wrote an article for McKinsey on Society's Voices series, which……
Is it really hard to answer who can build the peace? No, it is too easy. Peace isn't a dream, everybody can make it and catch it.……
Film annex has different parts, film making blogging, influence and sharing. Buzz score is a cause of revenue. Film making: You……
Scrivendo quest'articolo darò fastidio ad alcune persone, ma non mi importa. Ho sempre sofferto dentro di me pensando al popolo……
I'm going to irritate some people with this article, but I don't care. I've been hurting in private for the Tibetan people since I……
Amo i racconti di persone che hanno avuto successo e li amo ancora di più quando la persona in questione ce l'ha fatta partendo……
Being a woman in male dominated societies is difficult but it is even more difficult and challenging to be a female athlete,……
The Women’s Annex Foundation (WAF) is now officially a 501(c)3 designated non-profit organization from the Internal Revenue Service.……
I love successful stories, and I love them even more when they come from an underdog. Women in Afghanistan are the underdog,……
On 24-Nov-2013, The Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization (AHRDO) had a conference about Women’s issues in Kabul,……
Non sono mai stato in Afghanistan, né in Pakistan. Se da un lato la guerra in Afghanistan è andata avanti per trent'anni……
I have never been to Afghanistan, nor have I been to Pakistan. While the war in Afghanistan has been going on……
So I thought I would post another clip (and blog post) previewing a little more of my upcoming experimental short Noise With……
Se potessi controllare segretamente quello che i tuoi figli scrivono sui loro social network, lo faresti? Anche se le tue intenzioni……
If you could secretly monitor what your children write on their social media, would you do it? Even though your intention would be……
Supereroi afghani! Sì, sarebbero davvero interessanti. Ed è la prima volta che ne sentite parlare. Trovare eroi in un……
It seems like Colleges and Universities that offer Women’s Wrestling are springing up everywhere across the United States. ……
Film Annex ricompensa tutti i filmmaker con gli introiti della pubblicità generati sui loro canali Web TV. Gli introti si basano……
Io sono un educatore ed in quanto tale sperimento ogni giorno ogni tipo di atteggiamento da parte dei miei studenti. È parte……
Tutti gli scrittori di Film Annex sono premiati in base ai loro BuzzScore. Il BuzzScore di uno scrittore presente su Annex Press è……
I'm an educator, and as such I experience all types of attitude from my students on a daily basis. However, it's part of my job to……
昨晚我出席了一個鼓舞人心的活動,它感動了在場所有的參與者。全球醫療救濟基金(The Global Medical……
Se sei la persona più intelligente della stanza, sei nella stanza sbagliata! Oggi però ero nella stanza giusta! Questa……
Parisa Ehsas è una delle studentesse della Hatifi High School. È nata a Herat, in Afghanistan. Studia nella 11esima……
來自阿富汗的好消息! 昨天 Elaha Mahboob 跟我提及了有關Examer電影計劃(Examer Film Project)的最新動態:……
10月24號的晚上,我拜訪了一些住在布魯克林的好朋友,Cecile 和 Nicolas Heron。Nicolas 是一位科學家,音樂家和魔術師。我們度過了一個美好的夜晚,我們談談生活裡發生的事,看他玩卡片展現魔術技巧。在我們談到有關智慧時,我提及了我所遵循的規則:……
In July 2012, my girlfriend and I visited an American classic car show at the lovely Tatton Park (……
當您是房間裡最聰明的人的時候,那麼您就走錯了房間!今天,我走對了房間! 今天早上我和 Roya……
Nel 2008 Fidel Castro ha trasferito i suoi poteri di presidente cubano al fratello minore, Raul Castro, lasciando così la comunità……
In 2008 Fidel Castro transferred his power as President of Cuba to his younger brother Raul Castro, making people wonder whether or……
Film Annex 是一个线上电影和文章发行公司,拥有近30万名注册用户,并且每天在平台上发布专业级内容。经由广告,展示横幅广告(Banners)和前贴片广告(Pre-Rolls)的方式以产生收入。……
Semin Salihi è nata ad Herat, in Afghanistan; frequenta l'11esima classe alla Hatifi High School. Scrive blog su Film Annex……
Semin Salihi was born in Herat, Afghanistan. She is studying in 11th class at Hatifi High School. She writes blogs on Film Annex where……
Parisa Ehsas is one of the Hatifi High School Students; She was born in Heart – Afghanistan. She is studying in 11th class of……
Writing article about women’s education role in improving the situation of women, is really beneficial subject for Afghans especially……
In World of Technology where the Wide World has been changed to a small Room and merely by a Single Click can share their Emotions,……
When you hear a bad News from Magazines, TV Channel, Newspapers or Radio you can see the reaction of that News in the face of people……
Scrivo su Film Annex da aprile 2012 e questo sarà il 102esimo blog sulla mia pagina. Ho scritto una media di 6 blog……
I have been writing on Film Annex since April 2012, and this will be the 102nd blog on my main page. I've written an……
"The Lady Vanishes" (1938) was Hitchcock's last British film and widely viewed as his finest from that era of his career. The film……
今天, 于9月15号,麦克斯威尼(Mike Sweeney) 发布了这个推特: 我们每个人都有不同的动机,这是我的动机 @SurfersHealing……
Prima o poi, chiunque sia interessato alla cultura e alla storia dell'Asia Meridionale si imbatterà nella seguente domanda:……
Hard times in life always has its end no matters what, the time alwaysgoes on… Women in my beloved land had the darkest era……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美国领事馆遭受恐怖袭击,这个事件夺去了两名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警卫和七名自杀式炸弹袭击者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
Sooner or later, anybody interested in South-Asian culture and history will run across the following question: is it called Burma……
Le obbligazioni, emesse da società o enti, rappresentano una sorta di prestito da parte di chi le acquista nei confronti della……
Women that make a half of Afghanistan population have passed a dark period in the Taliban regime. Women and girls lost their right……
Ricordo bene come mi sembrava la vita quando avevo 20 anni. È stato uno dei momenti più emozionanti che abbia vissuto……
I remember well what life felt like when I was 20 years old. It was the most exciting time I had yet experienced, and still now I……
在过去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布尔(Kabul)开设了10个网际网路教室和2个Women's……
In development countries women have considerable role in the part of education, culture, society, politic and health. They attempt……
Introducendo il nuovo video - Le Scelte di Film Annex Il nostro team ha realizzato un video per spiegarvi cosa sono le Scelte di Film……
数位素养,数位教育,数位知识和数位学习(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在万维网中导航的能力,利用各种数位化应用程式,软体和技术以创建内容和资讯。识字率和教育的理念与数位应用相结合,让来自世界各地的人们能以极度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,创建,评估和资讯交流。数位素养,教育,知识和学习,是识字率,教育,知识和学习的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特别是对发展中国家。……
Fin dagli albori della civiltà umana, agli uomini è stato affidato culturalmente il procacciamento del cibo per i membri……
Theater is a part of fine art which become usual these days in Afghanistan. Theater has a long history and it use live performers……
