My first message to the world

Hi my name is Joshua. I made this page to share our thoughts to make this planet we live on a better place for are self's,our……
Hi my name is Joshua. I made this page to share our thoughts to make this planet we live on a better place for are self's,our……
Hello my name is Joshua. i am here to share every ones thoughts around this planet to make it a better place for our kids……
HELLO <<< World >>>Any one notice some weird thing going on bitlander website……
is a term reffered to vulnerable group of identites who are BOSS in there view, but anonymous in sight of others. Basically this site……
An Anonymous Blogger Tells AllThe unknown waiter behind the blog Waiter Rant shares tips on how to keep your identity a secret onlineBy……
As we all know bitlanders is a social gaming where you are rewarded of your posting, sharing, connecting,……
It’s weird how I keep thinking you’re gonna come back from the hospital and run to me and say you love me but then it……
I have a brain to think of you. Eyes to look at you. Heart to love you. Hands to comfort you. Toes to walk with you. Mouth to say……
Missing someone is not about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you have talked…it is……
A thousand words couldn’t bring you back… I know this because I tried, neither could a thousand tears… I know……
We need to hack the system Look at this video, don't forget. #anonymous #activism #hacktivism
If you have read about the Tor Network and the Introduction to Bitcoins, then you’ve probably heard about this underground……
This has got to go! Poverty is artificial, we have plenty of resources for everyone. You were born into a giant Ponzi scheme and no……
Anonymous has just struck a massive blow against ISIS recruiting efforts. Hacktivists recently took control of dozens of Twitter and……
Do you ever wonder how we begin to perceive a particular group of people in our society and those outside our physical realities in……
Đã có 5 lần tiếp tế thức ăn gồm sữa, cháo vào cho các nạn nhân bị kẹt……
You only need a nickname and a password with the anonymous registration In the era of social media and with the increasing……
Malware Campaign That Went Undetected For 12 YearsSee More :
SNMP-Based DDoS Attack Spoofs Google Public DNS Server See More :
A journey through a family's life, living in the streets of São Paulo, facing the consequences of the FIFA Soccer World Cup's……
Just editing my latest music video for a great band called Thoughtforms. and I have realised that i keep doing music videos in forests!……
Arts from music to film to canvas to authorship defines the rise of the “Diplomat-Artist,” but for most part the……
“Anonymous” is supporting the Syrian opposition. The significance goes beyond the logistics and other functional support that……