Happily and proudly, I have recently completed the third in my Left of the Border Films collaboration series. Left of the Border……
By passing the time, the women role in our society especially in the economic development day by day is getting bold, and it is very……
Since the onset of human civilization, men have been culturally assigned to find food for their family members and protect the household,……
L'istruzione apre porte che prima avremmo pensato chiuse per sempre ed offre opportunità che credevamo impossibili. È……
Women as a great part of society need to have the same opportunities that men have. They should be able to develop completely in an……
Women's Annex 的任务之一是寻找合适的内容以教育和培养发展中国家的年轻女性和男性,使他们可以实现自己的梦想和职业。……
Education opens doors we thought would remain forever closed, and offers opportunities we thought were impossible. It's the key to……
One of my favorite inspirational organizations is the Newman’s Own Foundation. Actor Paul Newman founded the Newman’s……
Yesterday, the Women's Annex team was invited at the Waldorf Astoria for the Hilton Prize Laureates Collaborative and to interview……
Violence against women has several forms such as physical, sexual, psychological and economical forms. These violence brings health……
Всем привет. Сегодня я хотел бы поделиться информацией с начинающими режиссерами……
Film annex, the most famous and familiar name which has activities in many countries across the world, is the greatest way and chance……
Introducing the new Film Annex Picks video Our team came together to create the best video to explain to you what is Film Annex Picks,……
If there's one person in the world who's most responsible for my love for traveling, that would be my mother. Ever since she sent……
FA: Can you briefly tell us about yourself and your background? HR: I am a Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and public……
We really live in information age, the age that communication changed the world into a small village. One of the important tools……
When we are talking about the Sustainable Education and Digital Literacy it means we are talking about the improvements of Education……
Recently through an earlier blog I gave details of future Left of the Border Films collaborations that I will be releasing for a limited……
So following the release of my trailer for ‘Noise With Noise’ - the upcoming short I’m currently working on which……
All we know that Afghanistan passed war and couldn’t improve in different parts like art, culture, business, economic and etc.……
Большие новости! Вчера начал работать Tеперь стало еще проще……
In the next couple of weeks, there will be dramatic changes on They include: The "gamification" of Women's Annex……
When I visited Cambodia in 2007, I didn't know that it would become one of the most emotional trips I had ever made. The genocide……
Film Annex 是一个电影发行平台和博客平台。电影制作人们除了上传视频以外,也可以发表博客文章,而作家,博主和用户们可以在平台上撰写文章以产生收入。所有Film……
Всем привет. Сегодня я расскажу вам о том, как быстрее всего увеличить собственный……
Новые режиссеры и фильмы появляются на Film Annex каждый день, и эта статья опубликована,……
Film Annex 是一個電影發行平台和部落格平台。電影製作人們除了上傳視頻以外,也可以發表部落格文章,而作家,部落客和用戶們可以在平台上撰寫文章以產生收入。所有 Film……
Teachers transfer knowledge from generation to generation; they teach the students the real and important lessons of the life, so……
Всем доброго понедельника. Сегодня, впрочем как и на прошлой и позапрошлой……
Being an Educated is a kind of proud for those who are trying to learn and trying to teach. This aspect came from many years back……
Freedom of speech and freedom of press represent two of the most important pillars of every democracy. If people are not allowed to……
Although I'm not a terrorist, three days ago I felt like one, when I was denied access to The Kaufmann Concert Hall at the 92nd Street……
On Thursday, 10 October 2013, Roya Mahboob, the founder of Women's Annex foundation, with some bloggers participated to awards ceremony……
Digital literacy improves rapidly among Afghan girls in Afghanistan. Herat which is located in western part of Afghanistan is one……
This year I ventured down to the now annual Manchester Comic Con, my express intention to photograph the many comic fans that reside……
Afghan Women try to change their life. One of the interesting changes which I know is Afghan women are interested in sports. Esteqlal……
Women’s Annex and Film Annex have started their activities in Afghanistan since one year and half, which they have worked on……
在過去的一年半中,Women's Annex 和 Film Annex 在阿富汗的赫拉特(Herat)和喀布爾(Kabul)開設了10個網際網路教室和2個Women's……
افغانستان کشوری است که سه دهه جنگ را پشت سر گذرانیده است و در طول این ادوار……
Today we live in a "cyber society" filled with cool cyber cafes where we can surf the cyberspace in search for……
Well we are officially 2 weeks into the university, which is why my absence from film annex. All the students who have come to study……
First of all I want to share my feelings with the Afghan students: Dear Students, It has been a pleasure working with you this……
Women's rights and freedom of expression are a common topic for human rights advocates, intellectuals and politicians from every part……
By Chauncey Ross | Gazette Staff Writer The eighth time is a charm — proverbially speaking. Edward Zellem, a well-traveled……
A few days ago a court in Saudi Arabia convicted four young men for "violating public morals". One of them was dancing naked on top……
Education in Afghanistan is improving day by day, as far as we know during the Taliban regime, the education system was not good,……
2013年9月13日,赫拉特和美國領事館遭受恐怖襲擊,這個事件奪去了兩名阿富汗警察,一名阿富汗安全警衛和七名自殺式炸彈襲擊者的生命。赫拉特是 Film……
What is the ‘The Bends’ about? In all honesty, at this juncture, I have to be open and say that I do not fully know! My……
Hi ladies and gentlemen. Today I want to show you the first episode of The Annex Show. Our virtual idea became real! Yeahhhh.. Production……
Film Annex is not only a site for uploading professional movies and advertisements, but it is a place that hundreds of articles are……
Last week, our editorial team welcomed 3 new additions to Film Annex's Picks: The Media Film Production program at Staffordshire University,……
Всем отличного настроения и приятного четверга.Сегодня я хотел бы вам рассказать……
今天, 於9月15號,麥克斯威尼(Mike Sweeney) 發佈了這個推特: 我們每個人都有不同的動機,這是我的動機 @SurfersHealing……
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the Army’s World Class Athlete Program (WCAP) for Olympic Wrestling. Most……
Film Annex 是一個線上電影和文章發行公司,擁有近30萬名註冊用戶,並且每天在平台上發佈專業級內容。經由廣告,展示橫幅廣告(Banners)和前貼片廣告(Pre-Rolls)的方式以產生收入。Film……
俄罗斯电影周(Russian Film Week)将于2013年10月9日到13日在纽约盛大举行。 这个活动第一次举办时是在西元2000年的纽约,当时由俄罗斯专业电影摄影师联盟支持和赞助,并称这个活动为俄罗斯电影节(Festival……
Being a member of Film Annex it means to be a part of a big family who are all not only educated, but aware of social matters in the……
Как заработать с компанией Film Annex? (Информация для филмейкеров, блоггеров,……
In July 2012 Manchester based artist Liz West asked me if I would photograph the opening of her exhibition ‘Chroma’, a……
I'm a teacher, and as an educator the first and foremost goal in my profession is facilitating learning for my students in a safe……
These days Herat female schools are talking about “Film Annex and Afghan Citadel Software Company” a lot. One talks about……
PAPUA NEW GUINEA ایک نیا ملک ہے جو NEW GUINEA کا نصف حصہ بنتا ہے جو دنیا میں دوسری……
Vinícius Dônola is the former correspondent at Record TV, senior reporter at Record TV, Rio. Below is an interview of……
Toss out the TVs and grab your tablet - online video is rapidly becoming the de rigeur for media consumption. Although just a decade……
تشارلز بايبير Charles Piper هو إختصاصي رسوم متحركة ، بالإضافة إلي إنه ، مخرج ……
This past week, I had a good golf friend die after a long battle with cancer. Our mutual friend Bob Huntley wrote on the Golf……
Fereshteh Forough of Women's Annex, Michael Sweeney of Target Marketing Annex, and Francesco Rulli of Film Annex On Tuesday night,……
On the main site of the Public Broadcasting Service, there is a brief description of a new series that is airing on the……
Online film distribution company Film Annex recently launched WebTV channels for the U.S. Navy and Marines. Film Annex……
Women's Annex 的任務之一是尋找合適的內容以教育和培養發展中國家的年輕女性和男性,使他們可以實現自己的夢想和職業。……
數位素養,數位教育,數位知識和數位學習(Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning)概述了在萬維網中導航的能力,利用各種數位化應用程式,軟體和技術以創建內容和資訊。識字率和教育的理念與數位應用相結合,讓來自世界各地的人們能以極度效益和最低成本去研究,探索,創建,評估和資訊交流。數位素養,教育,知識和學習,是識字率,教育,知識和學習的最有效形式,全世界都可以用,特別是對發展中國家。……
This week on Film Annex's radar: The BuzzScore evolves to reward high quality blogs! We also welcome a new member, TalentHouse, who……
俄羅斯電影週(Russian Film Week)將於2013年10月9日到13日在紐約盛大舉行。 這個活動第一次舉辦時是在西元2000年的紐約,當時由俄羅斯專業電影攝影師聯盟支持和贊助,並稱這個活動為俄羅斯電影節(Festival……
自从我开始与 Women's Annex基金会项目(Women's Annex Foundation project)合作,我每天遇到很多想要改变全世界的人,他们充满活力,鼓舞人心和令人惊异,即使这些改变是非常小的一部分。……
Target Thinking = (Thought Leadership using Strategic Positioning) + (Target Marketing using Strategic Keywords) We recently……
Vin Diesel always caring for his fans, is still sharing pictures from the production of Fast and Furious 7. We can see Lucas Black's……
By Sem Maltsev The Russian Film Week will be held in NYC from 9-13, October 2013. The first time such an event was held in New York……
This piece is my second collaboration with the talented Jan Los - - under the Left of the Border Films name.……
After two experimental animations that featured very solid looking cube structures, I wanted to produce something that was much more……
After producing ‘Cubic Morph’, I still had the urge to explore similar concepts and visuals. So I started to think about……
Social media could be an empowering tool for women, enhancing their participation in several views of their lives, including the social,……
In the recent years Afghanistan people could broke the figurative borders of this world and……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, NY: September 15, 2013 – In a week when most international news……
بواسطة جاسمين دافيس هنا فى Women's Annex, نحب صانعات الافلام ! نحن نعرض الكثير……
One of my favorite films on Film Annex, and especially inspiring after the Boston Marathon. Zarlasht is a director in Afghanistan……
This collection is part of an on-going series that I have produced in collaboration with fellow photographer and artist Gareth Hacking.……
我刚刚提供了 Jon Pastor 有关Film Annex 和 MTI USA Inc 团队的关键字列表。 我的兴趣是为每个与Film……
Today, Mike Sweeney sent out this tweet: We all have different motivations, and here is mine @SurfersHealing @izzypaskowitz……
Time Magazine recently released its annual list of "The 100 Most Influential People in the World". The list includes……
Here is the behind the scenes look at how the 2013 TIME 100 Most Influential People in the World are selected:……
自從我開始與 Women's Annex基金會項目(Women's Annex Foundation project)合作,我每天遇到很多想要改變全世界的人,他們充滿活力,鼓舞人心和令人驚異,即使這些改變是非常小的一部分。……
The Afghan Girls Financial Assistance Fund (“AGFAF”) was established in 2008 to aid young Afghan women who seek a college……
Michael Sweeney of Target Marketing Annex recently interviewed Fereshteh Forough, Film Annex’s Liason to Central……
Приятная новость из Афганистана – это не абсурд. Это результат деятельности……
За последние полтора года Women's Annex и Film Annex открыли десять интернет……
Geçtiğimiz hafta, Film Annex Afganistan'ın Herat şehrinde, Goharshad Lisesinde yeni bir internet sınıfı açtı.……
Всем доброе утро. Мне очень хочется поделиться с вами интересной и очень……
“We believe that beauty is a wise weapon,” states a woman in a voiceover in this inspirational video explaining……
A recent online video at Film Annex updates the Afghan Development Project's mission and accomplishments, and the people……
In the last year and a half, Women's Annex and Film Annex opened 10 Internet classrooms and two Women's Annex Centers, in Herat……
In a recent video on, Jay Gould from Foundville listens to various success stories from startup entrepreneurs. Foundville……
On the 30th November 2011 I took part in a nation wide union backed strike, organised in response to government plans at the time……
This animation is an experimental piece (did I mention I like experimental animation?) that explores ideas of uniformity and gradual……
Digital literacy, education, knowledge and learning summarize the capacity to navigate platforms like the World Wide Web, create content……
I've been doing interviews with Afghan celebrities and thought leaders for a few months now. Everybody seems to have a……
Roya Mahboob is the Managing Partner of Citadel of New York which owns Women’, and Roya was recently featured on the cover……
An animated video by Tomas Schats showcases what Afghan children can do with Examer, an educational and interactive……
"People are basically good—when provided a tool that helps them do good in the world, they prove it.Jelly is a new company and……
A recent video on NBC New York explores mobile app development company Cupcake Digital’s mission to provide multicultural……
Roughly once a year, my wife agrees with something that I say :). This morning, my wife and I were talking about my excitement for……
The countdown is on for the Olympic Wrestling community. It’s five days before the International Olympic Committee renders its……
Film distribution company Film Annex Capital Partners and philanthropy leader Global Impact are setting out to……
Through the joint venture company Citadel of New York LLC, film distribution company Film Annex and IT development……
What would Ludwig Van Beethoven been like if he was born in our times and lived today? It was thought that Beethoven suffered from……
بین الاقوامی خواتین کا دن اصل میں بین الاقوامی خواتین کے کام کے دن سے اخذ……
Peter Bordes, Fereshteh Forough, Amy Vernon, Michael Sweeney, Robert Moore, and Roya Mahboob Citadel of New York, a company owned……
Photo by Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation نوبل انعام بافتہ ڈاکٹرپال Greengard پروفیسر……
F کیا ہمیں اپنے اور اپنے Background کے حوالے سےبتائے گے؟ WB: توانائی سے بھر……
There's a first time for everything in life, and that first time will be remembered forever. Every pioneer exploring a terra incognita……
DISTANCE TRAVELLED This project was very much inspired by the work of Peder Norrby who is the lead designer of one of my favourite……
Since I have started my collaboration with Women's Annex Foundation project. Every day I meet inspiring, energetic and amazing people……
یہ ایک خاص دن ہے۔ آج عورتوں کے بین الاقوامی دن ہے۔ وہ دن جوکہ عورتوں کے کوششوں……
This collection is part of an on-going series that visually and thematically explores the threatening image of the gas mask, exploring……
Today I want to write about one talented and successful musician on Film Annex. His name is Spencer Polanco (Spencer Beatbox), an……
Я провел много лет жизни с моей бабушкой Стамурой Джианонни и людьми……
Film Annex's establisher and president, Francesco Rulli, states about his new initiative, the Afghan Development Project. Recently,……
آج مین انڑنیٹ پر مختلف سایٹس دیکھ رہاتھاکہ میں نے انجلیناجولی جوکہ ایک امریکن……
So I've found myself enjoying the process of blogging on Film Annex for just over a month now. This rewarding and cathartic process……
Film Annex 降低最低付款金額了,以前為200美元,現在只要達到50美元,用戶即可以向我們發送付款請求。……
اس لیۓ میں Buzz Score کے بارے میں سوچھتاہوں اگرچہ بظاہر ڈیزائن فلم سازوں کے حوصلہ……
جسکا لسٹ یہ ہے۔ A lot of editing work I've done on this week , here is the list: Produced Films: 1. The Innovator:……
After the very much film influenced ‘Into the Sun’ I found myself once again in more experimental territory with this……
Франческо Рулли и Film Annex Capital Partners недавно инвестировали в Realty Mogul с MelkonianCapital……
يوم الاحد الماضي ذهبت الى مختبر صغير للافلام التي كانت معروضة من قبل مهرجان……
Вчера я посетил Film Annex и Digital Design Annex Development офисы во Флоренции.……
Инвестиции в недвижимость могут быть невероятно дорогими. Даже с партнером,……
Film Annex это платформа, созданная не только для кинематографистов. Любые……
После 4 недель, проведенных в Боливии, я не могу сказать достаточно об этой……
Laura Hutton, who worked for Alex Nakone Films, moves onto to new ventures. In the short eight weeks which Laura took this role she……
I saw her about 8 years ago in the Herat computer science faculty for the first time. In that time she was a senior. Fereshteh Forough and……
هذا الاسبوع زميلتي السيدة رويا محبوب ارسلت لي صور فريق كرة القدم التي تخص……
В детстве я была крайне одержимой, занимаясь практически всеми видами спорта.……
我剛剛提供了 Jon Pastor 有關 Film Annex 和 MTI USA Inc 團隊的關鍵字列表。 我的興趣是為每個與 Film……
اس ہفتہ ٹائم میگزین اپنی سوبااثر خواتین کی فہرست جاری کررہاہےـ اس میں کیٹگری……
After 4 weeks spent in Bolivia, I can't say enough about this country and its people. Except for the ocean (lost to Chile at the end……
ٹائم میگزین نے دنیا کے 100 باآثر اور متاثر کن لوگوں کا سالانہ لسٹ جوتعریف……
امتحانات چهارنیم ماهه مکتب موفقانه به پایان رسید. و تا آخر ماه مبارک رمضان……
The semi-term examinations of the students of the school finished. They are on vacation for now. After the EID, an Islamic celebration,……
На этой неделе наш партнер Роя Махбуб прислала мне по электронной почте……
I remember when I was a kid, I was so obsessed by doing many sports as much as I can. While I was in my primary and secondary school,……
درجریان این هفته, ازشاگردان صنف کمپیوتر لیسه مولانا عبدالله هاتفی……
This week, our partner Roya Mahboob emailed me the pictures of the Women's Annex female football (soccer) team in Kabul. The……
Wikipedia کےمطابق Entrepreneurship ایسا ہنریا آرٹ ہے جوکہ Entrepreneur نئی اورانوکھی چیزوں……
Yesterday, I visited the Film Annex and Digital Design Annex Development offices in Florence. There, we met with Lorenzo, Maurizio,……
Introduction: At first, I wasn’t even sure the Baroness……
The semi-term exams started in this school last week and finished at the end of this week. We held a celebration for the aforementioned……
Film Annex révolutionne la façon dont les cinéastes et blogueurs gagnent de l'argent sur Internet avec leur contenu.……
تعارف:- یہ محمد ساجد ارغندایوال کے ساتھ دو حصوں والی ملاقات کا دوسرا……
سوشل میڈیا نےانٹرنیٹ کےذریعے کمیونیکیشن کی کایہ ہی یکسربدل دی ـ اب ہم بےشمار……
Hello and welcome to my first blog post on this site. So, a good friend (Daniel Hopkins) told me about Film Annex and I thought I……
Earlier this week I came across a video posted by Film Annex titled Soumitra Dutta on Technology and Digital Media in Afghanistan. It……
Недавно я прочитала очень интересную статью о том, как технологии меняют……
На прошлой неделе на сайте Film Annex Capital Partners было объявлено, что Citadel of New……
نیوی کپتان اورمصنف افغان ضرب المثل کی کولیکشن کےلئے لوگوں کوتیارکررہی……
ٹیم ورک ایک ایسی سیمنٹ کی مانند ہے جومختلف دماغوں کی مجموعی ذہانت کوآپس……
انڈونیشیاء Indonesia دنیا کاچوتھا بڑاگنجان آباد ملک ہےـ 238 لوگ Archipelago مجمع……
KANYE AND KIM’S NORTH WEST CAN CHANGE HER DIRECTION Celebrities are always under keen scrutiny and under watchful eye……
تحصیلات یکی از ارکان مهمی زنده گی هر بشر بشمار میرود . و در زنده گی ……
The followings are the weekly activities of the school. In this week the classes divided into groups to solve the students problems.……
In this week manager meeting held with the teachers about the high school examinations and also the educational manager had a meeting……
Film Annex platform is not only interesting for me, but it must be interesting for everybody who surfs it across the world. When one……
The following are the weekly activities of the school. In this week had a celebration in school for Mother's day because the students……
It is was so interesting for me that I saw Fereshteh Frough's interview with Robert Moore the Co-Founder, President, and Managing……
As I watched Fereshteh Frough's interview with an Indian origin who is dean of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management……
Fereshteh Forough فرشتہ فروغ کے ساتھ حالیہ ایک انٹرویو میں انٹرنیٹ……
السيد روبرت مور شريك الموسس و مدير المبيعات لمنظمة مختبر المواقع الانترنتية……
Hello, guys. Today I created my profile on Film Annex, and I am happy to introduce myself to everyone attached to this social media……
Несколько недель назад у Майка Суини, который был аспирантом Корнельского……
Я часто задаюсь вопросом, как бы выглядел мир, если бы не было никаких конфликтов.……
Новый Buzz Score на Film Annex и система разделения доходов (почитайте мою……
Film Annex سائٹ سے اگاہی رکھنے والے افراد سائٹ میں کئی تبدیلیوں سے بھی ضرورواقف……
Internet Media Labs şirketinin kurucularından biri ve aynı zamanda başkanı ve satış yöneticisi olan Robert Moore,……
In a recent video interview with Fereshteh Forough, Robert Moore, the cofounder, president and managing director of sales for……
Long-time users of Film Annex may have noticed a new look to the site in recent weeks. The website got an organizational overhaul,……
Введение: Это вторая часть из двух частей интервью c Мохаммадом Саджидом……
Введение: Мохаммад Саджид Аргандавал является режиссером-документалистом……
Film Annex 降低最低付款金额了,以前为200美元,现在只要达到50美元,用户即可以向我们发送付款请求。……
Film Annex is lowering its minimum payment to its users from $200 to $5. Up to this month, the payments are based on the 50/50……
Когда я начал искать пути распространения своего контента, я наткнулся……
On the road to Afghanistan, Film Annex and Citadel first started with providing internet access to high schools in Herat, Afghanistan.……
In a recent video, Fereshteh Forough from Women’s Annex discusses the use of Internet, blogs, social media, and mobile phones……
The little girl was very shy ……
В понедельник я присутствовала на саммите TheBizDen Business Summit: The Rise of the Chief Listening……
NEWS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Navy Captain and Author Building Army of Afghan Proverb Collectors ……
На этой неделе на платформе Film Annex вышел эксклюзивный релиз веб сериала……
When social media first appeared on the Internet, communication between people changed forever. All of the sudden we could instantly……
Поздравляем Рою Махбуб президента Afghan Citadel Software, включенную журналом……
Роя Махбуб очень удивила меня с самого первого момента как я с ней познакомился……
Если вы являетесь FilmAnnex-ером и читаете это, значит вы уже знаете, как мы работаем.……
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. 238 souls live in this archipelago of over 17,000 islands, which……
Введение: Это четвертая серия Film Annex об Интервью с Нэнси Хэтч Дюпри, американской……
Почему кинопроизводство так важно? И я говорю не о голливудской продукции……
Работа в команде является фундаментом, который содержит в себе гения с……
Менее года назад я начал писать блоги для the Annex Press, на медиа-платформе Film……
Согласно определению Википедии, предпринимательство является актом и……
На этой неделе, я хотел бы поговорить о том, что пришло ко мне вчера. Я был……
Мы продолжаем наш обзор фестивалей весны. Начнем с европейского Независимого……
Расширение прав и возможностей Женщин и онлайн-кинопрокат были основными……
Основываясь на моей последней статье о посещении USAID на прошлой неделе……
I just found out yesterday that my short film distributor, Ouat Media, decided they did not want to take on my latest short film Yellow……
If there is onething that I think is valuable and I’m enjoying to be part of, is absolutely my experience……
Time Magazine just released its annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World, people we admire, people who impress……
New York, NY, April 22, 2013 - Time Magazine just released its annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the……
A pioneer is a person who is among the first to explore an area - geographical or knowledge-based - in which he or she will be leading……
تلويزيون سي بي اس نيوز را امروزه اكثر مردم افغانستان و ديگر كشور هاي……
من هيچگاه تلويزيون سي بي اس نيوز را تماشا نكرده بودم. چون من در افغانستان……
Corruption is a big challenge Afghan people suffer. The existence of corruption is ratified by both Afghan government and International……
Afghanistan is a country which has experienced more than 3 decades of wars. Therefore, they could not do much innovation in different……
There are lots of new media have been created in Afghanistan by Afghan and international businessmen. For example, Film Annex , Facebook,……
Afghan women consist half of the society. Since they have received freedom, they could have had great improvement in all social fields.……
As TIME has already presented its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, Roya Mahboob an Afghan girl has been……
I want to start this blog from a small intro. I live in Manhattan (Upper East Side) on the first floor and I could not help hearing……
Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Oil - which accounts for more than 95% of all exports and……
This week was a game changer in my business of film production. We had a meeting with Francesco Rulli, Alexey Levchenko, Roya Mahboob……
Afghanistan education system is new and fledgling. Afghanistan education system was absolutely destroyed when Taliban was on power.……
Papua New Guinea is a country that occupies half of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. One of the last territories……
Last week, one of Film Annex's editors, Semyon Maltsev, blogged about online film production and how it will shape the future of the……
Well, hello there my fellow filmmaker. I see you're curious about finding a different kind of online film distribution website to……
Why is film production so important? And I am not talking about Hollywood productions now. I would like to talk about online film……
Well, yesterday I finished, turned in and got paid for the illustrations for the Christian children's book, "A Wren Named Ben". The……
Afghanistan is an Islamic republic country with an ancient history of law. I don't know much about Afghanistan government system……
Today, I was browsing several websites and I read a very inspiring and interesting news about Angelina Jolie, an American actress……
Teamwork is the cement that keeps together the individualistic genius of multiple brains. Unanimously defined as "work done by several……
According to Wikipedia's definition, Entrepreneurship is the act and art of being an entrepreneur or one who undertakes innovations……
This week, I would like to talk about an idea that came to me yesterday. I was inspired by Thomas Courtney. He sent me a link to some……
Last week, Roya Mahboob was in Dubai celebrating the Persian New Year. At the same time, I was travelling to D.C. with Fereshteh……
Through history many cultures have invented and implemented different methods to prevent women from having premarital intercourse……
FA: Can you please tell us about yourself and your background? WB: A high energy, fiscally conscious, and goal-driven Real Estate……
Good afternoon Film Annex-ers. I've got my 7/11 coffee (hey 7/11 you should sponsor me) and fresh donuts on one side of……
Creating, developing and managing businesses give birth to the global economy. It's because of those three essential bricks - repeating……
How to write a blog and get paid:Blogging or writing blogs start where that a person to be dominate in English language and especially……
Models WebTV along with the Film Annex Network, the online film distribution platform, have a very exciting opportunity……
Website for making money: ……
Last Friday was March 8, which was International Women's Day. This week's 60 Minutes program was about one the most powerful women……
Russian Annex started to work with one of the Top Russian Filmmakers – Oleg Kuvaev. Oleg Kuvaev was born on February……
Over the past two weeks I had a very enlightening look into the corporate world, and the lack of innovation it creates by having a……
Добрый день дорогие читатели. Этот блог посвящен новому видео-каналу платформы……
This Friday is a special day. Today is the International Women's Day, a day that is the result of struggles and sacrifices of women……
The AFC Challenge Cup is an international football competition for Asian Football Confederation (AFC) member countries that are categorized……
Now that Sundance and the Oscars have passed, it is now time for SXSW to kick off, followed soon by the Tribeca Film Festival. SXSW……
Recently, the Russian language was added to Film Annex platform in order to attract more and more film directors and viewers around……
What happened at Film Annex last week? New filmmakers on Film Annex and Eren's Picks Miguel Angel Font Bisier and Elissa Bogos have……
International Women's Day originally came from International Working Women's Day, which is on March 8, when many women started their……
Доброго времени суток, друзья. Началась новая неделя и началась неплохо.……
Afghan Software Citadel Company is a company for those who would like to both earn money and and increase their education capacity.……
It was Sunday night, February 24, and I was waiting to watch the Academy Awards or Oscars. I was extremely excited about Buzkashi……
This is one of the basic ability in society that people have a good self confidence ' because our society needs to improve. When our……
FAMUSICTV made its step forward. New blogger joined our team. Let us bring Ivan K to your attention. The quantity of FAMUSICTV representatives……
This week is Social Media Week in NYC. A lot of people from different industries and organizations are participating in this event……
Если вы постоянный посетитель на Film Annex, то Вы наверняка слышали о том, что……
В последнее время мы заостряем внимание на том, чтобы делиться своим контентом……
В последнее время, беседы с рекламными сетями, производство фильмов и написание……
Ключом к расширению прав и возможностей женщин является предоставление……
Кадр из фильма «Блинчики Джонa Уайта» Всякий раз, когда я говорю об……
В развивающихся странах, особенно в Афганистане, люди привыкли носить с……
Афгано- Американская конференция Торговой Палаты, организованная АМР США……
Для большинства американцев, умение управлять электронными финансами……
Women's Annex Обеспечивает женщин в странах Южной и Центральной Азии В недавнем……
Роя Махбуб обсуждает Цифровые Медиа, расширение прав и возможностей женщин……
Видение Film Annex - «Никакой политики, только интернет" ставит отдельного……
На этой неделе представители прессы и СМИ связались с Film Annex и выразили……
Джастин Бибер – подросток, певец и социальный гуру СМИ. В 18 лет, он является……
На сайте Film Annex более 40 миллионов зрителей в месяц. Это демографическая……
Каждая страна, начиная с Афганистана, имеет 4 основных сектора, в которых……
Благодаря проекту развития афганистана, на сегодняшний день в Герате, в……
Устойчивая социальная ответственность, благотворительность, образование ……
Email сообщения умерли? В последние несколько недель, этот вопрос находился……
Существуют различные представления о мире. Традиционно, оно определяется……
В Афганистане, писатели и ученые зарабатывают около $ 100 в месяц, в то время……
د ښځو توانمندی د دوی د انترنتی تولیداتو په کنترولو کیږی، لکه فلمونه او داسی……
Вчера мы запустили новый проект Women's Annex, интернет-платформа, которая способствует……
В течение последних двух лет, компанией Film Annex были распределены 1,5 миллиона……
"Women working in film and animation are intelligent, technically precise, capable and hard working. Furthermore, I've had the privilege……
Said Dib has worked in Fashion, Textile and Garment manufacturing for many years. Below is an interview of him about Fashion in Afghanistan,……
Я живу в городе, где небо сменяют тучи, облака сменяют туман. Где после солнечного……
I never thought that Afghanistan situation would change one day, especially for women. I am happy to see that Afghan women go to schools,……
Animation is a hard thing to get right. It requires a lot of work and effort on the part of anyone who undertakes it. Stop motion……
There was a time when successful companies held lavish parties. Executives flew in first class, wore Gold Rolex and drove European……
I have started my week with a great news from Afghanistan. Afghanistan National Institute of Music has a tour in the USA and on February……
"Animation is the illusion of life and I really believe that animation would be a great tool to teach kids in Afghanistan to be creative,……
Julian White is the Managing Director at AdMetrics Media, a Digital Media Company with a global reach. It enables Advertisers and……
د افغان پرمختیایی پروژو نه مننه، نن په هرات کی ۵ ښوونځیو کی تر ۲۰۰۰۰ ډیر……
"Wadjda is the first film that was entirely filmed within Saudi Arabia, by that country’s first female director." Haifaa al-Mansour……
"I think filmmaking and social media can break down a lot of barriers and clear up a lot of misconceptions quite quickly." Lisa Stock……
Alison Wistner is a Director at Mercato Partners, a growth capital fund investing in high growth technology and branded consumer companies. ……
"If you are good at your job, it doesn't matter what gender you are. I believe that the best person, whether they are female or male,……
For me this week was all about women and their activities. I read several articles about Women Empowerment specially in developing……
Introduction: This is the second in a four-part series of Film Annex interviews with Nancy Hatch Dupree, the American expatriate,……
It has taken decades for fashion to become a new, alert and dynamic field that can be exploited in a film. Nowadays, fashion and film……
Sharing on social media is no longer just a trend; it has become a lifestyle that creates communities of thousands or millions of……
Friday, January 25, 2013. My week recap. Shooting Jobs: 1. Today was a big shooting for Cupcake Digital. We welcomed guests from……
First of all want to congratulate Film Annex team with launching their new online platform "Women's Annex". Women's Annex promotes……
Meeting a successful female entrepreneur doesn't sound like anything out of the ordinary, but when this person comes from a country……
Spending your Friday night just like you spent it the week before, and the week before that isn’t having any positive change……
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls… What I am about to introduce to you is an opportunity to witness a group of talented……
There is a large event coming up February 8th, in downtown lower east Manhattan! Film Annex Music TV presents: FKBAND, the new Russian-American……
If you have some time to elapse, or want to hang out with friends and not turn your time into waste material, then you will enjoy……
Gender discrimination is a reality across the globe. The western world prides itself that equal rights and opportunities are being……
Привет мальчики, девочки, дяди и тети. Неважно, где вы родились и где живете..……
The New Genre will be presented in New York City. How many songs do we hear on a daily basis? Most songs share many common characteristics.……
“Oppan Gangnum style” Sound Familiar? This one phrase became known INTERNATIONALLY within months; especially in the US.……
Today marks the end of Sundance Film Festival's first half. The good news is that there are 5 more days of fun and movie-watching……
Andy Parker, an independent filmmaker based in West London, has a passion for visuals and loves to tell stories through imagery. His……
Manny the Movie Guy is a multi-Emmy award-winning film critic who has always had a passion for movies. His love of film criticism……
Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years. Many of them are now making their way around……
Thanks Lance Armstrong, you made us an incredibly big favor! Yesterday, my dear friend and Annex Press contributor Giacomo Cresti……
This week I worked on several blogs. First for the Filmmakers on Social Media blog series. I interviewed Sorcha Anglim, a female filmmaker……
January 18, 2013. Here is my week recap. Shooting jobs: 1. New episode of "An Afghan Perspective on CBS' 60 minutes", where Fereshteh……
I make it a habit to skim the news whenever I open my web browser. Today I headed over to Film Annex's The Annex Press where I became……
Music is the most powerful weapon ever! Each era, each country, each community has its own musical leader, its own musical……
If I had a word for this week at Film Annex it would be Women. But of course, why would we reduce it to a single week?... We launched……
Its Friday, January 11th, 2013. Shooting jobs: 1. Interview with Dr. Augustine Y. Cheung, Chairman and CEO of Medifocus, Inc. Medifocus……
New York, NY, January 10, 2013 – Film Annex has launched as a self-sustaining digital platform and ecosystem……
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen. Here are 6 new FAMusicTV artists with their independent videos. Let’s see what we have. ***……
time is really valuable for all human beings. Since arrange all our duties depend on time management, and in case of having good discipline……
Hi everyone. I just came from LA, full of emotions and full of energy. Want to explain everything to you, my young readers J First……
I just gave Jon Pastor access to the keywords list for the Film Annex and the MTI USA Inc. teams. It's my interest to drill down through……
As a recently posted trailer suggests, the Midland Gliding Club - Wenlock Olympian Games 2012 DVD is completed and available to purchase.……
December 28, 2012 There was no shooting on this week, only editing and here is what I've done: 1. Christine Norrie – Creative……
FAMusicTV – has turned one month. The end of the world is over, the organization of first FAMusicTV live show is in full swing……
Large number ofinnocent children in Afghanistan instead of going schools, instead of childish hobbies they are looking for a morsel……
December 19th, 2012, 5:00 PM... This is 1st FK BAND and JERRRA BLUES Rehearsal: The bands should be fully prepared. They will perform……
Прошедшая неделя была очень разнообразной. Каждый день на официальной странице в FB,……
This pAst week was incredibly amazing. Every day on our FB, Twitter, and Tumblr pages we presented video works of different artists.……
Today is December 14,2012 and here is my week recap. (shooting Susan Miller) The week began with a lot of shootings. Monday we……
Всем привет! Еще один блог на русском языке. Сегодня героем и объектом для……
This week, I continued my blog series Filmmakers on Social Media with the interview of Mark Kuczewski. The blogs are meant to highlight……
Today I want to touch a very sensitive and holy topic. I want to discourse about love. L.O.V.E. - how amazing those feelings. You……
December 13, 2012… 8:24 PM… What’s going on?!! The new FAMusicTV video from Midnight Spin Band is hilarious! ……
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Do you want to find something fresh? Original? Independent? Spectacular? To watch??? The right……
Hi there and Welcome to the Film Annex Music TV (FAMusicTV). Hope the time you spent the last week was amazing. Today, as a……
A few days ago, I came across an infographic about online videos (Thanks Semyon!). Given what Film Annex does, it was very interesting……
The past week has been fully dedicated to the web promotion of the "Dolphin" band, a multifaceted team with quite an impressive history……
The Afghan American Chamber of Commerce Matchmaking conference hosted by USAid and the State Department in Washington DC this week……
I know I have spoken a lot about the possibilities and capabilities social media has to offer, but the shift of business to a virtual……
Today is Friday, November 30, 2012, and I am looking back on my week. Monday, we shot interview with Al Shefsky, president of Pele……
Overall, I know I have explained how excited I am to be a part of Building Schools in Afghanistan, and talking about Central and South……
I have been in sales all my life. I love the interaction with people and the challenge to close a deal. But the key to success is……
Today is Friday,November 2, 2012. I am looking back what happened on the past week.Of course the biggest thing is Hurricane Sandy……
Let's look at the world from the prospective of a teenage girl from Afghanistan. She is in a high school in Herat where we just installed……
Social media is a new world. In Hollywood, it would be called a Matrix. You might be sitting in a train as I am right now, heading……
In Afghanistan, writers and scholars can be paid as low as $100 per month, while here at Film Annex we pay a blogger up to $100 for……
As I was working on one of my MBA applications, i was asked to express my views through a video. It has been a big learning process……
New York, NY, October 25, 2012 - Film Annex announces the launch of Target Marketing Annex, a real-time target marketing……
There are different concepts of the world. Traditionally, it's defined by geographic borders. Another concept sees it as the world……
Do you want to increase your revenues and exposure? If your answer is yes, then you need to increase your BuzzScore Perhaps……
Film Annex Founder/President, Francesco Rulli, has been invited to attend the 17th annual Business Day Conference as a keynote speaker……
To summarize last week, it comes down to ping pong. Yes that's right our studios new ping pong table has caused me the most psychological……
I love football. As a Wisconsinite, and a Madisonian, it sort of comes with the territory. On any given Saturday in the fall, I can't……
Emily Soto, who's star has been rising as an international fashion, celebrity and lifestyle photographer and creator of Fashion……
Though our studio has had a tricked out Zacuto Support Rig at the ready a few feet behind me, only recently had I the pleasure of……
Bu blogun orijinali İngilizce olarak Blogging on Film Annex başlığıyla yayınlanmıştır. This is the Turkish translation……
NEW YORK, NY, August 13, 2012 - Film Annex, online film promotion and distribution company, announced that it has opened its blogging……
Just as American women marched for women's suffrage in the 1910s, the women of Afghanistan continue to fight for their equal rights……
As the title suggests, The Wenlock Olympian Gliding Games is all shot and overall I'm pleased with what was filmed, especially……
CITADEL of New York was formed by three partners: Roya Mahboob, CEO of Afghan CITADEL Software Company, Film Annex and Film Annex……
This is the Russian translation of a previously posted blog called Filmmaking on Film Annex. Film Annex награждает……
It's been a long time coming, but on the 13th July, I head back up to The Midland Gliding Club to shoot a film for them. The last……
Let me introduce you to the Film Annex Afghan Business Incubator, a program developed from Film Annex's Afghan Development……
Recently We received footage from Afghanistan where Elaha Mahboob, a web designer manager and software developer at Citadel Software……
I don't know about you, but after I published last week's article, I was still intrigued about this whole “incubator and technology……
Linking social and digital media to building schools in Afghanistan is my priority. Using Film Annex's business model to support……
Film Annex and partner Citadel Software Company are building Internet classrooms in Afghanistan. The goal is to build classrooms in……
Your Buzz is a very personal matter, an intimate consideration of where you are and how far you can go. In our mind, we think people……
Eight months ago, if you had asked me about what I knew about Afghanistan, I would have said something about the war on terrorism.……
Question: Why are you building schools in Afghanistan and financing the construction of INTERNET classrooms? Answer: I want to……
The subject of the struggles of receiving an education for the women and youth of Afghanistan has been a frequent topic in……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی ). What’s your BuzzScore? The Film Annex BuzzScore is a tool that measures the……
Read this post in Dari/Farsi (دری / فارسی ). Read this post in Russian (Читайте этот блог на русском……
Film Annex rewards all filmmakers with advertising revenues generated on their Web TV channels. The revenues are based on a scoring……
All writers on Film Annex are compensated based on their BuzzScores. The BuzzScore of a writer who is part of The Annex Press is higher……
Each one of us would agree that building a school is a noble deed especially in a country like Afghanistan where education is the……
Recently, I read a WSJ article about how Hollywood producers create WebTV shows. Starting in October 2011, Google (YouTube)……
You and I are both already aware of how involved Film Annex is in all things Afghanistan: helping veterans reassimilate as entrepreneurs,……
Social Media is a fairly generic term related to sharing platforms like Film Annex and Facebook, as well as technologies, algorithms,……
Ambassador Mo Sacirbey with Muhammad Ali at the UN Film Annex is investing in Afghanistan's educational system by building Internet……
For the fourth segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Devin Yeager, the Chief……
For the third segment in our series of interviews with Digital Media thought leaders, we talked to Ryan Gombeski, the Director of……
Ashley Paczolt, the Manager of Ad Operations at Altitude Digital Partners, told us what she thinks about the recent Film Annex initiatives……
Source: Variety Variety reports that Guy Pearce would play Dr. Aldrich Killian in the Shane Black film. In the comics, Killian……
We recently interviewed Daniel Yomtobian, the Founder and CEO of about the recent Film Annex initiatives in Afghanistan.……
If you have a facebook account, Klout and other social networks can monitor your Social networking reach and influence, but what is……
Building schools in Afghanistan has been a serious topic for the last ten years. The book, Three Cups of Tea, has been a revealing……
现在Film Annex提供无广告的订购服务,您可以尽情地观看所有您最喜爱的独立电影,享受无中断的观赏模式!每个月$3.99美元,您可以享受无广告的观赏模式,尽情地观看我们的精选电影、短片、纪录片、动画、采访、等等许多影片。《立刻开始一周的免费试用体验》……
My patience with politics and money is always very easily tried the older and more educated I become. The more Afghanistan blog……
Last week Frank Abagnale delivered a speech at SXSW. Frank Abagnale inspired the movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio……
Entrepreneurship is a long and difficult word to spell, is this the reason why people find it so frighting?Every person has an idea,……
Part1 请参阅这里。这个重要的问题:在经过15年以进出口业务为基础的经济发展后,中国政府是否准备好推动其国内市场,并使之成为其经济的发动机?对于2012年,我们的策略是寻找可行的替代方案:我们正要开始与墨西哥的合作关系,生产制造牛仔布。由于墨西哥的货币正在贬值,因此越来越具有竞争力。另一个中等/高等的替代选择,是重新推出的“Made……
What are the keywords that best define who you are on an online search today? What are the keywords that are within your reach in……
I know firsthand how military experience carries over into civilian business skills. At my last job, I had the great privilege……
开端;The Beginning2007年,我们决定开始对美国市场启动完整包的服务(full package service)。对我们的时装客户,我们的概念是一站式服务(one-stop-shop),品质和设计的重视大于价格和利润。可以达到我们追求的目标的唯一的地方是中国。原因有:他们的价格仍然具有竞争力。许多欧洲人,日本人和韩国人已经开始与中国人合作,教导他们关于他们的品质标准和需求。中国的基础是进出口业务,而且他们有潜力制造高品质的产品。第一次的中国之行,我去到了北京,由于语言的障碍,强固的国家意识,当然还有,文化的差异,对我来说真是充满了挑战性。中国文化是世界上最古老的一个文化,无论在上个世纪发生了什么事,中国人仍然维持,并遵循他们特有的文化传统。关键字是Guanxi,中文的意思是“关系”(relationship),……
The more my mentor's of Filmannex (G.I.V.E.) me the tools I need for online moneymaking ways, the……
Growing up in East New York was interesting. I lived in a building with many war veterans. Majority of them were well into their 70s.……
Film Annex Jungle is our new platform that takes Social Media Strategies to a new level. This article at M/C/C covers alot of groud……
Ramblings- We thought it might be neat to let you see the screenplays for our webseries. We'll give it a try with No Jackson……
China’s Premiere Entertainment News Program Becomes A Breakout Hit With Mandarin-Speaking Audiences Around The Globe 中国黄金档娱乐新闻节目在全球华人中引起巨大反响……
电影业的好兆头,2011年在圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica)美国电影市场(The American Film Market (AFM)成功的举行。AFM是一个首位的全球电影市场,将好莱坞的决策者和潮流先锋都聚集在一起。与电影节不同,AFM是一个生产和分销的交易市场。在短短的8天,有超过$……
CNY是Chinese New Year的简写,也就是中国新年。 中国农历新年为东西方带来了一定的财富。如今,在世界各地都欢腾庆祝中国新年的几个原因:……
I just finished reading a post on the Fast Company Design website titled, 'If You Want Change Agents Hire Pirates', which is an excerpt……
Mauricio Vargas made $1,900 without even having his Web TV or any of his movies featured on Film Annex's homepage. How did he do it?……